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Tzuyu: Relax...i just tug shasha on her bed...

Sana: Oh god thank you i thought i might lost her...

Tzuyu: I'm sorry i forgot to tell you but shasha is sleeping

Tzuyu: I'm sorry i forgot to tell you but shasha is sleeping

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Sana: Awwww she's so cute..

Tzuyu: Yeah i bought her new toy..

Sana: Thank you tzuyu ah...

Tzuyu: Okay i'll just go home now...

Sana: No no stay here..it's late already...

Tzuyu: Uhmm are you okay with that...i mean i don't want to make you and dahyun uncomfortable..

Sana: No it's okay she'll understand it..

Tzuyu: Oh okay i'll just sleep on the couch sooo goodnight...

Sana: Uhm goodnight *Turn off the lights* 'Why i feel like something bad gonna happen..'


Tzuyu woke up because she feel something heavy on her body and she saw shasha is sleeping on top of her..

Tzuyu: Awww she's cute...i better get going..but before that let me feed shasha first and cook breakfast for them..

To sana..

Thank you for letting me stay yesterday..i left breakfast for two of you of course i feed shasha too...so eat well..thanks again....so uhm i'll get going...see you when i see you..bye


Sana woke up from her sleep cause shasha licking her face..She look at dahyun who still sleeping peacefully...she went downstairs just to see tzuyu but unfortunately the latter went home already....sana left a sigh cause she miss the latter already...sana saw the sticky note on the fridge and read it...

Anything for you tzuyu ah...see you when i see you again..i miss you already..i know it's weird but i don't know why i miss you..

She went upstairs to wake dahyun up to eat breakfast together...when they were eating..sana receive a phone call from chaeyoung..

Unnie do you hear a news

No what news...

It's about tzuyu...go check it up now...

What happened to her..

Just check it..

Sana check her phone and there...an article about tzuyu were involve in accident when she was crossing the street..unfortunately tzuyu cannot be save anymore because of the accident..without her knowing..tears start to fall..

"Babe why are you crying..is something alright.."

"I should have woke up early...so i can stop her from going back home..no wonder my instinct telling me that there will be something bad gonna happen..now i lost her dahyun ah..."

"Shhh it's okay...it's okay...we can't predict anything..maybe the god love her so much that's why she had to leave first..."

"I'm gonna miss her...shasha must miss her so bad...."

"It's okay...she will be happy up there...she will be...and i'm gonna miss her too.."

"Me too...and i love her"

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