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During vlive (i don't know wether it's Sana or Nayeon voice..it's confusing)

Tzuyu: *Sigh* It would be best if unnies are here...ooo Nayeon unnie call me.

Nayeon: Tzuyu~ah

Tzuyu: Yeoboseyo who is this

Nayeon: Your fan~

Tzuyu: Who

Nayeon: Eh *Laugh* It's your favourite person in the world

Tzuyu: Sana unnie

Nayeon: Eh Tzuyu~ah i'm really really really your biggest fan you know that and right now your favourite person are busy with her schedules so don't worry she'll greet you later

Tzuyu: Oh bunny unnie thank you unnie

Nayeon: Omo our maknae are getting bigger

Tzuyu: Unnie

Nayeon: But you're still our baby maknae

Tzuyu: Unnie aren't you gonna come here

Nayeon: Mianhae Tzuyu~ah..unnie have tight schedule..


Nayeon: You're too loud Jeong

Chaeyoung: Chingu~ happy birthday, i'm sorry i can't come there be with you might as  well as Dahyunnie..mianhae but don't worry..we already bought some gifts for you at our dorm

Tzuyu: It's okay unnie and thank you😆

Nayeon: Tzu..we gotta go once again we're very sorry

Tzuyu: It's okay unnie see you tomorrow

Nayeon: See you tomorrow Tzuyu~ah

After vlive

Tzuyu: Oppa thank you for all of this

Manager: It's not a big problem Tzuyu~ah..you're our artist and it's our job to look after youu all

Tzuyu: Oppa let's go home it's been a long day and i need to sleep early for tomorrow

Manager: Alright

At School Meal Club dorm

Tzuyu: I guess Dahyunnie and Chaeyoungie still not here *goes to her room* S-sana..what are you doing here..i thought you're working

Sana: I took a day off and move my schedule.

Tzuyu: Where is Dahyunnie and Chaeyoungie

Sana: They're still at work and they let me stay here so it's just only us..anyway i'm sorry i didn't greet you earlier and come at your vlive earlier

Tzuyu: It's okay Sana

Sana: I miss you *hug her*

Tzuyu: It just a day🤣

Sana: Feel like a year to me, today i wanna spend time with you since it is your birthday..and oh i've some gifts for you..it's a couple bracelet..

Tzuyu: It's cute and your name carve on it

Sana: I've your name on it so people know who are we belong to

Tzuyu: Sana..for me you're already a gift..a big gits that i'll treasure everyday..being with you make me feel like home..i miss you being with you

Sana: Me too Chewy~ah and i'm glad that our company and friends support us

Tzuyu: Support or not i'll not let you go

Sana: Tzuyu~ah😊

Tzuyu: Hmm

Sana: I love you🥰

Tzuyu: I love you too

Sana: Should i post birthday greeting on instagram

Tzuyu: It's up to you

Sana: Maybe not now😆

Tzuyu: We rarely post our selca on instagram you know that

Sana: I know cause Onces might go crazy if we post it and our selca are so special to me so no need...

Tzuyu: Alright do you want cuddle

Sana: I don't think you need to ask cause i can cuddle with you anytime i want

Tzuyu: You're adorable

Sana: I know🥰

Tzuyu: That make me love you more

Sana: Please always love me Tzuyu~ah..hold me until we grow old together

Tzuyu: I promise to love you Sana and i'll not let this soft hands go from me

Sana: I'll promise the same Chewy~ah

Tzuyu: It's been a long day..let's sleep

Sana: Okay good night my Love

Tzuyu: Good night too

- I should publish it yesterday but i can't since i sprained my ankle and i fell asleep so....hehe

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