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As the prom night still continued..Tzuyu already went away to airport with his heavy heart to leave his childhood bestfriend..he know that Sana will be sad cause he didn't even tell her any single information that he's leaving..

Single tears drop on his eyes cause he miss her already, they rarely chat with each other, rarely hang out with each other cause Sana is focusing on his boyfriend..lately Tzuyu didn't had any energy to go to school, no mood to talk or joking around like he always do even his friend tried to cheer him up but no emotion on his face.

He decide to leave the country cause of his parents..he arrive at the airport and step out from the car..

"Son you ready.." Mr. Chou said and Tzuyu just nod his head..

"You sure honey..we know that you love Sana so much are you gonna leave her after what you both had been through" Mrs. Chou said as she concern about her son's feeling..

"I don't know mom..i miss her so much but i know she doesn't need me anymore, she already had boyfriend and what am i supposed to do..all her attention is on her boyfriend and not me or our friends anymore.." Tzuyu broke into tears that make his mom engulf him into a bear hug

"It's okay honey..maybe she's not meant to be with you.."

"Alright 1 hour 30 minutes before our flight..let's get inside" Mr. Chou said while looking at his watch..

"It's okay honey..mom and dad is here with you..always and ever be with you even we're far away from each other" Mrs. Chou wipe his son's tears away..

Meanwhile at prom~~

As a promised Chaeyoung give the flower to Sana who just smile at him

"Well thank you Chaeyoung..it's so nice of you..did you enjoy this prom night.." Sana said while sniffing the flower

"No- i mean yes i really enjoyed it.." Chaeyoung force to smile luckily Dahyun came right on time..

"Well Sana noona did you enjoyed.." Dahyun ask

"Gladly i really enjoyed it anyway where is Tzuyu i haven't see him after the performance.." Sana look around to see if Tzuyu is nearby..

"Uhm noona just give us a minute okay" Chaeyoung said and drag Dahyun with him before Sana could say anything..when they were far enough from Sana they start to talk with their groups...

"Guys we have major problem.." Dahyun said

"Sana is looking for Tzuyu..how are we gonna supposed to answer that" Chaeyoung said while biting his finger..

"Babe stop biting your finger..it's dirty you know" Mina remove Chaeyoung finger away from his mouth..

"As if you both didn't have se- " Before Jeongyeon can finish the words Jihyo cut it

"Enough let's focus on the problem.."

"How about you two change the topic..if she still stubborn to ask where is Tzuyu..tell her why she need to know.." Nayeon said

"It's sound rude to me but okay..we'll try.." Dahyun said

"She doesn't need Tzuyu and now Tzuyu left her..doesn't it sounds good" Nayeon said

"B-but do we really need to do that to her.." Chaeyoung said

"She did that to Tzuyu first right Momo..a little payback won't hurt..beside Tzuyu will left the country.."

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