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Sana: Sorry if i'm late again Tzuyu~ah. My boyfriend's car have problem so i took a cab. Did you wait for too long.

Tzuyu: No it's okay beside i just arrive few minutes ago.

Sana: Thank god *sigh in relief* So why do you call me here.

Tzuyu: I'm here cause i just want to hang out with you for the last time before i go overseas.

Sana: What! Where are you going.

Tzuyu: I've been accepted for the new job that i applied last time.

Sana: When is your flight and what time.

Tzuyu: I supposed to catch my flight today but since we rarely spent our time together so tomorrow will be at 5 in the morning.

Sana: So you'll never going back here.

Tzuyu: If i got my free time then i'll be back here to visit you guys.

Sana: You like to leave me alone huh Tzuyu~ah🥺


Sana: Do you really need to go🥺

Tzuyu: It's my job Sana..it's my dream job.

Sana: So you choose your job over me.

Tzuyu: *Sigh* The others are here Sana.

Sana: But you're not here with me.

Tzuyu: Your boyfriend is also with you.

Sana: But i need you..who is gonna be there if i'm sad..whose gonna comfort me if i'm upset or mentally broke down.

Tzuyu: I told you the others and your boyfriend are there for you.


Tzuyu: Let's talk outside.

Sana: Tzu..you're my best of bestfriend..i've lost my parents and i'm not gonna lose you.

Tzuyu: You're not gonna lose me Sana. You still can come visit me anytime.

Sana: But i'm afraid that you'll forget about me. I'm afraid that you'll have new bestfriend there and you're gonna replace me with your new friends.

Tzuyu: I promise i'll not let anyone replace you Sana. For the last day i'm here with you let's enjoy our day. And sadly i need to go home before evening.

Sana: *Sigh* Okay.

Sana seems not in the mood and she just lowered her head everytime she think of Tzuyu not being here.

Tzuyu: Hey are you okay.

Sana: I'm not *broke into tears*

Tzuyu: Why are you crying.

Sana: I'm gonna miss you so much Tzu. Promise to call me, reply my text and don't forget to visit me okay.

Tzuyu: Don't cry Sana...i promise to do that okay. Stop crying already. How am i suppose gonna leave if you're crying cause of me.

Sana: Then don't leave.

Tzuyu: I can't Sana.

Sana: *Cry more harder*

Tzuyu: Before you went inside..i just want to tell you that...i'm gonna miss you too Sana..you really are my best of bestfriend and i love you more than that Sana.

Sana: Y-you love me.

Tzuyu: Y-yes.

Sana: Y-you gay *shock*

Tzuyu: I'm sorry for having this feeling for you Sana..i'm sorry.

Sana: I thought you're straight that's why i date with my boyfriend *cry again* i didn't know that you love me..

Tzuyu: I'm afraid that you'll feel disgust.

Sana: You pabo..you could have told me about your feeling cause i love you too🥺

Tzuyu: *Sigh* I'm glad..but maybe it's time for me to give up since you have boyfriend already.


Tzuyu: Maybe i can't do that cause i really love you..

Sana: I love you too more than that Tzuyu~ah.

Tzuyu: 😊 But we can't be together for now and you're still not mine.

Sana: W-why🥺

Tzuyu: You're still with your boyfriend and i can't handle long distance relationship. Cause if i do..i'll leave everything behind just for you to be with me.

Sana: 😩😩 I want to be with you Tzuyu~ah *Hug her while bury her face on her neck with tears on it*

Tzuyu: *Rub her back to calm her down*

Sana: I really do want to be with you🥺

Tzuyu: You have boyfriend you know that.

Sana: I can dump him right now.

Tzuyu: Maybe next time okay after you fix everything..you can stay with me in LA.

Sana: I'll promise you that.

Tzuyu: Get inside already..i need to sleep early to catch my flight.

Sana: 🥺🥺

Tzuyu: I think..this is goodbye for now😊see you when you see me😁

Sana: Goodnight Tzuyu~ah🥺

Tzuyu: Goodnight Sana *whisper* baby~

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