Swara turned around and her eyes met with those black orbs. Finding him here, she felt relieved and happy and She just couldn't divert her eyes away from him who was already looking at her. Their eyes were expressing something with the beautiful eyelock. Her hair was floating with wind effect. They were standing just at one hand distance from each other still it felt being so close to each other.
For a minute, he was totally lost into most beautiful pair of eyes but the way she was looking at him was making him feel that she was looking through him. She would read something that he tries to hide, and within a second he diverted his eyes away from her breaking the eyelock.
As Sanskar looked away, Swara also looked down fidgeting her fingers. No, it's not time to get nervous, She thought. That's when she heard him."Hello Ms. Swara." Sanskar said.
She looked up and smiled at him.
"Hi Sanskar." She said.
"Um.. I m sorry I got late." Sanskar said apologetically.
"It's okay Sanskar. You came, that's enough for me." Swara said with smile on her face.
Sanskar's heart melt all over again with her smile.
"You said, you wanted to talk something to me. You can tell now. But before that I want to say something." Sanskar said.
Swara nodded at him to continue. Looking at her, Sanskar felt a bit nervous but he thought to just say it.
"Um.. I m really sorry for rejecting this proposal. I came to know that you had agreed to this marriage but why, I did't understand. Whether it's your own decision or you were forced to take it under any pressure.. (Sigh) Still for me, it's not possible. I can't do it. I m sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me. Marriage is most important decision of life and one must think wisely before taking it. Most importantly there should be mutual understanding. I am sure you will get the best person in your life Ms. Swara because you are very nice." Sanskar said looking at her.
Swara was listening to him calmly and understanding his words. But looking into his eyes, yet again she felt there is something hidden. As Sanskar finishes his words, he said.
"Now you can say what you want to." Sanskar said slowly.
Swara kept looking at him for a few seconds and then just nodded.
"Can we just talk while walking if you don't mind?" Swara asked out of nowhere.
Sanskar who thought she will say something about his apology or may react, was surprised and confused. Still, he nodded at her without any objection.
"After you." Sanskar said with small smile extending his hand to let's walk.
"I will prefer if you walk with me not behind me Sanskar." Swara said with soft smile and takes a step.
Sanskar heard this and felt a meaning behind these words. But he just ignored it and nodded and walked with her.
They were walking slowly in the park looking around. Sanskar was waiting for Swara to say something. Couple of minutes passed in complete silence. He looked at her through corner of his eyes few times. She was looking so beautiful and those hairlocks falling on her face were disturbing his view. Like some cosmic connection, she tucked her hair strands behind her ear which again left him surprised. But then he focused looking straight. That's when he heard her.
"I am very simple girl Sanskar. I find my happiness in small things and what we got in our life. That's what maa and Dad always taught me. They have always done and provided me what's best for me. They let me do what I wanted to do in my life and never imposed their decisions on me. I find myself luckiest to have them. For the first time in my life, they asked me for something. You were my Dad's choice Sanskar and he wanted me to marry you as he thought you are best for me. I could see happiness and expections in his eyes, and I accepted it." Swara said while walking.

Finding My Way To Reach Your Heart ✓
General FictionFor her, He is best and she will be luckiest if he will be her husband. She can accept him with all his flaws. But for him, He is imperfect for her. His disability doesn't make him perfect for her. She was most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She i...