28. A strange feeling

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The journey continued with lots of fun and joy with teasing, games etc. Swara was so happy to be part of all these. She had never experienced all this before in her life. She had only her mom -dad and few friends. That's all. But looking at them, she was overjoyed at what a wonderful feeling this is.
While Sanskar noticed her. The smile never dropped from her face that felt so nice to him. He didn't want anything else for these moments. Her presence and smile was enough.

It was going to be evening. Sanskar woke up as the bus jerked a bit. He opened his eyes. He didn't know when he fell asleep. He looked around and saw everyone were busy in themselves. Uttara and Arav were watching some series in his iPad. While Ragini was reading some book and Laksh was sleeping like a kid stretching himself on back seat.
Looking away from them, He saw the time. It was 5:02 p.m.
He rubbed his eyes then he felt some weight on his right side and turned his face to find Swara, who was resting her head on his shoulder. Her one hand was placed on his right forearm which he couldn't feel. Oh, how he wished he could feel it. A sudden urge raised inside him but he didn't let any negative thoughts cloud his mind. Looking at her beautiful face, he felt her touch and warmth with his heart. His lips curved up into a peaceful smile.

She was sleeping peacefully. Her hair fringes was falling on her face which was only enhancing her beauty. A sleeping beauty, that she was looking right now.

The bus took turn and the evening sun rays fell on her face as the curtain was not blown. This started to disturb her sleep. She tried to hide her face away from sun but couldn't. Her eyebrows furrowed in irritation. Sanskar smiled at her facial expression. He lift his left hand and barrier the sun rays to fall on her eyes. The shadow of his hand fell on her face and her expression turned relaxed. Sanskar moved his hand away a bit to put her hairlock aside but then she again tried to face away from sun. And, this time he saw her gripping his forearm and then she hide her face in his shoulder. His heart skipped a beat as her face was a bit more close to him. Her fragrance was hitting his nostril. His eyes couldn't able to blink or divert away from her. A strange feeling he was experiencing right now. One side a kind of havoc inside him but at the same time a peaceful feeling like a soothing breeze passing by and slightly touching him.

Although he was liking this feeling and this closeness, he thought to blow the curtain and let her sleep peacefully. Without disturbing her sleep, he tried to reach the curtain but his hand didn't reach the window and otherside, he didn't want Swara's sleep to break. Leaning a bit closer toward her, he could finally hold the curtains and blown them. Then he moved back slowly but then only the bus jerked yet again and it disturbed her sleep as she fell on his chest.

Swara blinks a several time and opened her eyes only to meet his, who was looking at her. A nervousness gripped her as soon as she found his face close to her. Her hand was resting on his forearm. Getting into sense, she straightened herself slowly and sit comfortably on her seat looking down. The curtain was blown. He must have done it.

"Oh no!! I slept on his shoulder. Is he angry? But he is looking calm. Still, he must be uncomfortable na? Oh no!! How can I? I don't even remember how I..? Umm.. I should say sorry. Yeah.." she thought.

". I.. I didn't know how I..I.. I am sorry. You must've felt uncomfortable because of me. I.." Swara was saying slowly when he interupted and say.

"Well, I didn't say I was uncomfortable." She heard him saying calmly repeating something that she has said earlier.

She looked up into his eyes surprisingly and he gave a small assuring smile.

"Relax Swara, you don't need to get nervous." He said.

She kept looking at him and he also didn't care to look away. They shared a beautiful eyelock. It felt like time stopped at the moment. It's been a couple of minutes when a voice disturb them

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