"Come on guys, let's go to dance." Riya chirped excitedly.
"Yeah, let's go." Arav said.
Laksh and Ragini nodded and Sanskar was about to say something before that Swara said.
"You guys go. I need some water. I will just come." Swara said. She was feeling very thirsty so thought to get water from the counter.
"You wait Swara, I will get it for..." Sanskar said but Swara interupted.
"No Sanskar, I will get it. Don't worry. The counter is there only. It's ok " Swara said pointing towards he counter that was just few steps away from there.
Sanskar nodded. Swara went from there. Sanskar was looking at her going when he got a call. It was Sujatha.
"It's mom, you guys continue. I will just come." Sanskar said.
"Hmm, I see. What's going on Mr. Maheshwari? One is excusing for water and another one for phone call? What are you both up to do behind us, hmm?" Arav said teasingly raising his eyebrows.
Sanskar look at him like seriously? While others laughs.
"You really need to use your brain a little bit less, Arav. I am going out to take the call." Sanskar said straight avoiding his further teasing and went out of the pub to attend the call.
While the trio chuckled at Arav.
"Anyways, leave these two. Let's go. They will join." Riya said.
Laksh nodded and they went to the dance floor.
....."Excuse me, please get me a glass of water." Swara said sitting on the chair at the counter.
"Regular or mineral water, ma'am?" The Server at the counter said.
"Umm, Mineral." Swara said although she was thirsty so it doesn't matter at all.
"Ok, Just a minute ma'am." The man said.
Swara nodded with small smile. Then she looked behind to see Sanskar was going out talking someone on phone and then the others who approached toward the dance floor. Looking around, she again turned back when she heard a glass placed on the counter near her. It was water. She immediately took it and gulped it.
"Ma'am wait, that...." The server tried to say something but Swara had already drink it.
The very next seconds, she coughed.
"What's this? This taste so weird." Swara said while coughing and feeling weird in her throat.
She knew mineral water taste bitter a bit sometime but this one was utterly different and strange. Actually it tasted really bad to her.
"Actually ma'am, that was Vodka. I was going to say but before that you took it." The bartender said apologetically.
"What? Vodka?" Swara was shocked.
"Yes ma'am, plain Vodka without soda, and your water is here." He said further as a service person came with water and placed on counter.
Swara gulped unbelievably at herself. But the damage was already done as she had gulped whole glass Vodka in one go. How can she be so stupid? She scold herself.
A few minutes later,
Sanskar finished his call and he came inside. He saw others were on the dance floor except Swara. Then his eyes caught Swara, who was coming from the counter and he went toward her. But he found something strange with her and she was walking holding her head with one hand and taking slow steps."Swara?" Sanskar said confusingly.
Swara looked up.
"Huh? Yeah, yes Sanskar?" She asked in different tone. He noticed it.

Finding My Way To Reach Your Heart ✓
Fiction généraleFor her, He is best and she will be luckiest if he will be her husband. She can accept him with all his flaws. But for him, He is imperfect for her. His disability doesn't make him perfect for her. She was most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She i...