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This morning they ate cereal for breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios and Apple Jax. Cam didn't want it to seem like their tension last night had affected her so she tried to make conversation.

"So you live with Aiden, like his roommate?" She asked. She didn't know much more about Daniel to ask about. Obviously his job and or past were both touchy subjects.

He nodded, "Yes." He said simply.

"Well how did you meet? Like in college or?"

"We didn't go to college. I met Aiden when I was about 6. His family took mine in as refugees basically. You could say our property had been taken over. Our situation is unusual that way. I'm his second in command, and normally that would never be allowed to an outsider of the household." He tried to explain. "It'll make more sense later.

Damn, what could they talk about?

"Well tell me about your family then, will I see them today if they live there?"

He shook his head, "I'd hope not."

How nice. What did that mean for her?

"When are we leaving?" She rolled her eyes, he was clearly being short with her.

"As soon as you're done eating." And with that Cam got up and grabbed her things. She was anxious to see Naomi and finally get answers. It also annoyed her Naomi was hiding something from her. She grabbed two bags she had packed of some of the things she knew Naomi would have wanted and Daniel helped load them into the car.

The drive was faster than when she had driven to the house herself. She had kept getting turned around in the woods. The house really felt like it was in the middle of no where, but in a nice serene way. It must be nice to not hear the constant whirr of traffic.

"I'll have someone bring your bags to Naomi's old room, we can go ahead and meet them in the living area." Daniel told her.

When she stepped from the car she watched the groups of people on the lawn, some of them sparring or sitting around watching. Weird.

Daniel guided her to a couch and she took a seat hesitantly. There was no one else here or in the adjoining dining area that she could see. The house was massive, Aiden must be loaded. Good for Naomi she thought. The dining table along she guessed could fit tens of people, like the people outside?

"Cammy!!!" Naomi came running down the stairs and met Cam's arms. "Oh I could smell you coming I'm so glad your back."

"Why do people keep saying things like that?" She asked. Looking into Naomi's face she noticed the bags under her eyes and the paleness of her skin. She hasn't been sleeping well. Her heart dropped that something must be wrong. What kind of situation had she walked into?

Aiden came in next and clasped Daniel's hand, bringing him to his chest. "Glad you are all in one piece Alpha, Griffin gave me the bloody details." Daniel murmured.

"Yes." Aiden frowned, "Naomi was worse off than me but she's healed finally. She will still have some soreness in her ribs because the vampires used their teeth. I have a lot to tell you about, but thank you for watching Cam." He nodded to her.

"I'm not a child. Also care to explain, I've been cooped up with this maniac and I've been promised an explanation." She huffed.

Naomi laughed, "I wanted you to hear it from me. It's hard to believe. Let me start at the beginning." She said.

Aiden took a seat on the opposite couch but Daniel remained standing, he crossed his arms.

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