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warning: some sexual content ahead

Aiden POV

Aiden could tell Naomi felt better once she was zig zagging through the trees, tongue lolling to the side.

He spoke to her through their link, the both of them in their wolf form. "Alright alright love. Soon you'll topple right over if we don't settle down and track our meal."

"You mean the innocent little bunny you are going to kill?"

He huffed, coming to a halt behind her. He nipped at her ear playfully, "A bunny is a snack. We will find a deer, there is a large population in these woods. And you won't be complaining once you are fed."

Aiden showed her how to look for tracks, and how to tread softly. "Wolves corner prey when hunting together, it is a team effort. We chase it if we have to." He barred his teeth, "The best part is the element of surprise, that is when you go for the kill."

Her wolf didn't look pleased, her ears flat on the sides of her head. Aiden helped her distinguish between scents, finding and naming different animal tracks for her to know at least between rabbit, fox, squirrel, and finally deer. "Where does this one lead?"

Naomi began confidently north, clearly thinking about where she stepped and keeping her steps light. After a while the scent turned slightly sour, and she successfully led them to a crowd of blackberry bushes. Before them lay a gutted deer, it's entrails half eaten and pouring from its abdomen. Naomi whined and turned away.

Aiden approached the kill, which was clearly from a wolf judging by the bites. This meant one of his wolves had hunted alone, and had wasted plenty of meat by leaving it here for a few days. Aiden huffed, angered by the distress it caused his kind mate and waste of good food. He sent a command to have a close wolf by the border. Weirdly enough he could not catch a specific scent he recognized.

"I'm sorry Naomi. My people are not supposed to leave things like this. I will have someone take care of it." He nudged her cheek, he could tell she was losing momentum. "I will be back with some food." He set aside some blackberries for her in the meantime.

Aiden promptly returned with another deer, younger than the one they had found but plenty for them both. He had her meet him there.

"Try." He told her, setting a nice sized chunk of meat in front of her.

It took Naomi a moment of sniffing and inspecting before she took a bite, chewing for only a moment before proceeding to gorge herself on deer.

Aiden yipped, wagging his tail happily and eating his full, blood trailing down the fur of their chests.

After they were finished Naomi lay in the grass on her back, "That was exactly what I needed." She looked down at her blood soaked fur. "But now I need a bath."

He chuckled, angling his head for her to follow him. He led her to the very clearing where their wolves had mated, because here was a small river where they could rinse off. They shifted back into their human forms as they neared the water's edge. "Do you remember this place?" His cock twitched at the memory, and he tried to push away all inappropriate thoughts. Naomi was likely still in pain, and he didn't want to pressure her to do anything sexually she might not want to.

"I remember this place yes, but not much else unfortunately." She admitted. He would make up to her everything that she missed. They would have a lifetime for him to make love to her.

He watched her sit at the water's edge on her knees, pooling water in her hands so she didn't have to submerge herself.

The cold didn't bother him, so Aiden waded in quickly, crouching so he could pull himself underneath the slow current and resurfacing, water raining down from his hair and down the skin of his body. The blood came off easily, painting the water a soupy red in its wake. Aiden cupped water and began to rub the blood from his chest and his biceps. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and met eyes with his mate.

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