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Daniel's POV

He'd forgotten how depressing this place was.

The plane ride was short, only an hour and a half and he was back in the shit hole he'd drank and fucked his way through all those years ago.

It wasn't an inherently bad place, and it helped a lot of people. Just like it helped him hit rock bottom so he could stand on new ground again.

So he could find Cameron. So he could do this for her. Protect her. Love her.


This trip to the mountain would be easier this time. Because this time he had her, even if she wasn't here beside him.

The mountain was tucked in between long stretches of snow laden evergreens and treacherous terrain. One would think it was a prison if they didn't know any better. The priestesses lived secluded lives with their disciples, the area only accessible by foot or aircraft. It was meant to help them do whatever the fuck they did to worship the goddess. It was so secretive he didn't even know really what they did all day.

Daniel fastened the dainty gold chain around his wrist after he looped it once so he wouldn't lose it, since it wouldn't fit around his own neck.

One thing that he did remember is that there was not much to do in this place. After shuffling through the foot of snow into the stone temple built into the mountain, Daniel was led down the dimly lit hallways to his room. They did not need much light, since wolves could see so well without it anyway. The same went for central heating as well, wolves ran hot. But it didn't help the haunting chill that creeped up his spine along with the memories of this place.

Hungry, curious eyes followed him to his room, and he kept his gaze steady ahead. He wasn't here for healing, or worship, or pleasure.

The silent disciple finally spoke, stopping at an ancient wolf door that was unmarked like every other.

Daniel looked at the young girl curiously as she followed him inside. The room was bare bones mostly, a post bed draped in furs, a shadowed fireplace with a small couch and table.

The girl perched herself on the arm of the couch, and placed her delicate pale hands on the knees of her grey hooded cloak. She shook the hood back to reveal curling lengths of dark hair. "I hope everything is to your liking Beta. We have been anticipating your arrival." She finally spoke. She sat poised there still and straight backed, like posing for a portrait.

Daniel set his bag on the edge of the bed with a sigh, and turned to her. "I am assuming the high priestess is not willing to meet tonight for the blessing I require?"

She gave him a soft smile, "It is late tonight already, she will see you soon I am sure. One of us will bring you to her when she is ready." She got up finally, taking small steps toward him where he stood by the bed. "I was wondering if you would need any assistance tonight. I was chosen by the priestess herself to accompany you here. It gets cold at nights, as I'm sure you recall."

Daniel crossed his arms, not liking the distance she was closing between them. "I can start a fire. That is all, so you are dismissed. Tell the priestess I will need to see her first thing tomorrow. It is urgent."

The girl must have been in her early 20s, maybe even late teens. He hoped she was here on her own wishes and not because she had lost a mate herself, She was too young for such tragedy. But there was something heavy in her grey eyes.

She reached her arms around his neck, looping her hands together at the nape of his neck, "Not so urgent that..."

Daniel swatted her away, his face wrinkling in disgust. "Do not touch me." Daniel growled lowly, "Get out of my room. Now."

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