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He had warned her hadn't he? But she'd asked for it, begged him for it even. How embarrassing.

"Fucking fuck." She gritted out. It hurt to pee. It hurt to move at all really. She felt swollen and bruised. She would never learn.

Cameron forced herself into a hot shower despite the pain between her legs, and up her torso. She assumed Daniel was at pack breakfast, but she hadn't even checked the time. She felt a lot better once she came back into the room pulling a large t shirt of Daniel's over her head.

The bed had been made, and was covered again in pillows and blankets. Cameron picked the corner of the quit up and rubbed it between her fingers, thinking about her day. She didn't have to work until around lunch time, so she'd have to figure out what to do before then.

"You missed breakfast." Daniel spoke from the doorway. He shut it behind him with a foot, approaching her with a steaming mug and a small plate. He must have had plans for the day, already dressed in a dark purple t-shirt and jeans.

She turned to face him, hands gripping the column of the bedpost behind her as she leaned against it for support as her abdomen cramped." How many times do I have to tell you I don't eat breakfast?"

Daniel handed her the mug carefully, so she wouldn't burn her hands as she took it. She closed her eyes at the pleasant scent of coffee filled her nostrils. "Forever, you will have to tell me forever flower." Her ears grew hot.

Cam took a slow sip and went to crawl back on top of the bed, waiting for the caffeine to fully wake her. Maybe it was unhealthy, but she couldn't function without it.

Daniel took the mug from her and set it on the side table with the fruit and a small pill bottle from his pocket. "I can tell you are hurting." He took her arm and helped her ease up onto the middle of the bed. She scowled at him, she could do it herself. She still cursed the whole way.

"I'm sorry I was rough with you." He said softly, his hands behind his back.

Cameron shook her head, "Don't be sorry. I enjoyed it." She stretched out her legs slowly.

Daniel took a seat on the edge, his legs hanging off the side. He rested his hand on one side of her so he faced her. He had the softest of smiles on his lips. His eyes scanned her face, and his knuckles grazed her thigh as he brought his hand up to cup her face. "Good morning." He looked tired, but she could tell he was clearly happy about something.

"Is it?" She cocked her head, feeling pissy.

Daniel chuckled in surprise and kissed her sweetly. "Well damn."

Cameron pulled him back to her. She met him with long, open-mouthed kisses and licks. Daniel's hand slipped to her waist to pull her closer and she tensed, feeling cramps in her core.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, pulling his hand back and spoke against her ear.

She held onto the back of his neck as he pulled back, studying his blazing blue eyes. "You know I could try to give you some of my blood. See if that would help."

"What?" She asked incredulously.

"Wolves heal faster. A broken bone would take weeks, not months. Small cuts close quickly. Our blood heals us, and those in status have more magic in their blood. It has healing properties for others too." He explains to her, sitting himself up beside her now.

She bit her lip. "Okay." She nodded. "I just drink your blood? Or you put it on my...wounds? Or what?"

Daniel held his arm out to her, and her fingers traced the veins in his arms. "You drink from me."

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