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Naomi didn't curse too much, not like Cam, but she sure did when she entered Cam's room. "Bloody fucking hell Cameron." Naomi pinched her nose. "What did he do to you in here! Your whole apartment reeks."

Cat shrugged, "I don't smell anything." She took a seat on the freshly made bed.

Damn. Cam had even lit a candle. But wolf senses were a weird thing. She grinned at them both. "Oh we did everything." Naomi fake gagged.

Stepping closer Naomi's purple eyes glinted, and she smirked at Cam. "Don't let him bite down too hard Cammy. The consequences might not be what you desire."

Cameron was taken aback. What did that mean? She headed towards the bathroom to glance in the mirror, having been in a rush she hadn't noticed, but sure enough an ugly bruise decorated one side of her neck. She brushed it with her finger, never having seen a hickey that dark in color, like wine. The touch gave her a spark of desire, and she found she enjoyed the pressure she placed on it with her fingers.

Cameron had to splash her face with cold water before she could leave the bathroom composed. She wondered what that was all about. It was definitely a hickey, a mean one, but not a mating mark and not on the collar like Naomi's, who's was more like a discolored scar.

Cameron cleared her throat. "It's just a hickey. But Daniel told me you finished your..." She looked at her sister sitting there. Her pink-streaked hair was pulled up into two little buns. She had to be careful what she said in front of her, she didn't want to bring her into the supernatural world. Even if she did want to tease Naomi. "He says you've been on Aiden like a dog in heat."

Naomi blushed and took a seat next to Kat. "Now I've started my period though so... it's not all rainbows."

"It's not fair. I can't find any decent man or woman around here!" Kat crossed her arms feigning anger.

Cam shook her hand in the air, "At least you can fucking walk!" That made the two girls bust out laughing.

Naomi had discreetly texted Cam beforehand that she had told Kat they were going to a barmitzvah and Aiden's family was rich and Jewish or something like that. That helped explain the party part. Weird cover though.

Cat was also dressed for cold weather in her hot pink puffer and uggs, but Naomi was only in a lightweight cream flowy top and her brown converse. Wolves ran hot.

Cam grabbed a big black pea coat that buttoned in the front and some gloves before they all piled in to Naomi's car. Naomi had a cute mint colored beetle, and Cam tried not to giggle imagining big ole alpha Aiden climbing in here. While they drove downtown Cam filled them mostly in on the interviews from yesterday, shifting uncomfortably every now and then on her seat. She explained that she hoped she was hired on at the Latin bar even though Daniel's "friends seemed nice". She found there was so much she couldn't say with her sister there, having to pause to think about how to phrase things. Her sister was very good at reading people and was afraid she would catch on, but for some reason she didn't say anything.

Cat did beg Cam to tell her all about how Daniel was in the bedroom, and Naomi fake gagged. Cat squealed in delight, "I knew you'd fall for him Cam, I just knew you'd come around! You said he had a sister?" Cat's hoop earrings bobbed as she talked.

Cam cocked her head to one side, "Yes but, I haven't met her yet. Daniel says she doesn't really approve of the girls he chooses to date. She wants to keep the bloodline pure."

"Only Jews?" Cat asked innocently, and Cam noticed Naomi choke down her water she had been drinking.

"Uh yeah. Jews."

Cat wagged her finger, "She doesn't know what's coming honey, wait till she gets some chamoy on her falafel."

Naomi fully spit takes now, spraying water all over the windshield. Cam laughed so hard she could pee.

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