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Naomi groaned at the noise Aiden was making in the room. Pulling the soft linens up over her head she curled up into a fetal position.

Aiden chuckled, "I let you sleep a little bit love but we have to leave soon, I want to leave before Harvest Moon has their breakfast."

"Whyyyy." She complained and sat up finally, the covers falling down to her waist.

Aiden sat next to her and set a bowl of oatmeal on the bedside for her, and her stomach growled in protest. After yesterday she was going to need a lot more than a small bowl.

He brushed her messy hair back and smiled at her brightly, "I don't want the pack to suspect anything. We will tell them you are not well and we appreciated Gweyn's help but we have a pack emergency at home. For one, look at your gorgeous eyes."

Naomi made a face, "My eyes?" What did that have to do with anything?

She started to get up and could still feel the heavy pull of exhaustion in her limbs. Those few hours she slept was the only peaceful sleep she had gotten in a while.

Aiden wrapped an arm around her back to help her up and wrapped her in a nice robe. "Come look in the mirror." He led her by the hand into their little bathroom and she jumped at her reflection.

He was right about what he said last night, her skin did have a nice glow despite how sleep-deprived she was. But her eyes! They were a nice purple, not her normal hazel.

"Wha-is this okay? Do wolves eyes change color?" Naomi hugged her arm around her waist. Shaking her head hard she looked and they were still there, looking back at her.

Aiden pulled her close to his chest and nuzzled her cheek affectionately, "I love them babe don't worry, I don't think it's anything bad. They say purple represents magic, maybe Gweyn was onto something about ancient magic in your blood." He turned her around gently so she would face him and kissed her lightly, "Do you feel okay though? Did I hurt you at all? Or do you feel different?"

Naomi shook her head and gave him a shy smile, "I'm just tired, a little sore. I just want a big meal and to go back." Aiden smiled in return and it made her feel all warm inside.

He pulled her robe to the side some to look at her mark, fresh and red like his that peeked out from his collar. Bending down he kissed it sweetly, and it shot a feeling of desire through her.

Naomi ran her hands in his hair as he kissed her neck, feeling her body grow flushed. He caught her as she slipped from where she was leaning up against the sink and chuckled, "Sorry. Let's get you something to eat I can hear your stomach growling."

Now she was growling, she liked how he was making her feel, although she did feel light headed. She sat in bed and ate up her oatmeal as Aiden plopped their bags onto the bed and finished packing their things.

"Already packed, that way we could leave before 6am to be safe. And you can wear my glasses on the way out." He put on his ray bans and lowered them to look at her, so she whistled.

He was dressed nice like he usually did, a button up and dress pants. Maybe it was an alpha thing to always look professional and composed. He had also laid out for her comfortable clothes for the way back, some leggings and a hoodie of his. "I want you to reek of me." He grinned devilishly and it made her squirm some.

Wolves were very protective and took a lot of pride in their mates, and she liked where it seemed their path was heading. She was a little anxious thinking about what her role as a Luna would be but tried to focus more on getting ready to leave. She finger brushed through her curls and pulled them back, and after changing she followed Aiden out to the car. He insisted on carrying their bags, ever the gentleman.

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