✨A Lying Witch And a Warden✨

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You were on your way to your locker when you heard some commotion in the principals office.
"And thats the end." Luz said holding a good witch Azura figure and a snake. "The end of what?" Camila asked with a sad look on her face. "My book report..I think I knocked it out of the park.." and just then you had to dodge a snake being thrown at you. As you got up you saw Luz and decided to try and get her attention. "Hey Luz!" You waved at her through the window smiling. "Y/N?...Oh! Hey!" She sat on her knees on her chair and waved the acting figure at you. "Luz sit down..." The principal said making a down motion with his finger. "Whatever.." Luz whispered looking down at her feet. "And what were you going to do with..this?" Camila said holding up what looked like...some rockets?. "That was for the act 3 closer.." Luz sighed as Camila kneeled down in front of her. "Mija..We love your creativity but it's gotten out of hand...do you remember why you were in the principals office the last 3 times?.." You giggled as the principal stared at you through the window glaring at you as you covered your mouth.
Flash Back Time
Number 1
"O Happy dagger...give me death!" As you watched Luz stab herself with the fork,there were sausages coming out of her chest as you laughed non-stop. "Pfft! You guys are such scaredy- cats!" You yelled.

Number 2
As Luz sewed the pigeons head onto the griffin body you cringed as tears came out of the birds eyes. "That is so gross Luz!" You said with a disgusted but impressed look taped on your face. "Now for the finally anatomically correct touch," Luz began as she opened up the birds mouth. "Spider breath!" You ran on top of the nearest table and got away from all the spiders. "LUZ!"

Number 3
As the cheerleader did the move perfectly you sweated a bit nervous as it was your turn next. But Luz spoke meanwhile you were looking at her with a confused face. "You think that's an impressive trick?,take a look at...this...Bleep Bloop Bleep..."
The girls screamed and ran away from her as you rolled your eyes definitely a bit annoyed and also a bit glad you didn't have to do those cheer stunts.
End Of Flash Back✨🥥
"We all love that you express yourself...but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality,you may need to spend the summer....here.." Camila showed Luz a pamphlet with..reality check...SUMMER CAMP?! You gasped as the principal rubbed his head. "Y/N Get away from the door!" You walked away and out of the school hoping that they don't send her to...summer camp. "That's so stupid..ugh! Why would someone send a kid to summer camp just for being themselves?! It doesn't make any sense?!" You sat down on a rock about to do your homework when you saw Luz and her mom in the car driving home.
"Luz?...Luz! Hold on almost forgot my backpack...okay there!" You ran after The car until you finally got to Luz's house.
"I..can't..breath..Can't..breath..L..uz..." You said between breaths trying to breath so you wouldn't fall apart and die. "Y/N?! Hey! What's up? How are you-.."  and just like that Camila came out of the house hugging Luz. "Oh....oh my baby...now don't worry summer camp is only going to be for 3 months! You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks,and learning to appreciate public radio...the time will fly by!" "But I don't like any of that stuff! I like editing anime clips to music,and reading fantasy books with Convoluted backstory....And hanging out with Y/N!"     "Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back...do you have any other friends? Not just Y/N...or drawn...or imagined..or reptilian..summer camp is a chance to make friends. But you have to try...can you do that?" Luz's mom said as Luz walked up to the garbage bin and threw her book inside. "Yes mom..." "Luz!.." You whispered,It was surprising when she threw the book in the trash...but wait..Luz wouldn't do that..somethings up. "Oh YN!Your mom called me and told me she signed you up for summer camp to! So you'll both be in the same camp!" Your jaw dropped hearing this,Your eyes widened along with Luz as Camila smiled. "This is so exciting at least Y/N and you will have each other." "I..." Luz was speechless as she constantly looked at you. "Well even if you both don't have anything to do at summer camp you'll have each other...right Y/N?" Camila looked at you while your eye twitched. "Here Y/N! It's your backpack. Your mom put all your stuff inside. Oh!I gotta go to work,You and Y/N's bus is coming soon...text me when you get there. Stay safe Mija,have a good day!" Camila said as she walked off. "Bye mom.." "Bye
Ms.Noceda!" About a few seconds after Luz's Mom left Luz jumped to the garbage and searched to look for her book. "Where is it?! Come on!" She
"Luz what are you doing?!" You said trying to pull her back by her waist. "My book it's-.." You both stopped when an owl suddenly appeared..wait it has Luz's book! "Tiny trash thief!" She ran after the owl as you stared at the bus arriving. "Luz the bus is coming!" You yelled as you started to sweat a bit as the bus got closer...and closer...and closer..until it was a house down from Luz's. "Wait up!" Running after Luz there was..an abandoned house? "Well this is a development..." You walked towards it as you went inside as you were in a..tent? "this isn't-..woah...I thought me and Luz were weird....but this is slightly unnerving.." You peeked outside as you saw Luz running away with a..what looked like a very pale woman with..pointy ears? Probably just how her ear looks...maybe it's fake? "Wait a minute how did I get transported to a tent?......WAIT WHERE DID LUZ GO?!" Running down the streets you looked up and..there was Luz! FLYING?! This place isn't home....This is a nightmare. "Gotta find someone not-weird to help me...oh! Another human looking person!" You saw a mint green haired person walking but when she turned around...THATS NOT A HUMAN!
"EEK! I mean umm...could you help me?...please?" She raised an eyebrow confused. "Oh umm...sure..what's the problem?" You sighed in relief telling her about Luz. "Have you seen a 14 year old girl? She's about 5' 5 - 5'6...I think..And she has purpl-ish,brown-ish hair." You were hoping the girl had seen her but you bit your lip when she shook her head. "Uhh..I haven't seen anyone like that around here...maybe ask someone else." She turned around to walk away before you shouted making her stop and look back. "Wait! What's your name? Maybe we'll see each other again!" "Oh..umm...The name's Amity...Uhh..Maybe we will..I..guess.." She had a bit of an attitude in her voice as she talked to you....whatever............
"The name's Y/N! Nice to meet you..Amity!" You ran off not noticing the slight tint of pink on her cheeks. "Oh..Bye then! Weird..." She whispered as she walked off.
💛Time Skip💛
As You searched and searched everywhere for your friend you had gotten lost in the forest,although before you went in you were a bit nervous of stepping a foot inside. "Well damn...I swear If I see one bear...I'm running the other way...not like I can though these woods are like a never ending maze." You chuckled nervously tapping your side with your hands walking as you heard someone step on a stick. "Who the heck is there!" You shouted grabbing a large branch on the ground. "I've got a big ol' branch here and I am not afraid to beat you till' you black and blue!" As you heard footsteps approaching you dropped the stick and ran until you couldn't run anymore. "I...need...water...Huh?" The same mint haired girl you saw a few hours ago was standing right there in the woods. "Amity...Amity! Hey! Amity! Over Here!" You yelled until she noticed you,gasping. "Oh..Y/N what are you doing here?" Amity asked,she was in some kind of uniform..was this a Harry Potter type world or something?
"This is gonna sound weird but..umm...where am I exactly?" She looked at you with a face that said 'Do you need professional help?'. You laughed knowing this would happen. "Umm..Your in the boiling isles...You don't-.." She paused finally noticing your ears as her eyes widened then went back to normal. "Your a human!" "Your not? Is this a....Oh.." As you noticed her ears you both stared at each other questioning how the other was standing before them. "Are you an elf?!" You yelled smiling just a little. "Ahem..Witch! And your a human! How are you even here! Why are you even here?!" You crossed your arms looking down at your feet as she shook her head. "Whatever..I need to g-go...have a nice stay human.." "This is the most confusing day of my life..." You mumbled letting out a breath.
🧡Another Time Skip Cause I Can🧡
"Ok...so If I just keep walking eventually I'm gonna find something! It always works..just gotta pick a direction..how about...that one!" Your plan worked and you made it out of the woods to find...a small abandoned cottage?. "Guess I can make this my home for now..looks like I'll be staying in this weird world for awhile.." walking up to the door opened it up and went inside.
"Huh...looks dirty..Guess It's better than nothing.. You said sarcastically going to search for a broom. "Ugh..here's the gross part.....cleaning."   You started to sweep. Not to much,but enough so that it was tolerable. "Ok that's enough...I'm already tired."
You went up the stairs as you heard a sound. "Okay...creepy house.....creepy noises....creepy world..."  You felt something on your foot as you screamed and kicked whatever it was. When you looked down you noticed it was a clump of dirt. "Oh...well..whatever..."   You yawned feeling a bit sleepy. "Maybe there's a bedroom in here that I could sleep in for the night.
Walking into a room you immediately ran to the bed. "OH PRECIOUS!- Wait..I probably should've check if this bed was-.."
And just like that you were fast asleep. As you laid there you slept like a baby as you smiled slightly.
🖤The Next Day🖤
"What the heck...."  You rubbed your eyes remembering where you were getting up to walk out the room. "Wait a minute......"
You paused smiling. "THIS IS SO COOL!" Running to the stairs you screamed smirking. "HELLO CREEPY HOUSE!" You practically zoomed to the nearest window and opened it. "HELLO MAGICAL FANTASY REALM!" You then ran outside laughing hysterically. "This...is..definitely cool! IM LITERALLY IN MY DREAM WORLD!" You screamed as you covered your mouth giggling. "Wait a minute...Amity! I could go see that Amity girl and try and talk to her some more..we could be human girl and mysterious girl!" You clapped a bit before running towards the woods again retracing your steps. "Ok so..I should be there in about 2 hours....2...hours...oh boy...here we go again.."
💖Time Skip💖
"Oh! Amity! Bamity! I mean! Bam! There's Amity!"  She saw you and started to speed walk pulling her hood up. "Hey Amity! It's me Y/N! Remember me?"  She blushed turning back to you. "What do you want!?.."    "Geez you are in a baaaaad mood girl...anyways wanna be friends?"    "F-Friends?...why would you want that?.."   She looked genuinely confused at your words constantly looking to the sides like 'Is she serious?..'   "Because well..since I'm a human...I don't know very much about this place sooo...wanna give me a few tips? Orrrrr show me around?"   You got close to her face smiling as she turned red pushing you away just a little. "A-Alright! Whatever...As long as this makes you get away from me..."    "OH MY GOSH!! YOU SAID YOUR A WITCH RIGHT?! IM LITERALLY GONNA GET TIPS FROM A COOL WITCH!"   Amity gasped softly trying to hide her blush. "Cool..Huh..never heard that from a human before..."    "Wait...speaking of humans..you haven't seen any..other..humans around...right? Not yet?..I'm still trying to look for my friend Luz.."   And just like that she shook her head looking slightly sad but quickly change her face. "No...I haven't I guess..I would've noticed o-obviously.."   You raised an eyebrow questioning the girl in your head.  "I mean you didn't notice that I was a human sooo..."   You looked at her shrugging as she rolled her eyes. "Wow...didn't know humans could be so annoying....Y/N.."    "And I didn't know Witches could be so annoying...Amity.."    "Ugh Come on already! I'll show you around and then that's it! Got it?"  You nodded your head with stars in your eyes skipping as Amity showed you around and where to go. 'Maybe After this I can go find Luz...' You thought as You followed Amity around.
"Andddd that's everything..at least all the basics..."  Amity grumbled walking away. You caught up to her as she turned around with a angry expression. "Thanks for the tour! See ya later Ya Witch!"  Laughing you ran away waving at her.
"Humans are so weird....but maybe...No! Stop it Amity you are a blight!" She groaned obviously questioning what the heck just occurred. "Why does this have to happen to ME?! Out of all witches! I get stuck with the human!" Amity sighed and walked back home trying to figure out what she was going to do. "Can't believe I have to deal with Mom next...this day could not get any worse..." Just as she said that she tripped over a stick as she fell letting out a "oof" sound. "COME ON! I JUST SAID THIS DAY COULDN'T GET ANYYYY WORSE.." Amity got up and started to speed walk to her home replaying the scenario of you in her head. "Whatever..not like she can follow me around everywhere..." She got to her house opening the big door setting her stuff down.  Oh boy....She doesn't even know what's coming....
At the owl house
"Well...A deals a deals. Let's get you home." Eda snapped her fingers as the key floated her hand. She pressed the button. and the door opened up. Luz walked to the door and looked back to Eda and king as she took out the head of the good witch Azura figure. "Before I go...I know it's not the same but,A good king shouldn't even without a crown." She passed the tiny crown to king as he put it on top of his head. "This shall suffice...You there plant! You are now under my command!" King walked off pointing his finger. "Oh and don't forget this." Eda passed Luz her good witch Azura book and the summer camp pamphlet and smiled. Luz then looked at them both and walked up to the portal door as she looked in the mirror holding up the book and pamphlet. She gasped slightly looking at her,Eda,and King in poses which mimicked the cover of the hood witch Azura book.
"Okay..I know you got your head cut off..and we started some kind of prison riot...but this was the most fun I've ever had..."
Luz looked at the brown at Eda stared at her with wide eyes. "I don't fit in at home...you don't fit in here...If I stay we could not fit in...together..." Luz crumbled the the summer camp pamphlet and narrowed her eyebrows. "I am not going back to summer camp!" Eda laughed a bit at this so called "summer camp" as she held a raised eyebrow. "What's summer camp?, What are we talking about here?" Luz smiled and looked up at the confused witch. "I wanna stay and become a witch like you,and Azura!"
She held up the book in front of Eda's face still holding on to that same smile on her face. "What? Alright that's crazy...humans can't become witches." "Maybe that's because they haven't tried..." Luz winked and continued. "If you teach be to become a witch I'll do anything you want." King tugged on Eda's dress as he spoke to her. "Let her stay! She can make us snacks!" He whispered the last part as The witch smiled and picked King up. "Well...I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of the cupboards...Alright I'll teach you to be a witch but you have to work for me before you learn any spells..deal?" Eda held out her hand looking at the small human as Luz walked up and hugged her.
At Night
Luz opened up the door to her new room smiling. She set up sleeping bag with a picture of her and her mom and a picture of her and Y/N next to her. She Plopped down in her pajamas as she looked over and picked up the picture of her and her mom and rubbed it with her thumb before placing it down and picking up the picture of her and Y/N. "I'll find you soon Y/N....I promise...Please be ok.." She frowned a little but fixed her face as her phone buzzed. It was her mom texting her so she looked at what she sent: 'How's summer camp?'. Luz then heard king as she saw him in the doorway. "Ahem..your sleep cocoon looks fluffy..." Luz patted the sleeping bag as King walked over and curled up into a ball on the end. Luz then went back to her phone and texted her mom: 'I think I'm gonna like it here.' As She finished the message to her mom she rolled over and went to sleep.

Omg this took literally FOREVER! I hope this isn't to bad lol. I hope the next chapter doesn't take as long as this one did but...Whatever. Remember that you are Beautiful/Handsome/Stunning/Gorgeous!✨🌈💖
Word count just cuz: 3,140 words.

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