💜🌊🌑~ Eclipse Lake ~🌑🌊💜

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"Hooty, what's it lookin like out there." You ask the bird tube as Hooty crashes through the window.

"The perimeters secure, nothings getting past me!" Hooty says. "Uh, also. Hooty. Get that cleaned up." You say. "Yes, ma'am!" Hooty knocks the glass out of the way, clearing the path.
"Willow, do you have everything we need?" You ask. "Yes! We're ready to attack this at all fronts." Willow says as she salutes you.
"I like your attitude soldier." You wink at her and move on to the next item on your list. But, your Palismen Sparky runs over and drops a spider down from her mouth. "Aw, sparky, did you wanna help too? Good girl." You chuckle and check off another item off the list.
"Now, all we need is—" Gus and King walk in. "Rain, beach waves?" Gus says. "Something called "lofi beats to study and relax to" ? " King says. You snort, thinking of the lofi girl back in the Human realm. "We've got it all!" King says. "Eda was rummaging through her basement and gave us some soothing human noises." Gus adds. "Perfect. Wait, Eda?" You run towards the living room, hearing Eda Straining herself.

Amity was sitting in the living room with Eda, her arms crossed. "Eda, your supposed to be helping build our defenses with Hooty!" Amity says. You put a hand on Amity's shoulder, "It's fine...I'll take it from here." You say, watching Eda yell and scream.

"WOO, ah, don't mind me. I'm just learning how to turn into harpy Eda on command. According to these human workouts you just gotta scream a lot til you force your inner beast out. "Is that..dragonaball Z?" You ask, noticing the character on the front of the cover looked familiar. "What, no! It's dragonclaw Z. And it's only....30 YEARS OLD?! I remember seeing this in theaters." Eda says.

"Okay, yes, your ancient, whatever! We have bigger problems right now!" You say, throwing your arms up. "Chill kid, everything's fine." Eda smiles.
You take her to your room, opening the door. "Does this seem fine to you?!" You say. "Woah...it's like I have snaked for arms." Luz wiggles her hand around. "Oh,please. She just has the common mold." Eda says, nonchalantly.

"She's a human Eda! Just like me! There's no telling what could happen to her." You argue. "If I ate the portal key? Would I return to the human realm? Ahhh!" Amity's abomination quickly snatched the key before Luz could eat it. Thank god.

"I am not giving this back until you're...normal...again. Okay?" You state. Luz whimpered fo a bit but soon pulled out her little cat tamagotchi. She apparently sent you a message because you heard a noise coming from your tamagotchi. You looked at the message but it didn't make since. Just a bunch of random emojis strung together. "Uh...definitely! You bet!" You shut the door as Luz's face dropped.
"I gotta admit Amity, seeing you around this often is...different." Willow says to Amity. "Yeah...I know." Amity scratches the back of her head. Willow turns to you, "You've been working extra hard lately too Y/N." Willow says. (Willow knows what's up.)

"Yeah. It's just...I hate seeing Luz all sick like this. So today, I'm going to show Luz how awesome of a girlfriend I am!" You say.

"Feels like just a few months ago you were almost dissected by your crazy Principal!" King says. "That was a few months ago." Gus corrects King. Just then, Luz screamed.
You and Eda rushed back into her room. "U-Uh m-m-mouse!...Philip diary entry!" Luz pointed to the Mouse, holding her notepad.

When the entry ends, Luz is acting more crazed then ever. "I have to go to eclipse lake!" Luz shouts. She tries to hop out of the door but Eda catches her just in time, "Luz, no! Your not well." Willow pushes Luz back into the room. "She is shockingly strong!" Gus says.
You tie her up and bundle her in warm blankets in pillows. "All right, Luz. Me and King will get your Titans blood if you just calm down."
Eda says.  

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