🍒🌙✨~ Hunting Palismen ~✨🌙🍒

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Things betweeen you and Luz were...complicated to say the least. You and Her tried your best to act like everything was normal even though it really wasn't. It was like trying to ignore the elephant in the room. It's impossible.

"Oh, little echo mouse. You ate the diary that can get us home. Can't you cough up a teeny bit?" Luz baby talks the echo mouse, hoping to get some sort of reaction or sign from it. "Just squeeze it out!" King says as he squeezes his bear plushie. That didn't go well since it's head literally popped off. "Hmm...maybe I just need to be patient?" Luz slowly leaned up against the glass, staring at the sleeping mouse.
"Please tell me your secrets." Luz whispers. "Hey, knuckleheads. You're gonna be late for school." Eda says. Luz doesn't respond though, including you who's fiddling with your phone to try and get better reception. "All right. I guess you won't be getting any magic staffs, with your classmates." Eda says, knowing the two of your weaknesses. Each other, and cool magic stuff. You and hurried and got dressed, speeding down the stairs. "Magic?! Don't wanna be late for school! LETS GO!" You say. "There we go." Eda smirks as Luz shuts the door behind her.

At Hexisde, all your classmates were surrounding a small nest looking thing. "Hey, Willow. Where's Ams?" You ask.
"Oh, I heard Amity is staying home today." Willow replies. "Oh, that stinks. I hope she's doing all right." You frown, worrying about Amity.
"Good tidings on this momentous day. You're all about to receive your witches staffs! And, more importantly, meet your palismen. This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners. They can become both your good friends and a powerful tool. In my case..." Principal Bump snaps his fingers and his palismen leaves his head and reveals his long, thick, flows black hair.
The palismen becomes a staff as Bump smiles. "Freewin here helps me see." Bump says. "Now, traditionally young witches carve their staff from the branch of an old palistrom tree," Eda begins. "But sadly, palistrom trees are becoming more rare. And those that remain are guarded covetously." Principal Bump explains. "That's why I've teamed up with Bumpipoo..." Eda winks at Bump. "Never call me that." Bump orders. "..To bring You..." The Bat queen flies down, landing on the nest. "Parliament Adoption Day!" The Bat queen says as all the palismen come crawling out. "Thanks for the favour B.Q. Here's your whistle back." Eda says, handing the whistle to the bat queen.
"Save it for another time. This was my pleasure. What a wonderful idea." B.Q. Smiles, looking down at all the children and Palismen.
A red cardinal tries to exit through a hole but Principal Bump catches it just in time. "Aww, it's little rascal." You whisper.
"These little ones have not had homes in many years. They want to feel a connection. Kneel and state your biggest wish, and your like minded partner will find you." The Bat Queen explains. "Ugh, I want my own Palisman. Not some trashy hand-me-down." Bosch a scoffs, crossing her arms. "Your loss!" Willow pushes past Boscha and kneels down in front of all the Palismen. "I want to be strong and wise to protect everyone I love. And if anyone gets in my way, they'll feel the sting of defeat!" Willow smiles, putting her hands together.
"Tender yet tenacious. Clover gives her support." Bat Queen says. A Bee flies out towards Willow and nuzzles into her cheek before turning into a staff. "Oh, my gosh! I'm gonna take such good care of you!" Willow says. "Outta my way!" Boscha pushes Willow aside.
"I wanna play professional Grudgby!" Boscha says, pointing at herself. Bat Queen chuckles. "A competitive spirit. Maya will be thrilled.
"Okay. This is pretty cool." Boscha blushes, having second thoughts on these "Hand-me-down" Palismen. Soon, almost everyone's gotten their palismen. Luz pushes past everyone and kneels down. "I want to be a witch!" Nothing happens. "Uh..probably just takes a little longer cause I'm human, right?" Luz asks. "Palismen bond through emotion. I do not sense any conviction from you." B.Q. Says, squinting her eyes. "That's impossible! I'm luz! I'm chock full of conviction!" Luz says. "Perhaps specificity would help. There are many kinds of witches.
What do you hope to accomplish with your magic?" Bump asks. "Oh, uh....Get home to my mom?" Luz says. A lot of people start asking her questions which just makes her even more nervous. "I guess I never thought that far ahead.." Luz fiddles with her thumbs, sweat dripping down her face. "You okay, Luz?" Eda asks, stepping in. Luz just steps aside. You took that as your cue to go. You took a deep breath and knelt down in front of the Palismen. "I want to train to be a witch and be the best I can! Also, maybe um...explore the rest of the boiling Isles?" You say. The Bat Queen smiles, "Ah, Pure, Adventurous, and Curious. Sparky will be sure to stick by your side." The Bat Queen opened her wings as an all white stoat with a purple fade at the end of its tail comes forwards, sitting on your lap before turning into a staff with its tail gently wrapped around it. "Awesome!" You felt happy, and a bit sad. Luz hadn't gotten a Palismen. But you did? You felt a little guilty to be honest. "Congratulations Y/N!" Willow said. "Yeah...congrats to me..." You sighed, glancing over at Luz.

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