🌹🥀~ Hollow Mind ~ 🥀🌹

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Hey. Lol. :3

I am now even more depressed after writing this chapter 🥳🥳

"Ugh..." Luz groaned. She slowly emerged from her unconsciousness and sat up. "Huh?.." she whispered. She was in what seemed a long dark hall, with portraits hung along the walls. "Wait...Y/N?!" Luz smiled, feeling relief to see that you had been right next to her the whole time. "Luz?" You sat up. "What is this?" You asked. Luz shrugged and helped you up on your feet. But the moment of silenced between you by broken by a sudden gasp escaping from Luz's lips.

She stared at the picture of Belos hovering over Eda, Lilith, King, Her, and you. It read, "Triumph over wild magic" at the bottom.

"What is this place?" Luz backed up as another voice was heard. "You know exactly where we are human. You got us trapped in the Emperor's MIND!" Hunter exclaims, walking into view.

"Huh?!" Luz's eyes widen at the sudden realization.


"We're in the emperor's mind?!" Luz repeated. "That's bananas!"

"Excuse me, what?!" You shook Luz by the shoulders.

"I don't know what those are, and I don't care to. Remember what happened at the night market?" Hunter asked.

~Cool flashback heehee~

Hunter, well the golden guard, as he was in his uniform, was just standing by until a suspicious man approached him.
When the man saw that it was the golden guard he was speaking to, he yanked his hand away from the teen's shoulder, trying to cover up for himself. "Oh, I mean, why would I trade teeth? That's illegal and unsanitary." The man started to sweat, getting nervous.

But...Hunter's attention was more focused on some people walking around a corner, covered by their brown robes.

"I heard whispers of an attempt to invade the Emperor's mind with wild magic. I decided to take the villains out myself." Hunter explained.

Flashback Hunter watched as the "Villains" started drawing circles on the ground. One of them blew a flute, and more symbols appeared on the ground. Another one of them created a glowing potion and placed it on the floor, ready to smash it.

"But just as I was about to stop them—"

"Pause! For crimes against the emperor, you are under arrest!"

Luz interrupts Hunter in the middle of his flashback, "Oh, wait! I remember now." Luz says. "Hey..!" Hunter complains.

"Eda took me, Y/N, and King to the night market to repair me and Y/N witch's wool capes, but, we ran into some trouble." Luz explains.

Eda knocked on the window of the shop's door, "Hello? Prim? Did you get into the night Juice again?" Eda called out to the shop owner.
"Helloooo~?" She repeats.

Luz had one hand in her jacket's pocket, holding her walkie-talkie at the same time. The walkie-talkie beeps, signaling that King had turned it on on his end. "Is this thing on? Demon King to Luzura. Ya Copy?" King said through the walkie.

"Sure do!" Luz said without the walkie. You chuckled, seeing how cute their sibling energy was. Luz turned over to King, who was only a few feet away. "Use the walkie!" King said. Luz let out an 'Oh' and turned back around. "10-4 Demon King. Luzura here with Echo Delta Alfa. What's your 20? Over." Luz said. This time using the walkie talkie.

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