✨Witches Before Wizards Part 2✨

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"Y/N OH MY GOD I WAS SO WORRIED!" Luz squeezed you tight as you felt...something in your stomach...butterflies? But it can't be...No...No..No..No way.....?  "H-How are you here?! Why are you here?! I mean not that I'm complaining...I-I mean just..how are you..?" She chuckled letting go of you standing up as she lended you a hand. "I was looking for you EVERYWHERE. And I met this cool girl named Amity! She's super nice and very pretty!" You said laughing as you nudged Luz playfully. The girl sighed softly as King saw this, kind of getting the gist of it as he nodded to himself puking in his head as Luz continued to laugh with you forcing it out not wanting to seem suspicious. "I'm so glad your here! Man it's been so crazy in this place..oh! Do you possibly know a way out of here?" You asked As She started to sweat shrugging nervously. "How about we just deliver this last package and go home.." She said smiling as you nodded walking beside her. "Maybe this world is what I thought it-" Luz gasped as there was a Beautiful castle in front of you three. "Pretty..." Luz walked up and rung the doorbell as you yawned a bit bored since there was nothing much to do. The door then swung open revealing the dark inside as you all stepped in."Big houses always belong to big whack jobs,let's kick the package inside and get outta here." Get said as Luz walked in not paying any attention to the small little thang as you mentally face palmed at her. "Hello?.." She said as King followed behind. "Hey wait!" The door shut immediately making you and King jump looking back then to Luz. "I'm delivering a package from Ms.Eda the owl lady....Huh?" The lights turned on and you saw a picture of a...wizard?....then before you knew it the same man appeared at the top of the steps. " *gasp* Today just got good..." Luz whispered to herself as she clung to your arm squealing as she squeezed you a little smiling. "Magical Wizard!" Luz said before King interrupted. "A weird old man in Jim jam's!" The old man stepped down the stairs as he spoke...his beard was the second thing you noticed as you saw his shoes first.l.specifically he had on sandals. "I was in my oscillarium reading the stars and who might you be with eyes both full of curiosity." He stroked his long beard as You glared at him crossing your arms looking him up and down. "Uhmm....I'm.."
"Young lady..dare if I say I sense something...unique about you.." The wizard spun his finger around summoning a table full of delicious food and two chairs. "Please,won't you join me for tea?" Luz gasped shocked. "Okay!-" "Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pockets!" King whispered to us as he climbed on my arm to get in between me and Luz's shoulders. "I don't trust em'..." "The stars on his robe are sparkling! And look! There's a baby fox in his beard." "Yeah I have to agree with King here Luz....This guy is giving the Creep Vibes." You whispered looking at her as she smiled looking towards King. "Ahem..Plus..I see scones on the table.." "WHERE!?" King rushes down to the round table and chomped down on all the scones he could fit in his mouth. "We'd love to join you for tea" Luz sat down but quickly realised you had nowhere to sit so she scooted over a bit letting you get some space to squeeze in. "Do you sell potions sir Wizard?" Luz said as she watched the different coloured potions on the tray. "Please,call me adagast..and yes I run a small business.." He said as King still engulfed the delicious looking scones as you held back the urge to grab one. "You should run a business of more scones! Into my mouth! Haha! Yes!" The Wizard spoke not paying any attention to King. "I'm surprised to see you two here. It was my understanding Eda delivered the packages herself." Luz put the tea in her lap as she smiled and raised her shoulders high looking to the right.
"Well,We're kind of sort of her apprentices.." You choked on your spit as you heard those words...and wait...who's Eda? What's going on? "Oh,and how are you finding the experience so far?" You were quite done with the man's questions and was about to get up and leave but you didn't. You wanted to be there for Luz and even though she can be a little.....naive..She was still your Best friend. "Can I be honest Mr.adagast? When we decided to stay in this magical world I thought we were meant for something special...But Eda thinks I'm meant for chores and I'm afraid I came to the wrong place." The Wizard stood up and went over to you and Luz making you get ready just in case. "I have a quest-" "A QUEST?!" Luz stood up making the Wizard even jump just a bit before finishing. "You didn't let me finish..I have a quest-tion." "Oh." "WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO ON A QUEST?!" "YES!" The man pulled out a map and spoke looking straight at you. "I might have just the thing.." The man told the tale as you didn't pay him any mind still not believing a word he was saying. "Perhaps we have.."
"Should you believe yourselves worthy to attempt this quest" The guy started to walk as Luz followed. "So worthy." "You need to know the road is dark and perilous.." "Love peril Big fan of peril." "And only the chosen ones can pull the staff from its post." Luz stopped and repeated what he said still shocked from all this but still amazed. "Chosen ones.." "Neat story awesome,anyways your food is gone and we are to." Luz dropped her hands by her sides and spoke in an almost robotic voice. "Yes we have to go....and pack for this enchanted quest! We're in!" She side hugged you as you smiled weakly but your smile faded as you realised. "Wonderful!" The Wizard said excited. "Wait wait wait..What do you mean ''We're in''....." You whispered as Luz still had you in a side hug looking at you with a sad expression. "W-W-..B-But I thought you'd be super excited about this...Are you not super excited about this...?" She asked whispering back to you as she stared into your E/C eyes. "It's not that-I mean!-I..I..I..I don't know..." You smiled sighing as Luz watched you carefully. "Fine whatever I guess..let's just..Umm...Go...on the magic quest...." She had stars in her eyes and put an arm around your shoulder. "Oh boy....."
~At The Owl House~
"So,King." Luz began putting the toy sword from before into its scabbard. "What kind of chosen ones should we be?" She finished cupping her cheeks. "Huh?,what?" King said as he yawned tiredly. "Should we be full of optimism and goodness like the good witch Azura-" Said luz as she moved the book out of her face and changed her expression making you giggle a bit. "Or should We be like bad girl chosen ones with black nail polish and a mysterious withdrawn attitude.." She blushed thinking about you as she then put the book sideways and moved it to look like it was talking. "I act like I don't care but I secretly do.."
You laughed as Eda came in with what looked like a blue monster arm? Wait a minute is the bone still in there...gross. but cool.
"Oh you guys talking bout bad girls?..wait...what's going on?" Eda walked in looking at King. "Eda tell them how dumb Wizards are."   "Ugh..Wizards are the worst! Never trust a man is casual drapery....why?"  "Your wizard client told Luz...and Y/N..that they were the chosen ones!.."   "Wait Wait! Luz...Y/N?!" Eda broke down laughing as well as she fell on her back. "He even gave them a map!" Luz put the book in front of her face as she blushed embarrassed. You patted her back giving her a smile to make her feel better. "It's ok Luz...besides,I think your an awesome chosen one." When she heard This Luz's whole face went completely red as she stared at you in complete shock. "Y-You think....I'm awesome...I-I mean I'm not that cool..or...." she scratched the back of her neck as Eda got back up and walked over to You both. "Let me see this map." Luz handed it to her as she unfolded it and took a look at it. "You didn't think this was real,you?" Luz stood up confused as you did the same. "What?.." "This map is bunk! There's no lake with a celestial staff in the boiling isles,I would of stolen it ages ago. ah don't worry....a couple more months here and you won't look like such a mark." Eda ruffled Luz's hair as Luz moved her hand out of the way. "YCan we have some time alone..." You were worried as you crossed your arms staring at the poor girl. Both King and Eda left the room shutting the door as both of you looked back at the map. You went to sit down on your sleeping bag as you heard her say something. "Maybe they were right Y/N..." You gave a hum back and decided to text your mom about you day at "Summer Camp" since she had been sending you messages non-stop this whole day. "Huh?.." Luz whispered as you looked over
The book glowed which made your eyes widen. 'The Chosen one, The path will only appear to the worthy.' You raised an eyebrow questioning the map in your head. "The path will only appear to the worthy...that's why Eda couldn't see it.." She said touching her face. "But are we really worthy?.." Just as she said that the window flung open as the map flew open to the good witch Azura book as the wind turned the page. "We'll never know unless we try....right Y/N?" She looked at you as you slowing nodded looking away. "Maybe this isn't a good idea Luz..I mean weird creepy wizard..." You sighed smiling. "I guess..it could be fun..." She squealed running to you which made you gasp as she scooped you up and held you in her arms. "Ready Y/N?" She said noticing you were staring as she looked away blushing. "Yeah....Let's...go..." Your stomach did swoops and loops and turns and twists as she nodded and carried you downstairs. "Finally! All that mean-spirited laughter made me sleepy." King said as he snuggled into the couch pillow and closed his eyes. "Crony,wake up! You said that wizard was one of my clients?" King opened his eye as he looked up at Eda. "Yes,now go away." Eda turned around as she plopped on the couch. "I don't know him that well.....and I don't trust this itch he's scratching in the humans..." King flew in the air as Eda sat down but quickly fell back down onto the couch and closed his eyes. "Less talks more nappy!" He said Eda sighed and looked away.
"Hey Luz...Y/N? Awww nuts!" She saw the window open with no Luz or Y/N. Eda went to the window poking her head out.
"Hooty! Where'd they go?" Hooty extended his long neck and came up to talk to Eda. "Hoot hoot! If you want the answer that you seek,solve my riddle within a week-" Eda slammed her fist on the house creating cracks as Hooty yelled. "Ow! Okay Okay! They went to the forest towards bones burrow! Sheesh!" Eda sighed as Hooty went back down to the front of the door.
As You and Luz looked at the view as the wind blew you thought of something to say. "U-Ummm..I think I can walk now.." She looked at you and gasped slightly putting you down. "Im so sorry! I-I'm...Umm...Sorry..." She looked away as she smiled and inhaled the air. "Our first mythical quest..." She took your hand as she slid down the slide causing you to gasp at the sudden movement but you quickly calmed down. Suddenly as you guys were walking there was purple smoke fog around as you looked around suspiciously. "Okay got the scroll..got the youthful optimism....got my trusty weapon!" She raised the toy sword in the air as she pushed the button. "By the power of skullgar! I am out of breath....." the sword ran out of battery as you cursed under your breath smirking amused as you put a hand on your hip. As you guys walked on Luz looked at you then looked back ahead. "You know Y/N..I wonder if we made the right choice by coming here-....*gasp* woah..." You hummed as you saw a village full of cats. You guys walked through as you noticed a fountain and a....guy? He rose from in the fountain putting his hair back. "I see...so your the chosen ones...the celestial staff should have picked me...neverth blade strife teen prince of angstmore!" You crossed your arms not buying any of it one bit as Luz stared obviously interested. "Yes...Yes we did make the right choice..." She said looking back up which made you realize she was looking at the dudes abs. "You are such a weirdo Luz.."
"This is where we met the scones- I mean the wizard." Edna followed King as he led her to the beautiful castle which was now broken and looked old. "Woah it wasn't like this before...." Eda spoke as she lowered her head just a bit. "I don't like this..."
They opened the door as they went in. Eda then stopped realising she stepped on something. "I really don't like this....."
"Nevereth....your vengeful backstory is so compelling. And I'm loving your animal sidekick." "After my village was consumed I've known nothing but vengeance..." She walked up to him with a sad look on her face which made you gag at the two but you were also laughing at this. "Nevereth...." "Lady Luz...do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?" Luz put a hand in front of her face turning to you as she winked. "Woohoo hoo..this quest is questing in all the right ways..." You laughed at this.
You guys walked along a bridge as Luz stared at nevereth before a weird cat looking troll popped out making you all jump as nevereth spoke. "Ew...." You smiled snickering. "That's something we all can agree on.." "Humpty diddle! To pass the bridge you just first solve my riddle!" You raised an eyebrow scoffing as Luz got excited. "Hit me little furry man!" Luz said pointing her fingers at him. "Your quest shall stop if you fail this game, so tell me my dear...what is my name?" You looked straight at him instinctively And saw his name tag as you and Luz said it. "Chris?" "That's it! You may cross the bridge! And pleas take these chosen ones it shall help you on your journey!" You took the ring and put it on your finger. "Wow....this is amazing...thank you.." Luz said as she slid it on her finger as well. "Do you need a cape?" Neverth said as Luz spoke. "Nah I think I'm good-" "You can use my shirt!" He took off his shirt and ripped it. "Yes! We need capes!" Luz tried to rap the cape around you as you made up some excuse. "I don't need a cape! I'll just...hold it..." She nodded and pass it to you smirking. "Three cheered for the chosen ones!" They all cheered as Luz put an arm around your shoulder. "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip...hooray!" Luz blushed at all the cheering and put a hand on her chest. You patted her back as she giggled proudly.
"Oh no." Eda said as her and King stood in front of what was once a beautiful cat village but was now a dirty broken down looking village. "Are you sure they came here?" King sniffed the ground and looked back up at The witch. "I can't mistake their smell...like lemons and young naive confidence....Also Y/S (Your Smell)..." "Hmmm..." Eda put a hand on her chin walking into the weird place seeing a weird cat looking...creature?. "Hey wake up you! What have you done with Luz and Y/N?! What's your end game?" She shook the creepy cat as its head turned to her. "To find your pupil and steal your wrath...look ahead and follow the path..." The weird thing disappeared as King screamed. "AHHH! THE CAT MAN MELTED!" Eda sat up as she sighed dusting herself off. "It's a trap, They want me to follow Y/N and Luz.." King looked at her. "So what do we do?!" "Hmmm..."
"Thank you for inviting us to your feast princess! All your food was so tiny and cute!" Luz said as the fairy summoned 4 bracelets giving them to You,and then Luz. "For you chosen ones!" "Thank you! You have all been so kind and thoughtful...I hope this quest never ends!" Luz jumped up holding her arms out as you heard the cat dude speak. "Your quest will soon come to an end for the staff you seek is around the bend!" "Well damn.." You whispered. "Thanks for ruining the mood...Chris..."
You chuckled almost running out of breath before nevereth chimed in. "Go on chosen ones,the celestial staff is yours...you've earned it!" They all said their goodbyes as you both headed inside. "Wait a minute...this is too easy.." You mumbled to yourself frowning. Suddenly the ground shook and there was a path that came out of the water waiting for you both to walk across. "Okay I'm just gonna hope I don't fall in that boiling water..." You whispered to yourself running over the path. "I knew this world wasn't all gloom and doom like Eda and King said! There is wonder here and I....I think we came here for a reason!" She as she skipped across looking at the staff. "I still don't trust this Luz..." She was too busy admiring the staff as she ignored you. "Wow..." You said crossing your arms. "Okay!....this is it....moment of truth.." She touched the staff as it glowed a bright blue with wind almost blowing you out of your balance. You looked back to Luz as you saw her mouthing a 'Woah' as you watched.
"Yes! We are the chosen ones! I knew it! I always suspected there was a reason no one understood our wacky antics back home! Now I have concrete proof! Haha!" You grunted as Luz put the staff in her hands sideways smacking the top on her palm. The staff then disappeared into dust. "Huh? NO!" You gasped as everything dropped and turned grey as you stomped your foot in annoyance. "What?.." "Ugh! I knew this was all bullshit!"
"I know this guy he's no wizard he's what you call a puppeteer...a demon who specializes in scamming and manipulating people....he's trying to use Luz to get to me." King then spoke as he looked at Eda. "Yeah! And we're flying directly into his trap! Hooray!" "If you can think of a better plan I'd love to hear it!..." Eda then looked back and smacked the staff. "Hey! Faster you!"
"Luz and Y/N the Humans...." You and Luz turned around as she spoke. "Magical Wizard?" "Your hubris has failed you witch apprentice!" He laughed as you saw him attached to some tentacle?...Gross....imbecile cord? Definitely not. "Okay Luz...don't panic this is classic chosen one biz..just have to rescue everybody and defeat the final boss.." The "Wizard" then got up to Luz's face. "I am everybody you fool! Don't you see...I'm no Wizard....and your no chosen ones! I've tricked you...!" He then started to laugh as Luz gasped slightly making you feel bad. "What?" She said as her cape suddenly trapped her in a rope-like way and her ring and bracelets became handcuff. "Betrayed by my own cool accessories...why are you doing this?!" You quickly thre all your items on the ground as you ran to Luz trying to get her out the ropes. "Your mentor has been stealing customers from my potions business for years! She must be destroyed!" You grumbled at the man holding Luz close to you by the shoulder as she blushed. "Does everybody here have a beef with Eda?!" She yelled. They all agreed as Luz sighed. "And you lured her right into my trap! All because you wanted to think you were special!" The man said holding his cheeks as Luz hung her head. "Dont listen to him Luz....It's ok..." She smiled but went back to her frown as you let out a breath that you didn't even realise you were holding. "No! Jokes on you because Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap!" Just then you heard a familiar voice call out.
"Attagast!" "Awww heck!" Luz said as Eda came flying in. "Eda...I have you now!" He then caught Eda and King. "That's right you have me! Now release Both of them!" King then struggled to get out. "I didn't have to be apart of this!"    "Oh they can leave....if they wants to..." You leaned your body forward as you had a thousand questions and answers driving through your head. "But I sense they want a real fantasy..."  He sprayed more fog as everything went dark. "Stay with us Guys...Stay with adagast....we need you here...you could be our chosen ones..." As you moved his hand away from your shoulder he kept that same smile as Luz smiled back. "Yeah...you could eat our tiny foods forever..."     "Y/N...Luz....why would you wanna live in a world where people laugh at you?"    "It is beautiful here..."  She said as Eda yelled. "Y/N! Luz!"   "You guys think we're special..."    "NO!"  Eda yelled again wiggling her legs as the tentacle-like arms surrounded her face. "But it's not real!"All of a sudden Luz jumped up and ran over to the sword holding your hand all the while. "We are a witches apprentices! And I'm gonna earn my magic staff the hard way...I believed you magic man....now feel my wrath!" Luz ran into the wizard plunging his stomach with her sword as the octopus demon screamed. Eda got out of the demon's grasp and fell down as King did the same.
You then got out a frying pan and got Nevereth in the abs as he yelled. "AWHH MY FLAWLESS PECKS!" You smiled as Luz smiled back at you. "Back off!,or the dog gets it!" He held up King. "I am not a-! Mffphhmffmph!" You gasped as you dropped your weapon as Luz and Eda copied. "King I'm sorry...I should've trusted you and never trusted that wizard...you were right...he isn't mystical and magical..he's just a big slimy jerk! And Y/N...I'm sorry...You we're trying to tell me to but you I just ignored everything....you probably just came with me to fulfill my crappy nerdy dreams.."     "It's alright Luz-" As you finished your sentence Luz kicked the sword up and it hit adagast right in the head as he screamed And shrunk down into a small cute baby-sized version of himself. Eda then picked him up as Luz and King stared. "Well,that's the last time I take an outside referral."  She then ate adagast which made your eyes widen in shock. "Oh,did you want some of that?"   Luz shook her head. "No....I'm just confused...."     "Thinking of calling it quits Huh?"    "This place is nothing like I imagined..." Luz looked up at Eda still holding King in her arms which was cute. "Hmmm...maybe not here...but follow me..."  You hummed in response as King hopped over to your arms as Luz held your hand walking with you.
"Okay you can look."   You and Luz took off your blindfolds as you saw the beautiful view. "Woah..."  Luz said as you nodded agreeing with her. "The bones of the Isles. Up close the Isles can be slimy...."   King then interrupted. "And very stinky!" Eda then continued smirking. "And gross, But if you look at it from a different perspective...."   You watched as you saw a shooting star appear in the sky as Luz finished. "It's beautiful...."    "Yeah..." King said looking down. "Eda...how did you know that wizard was lying?" Luz asked looking at the witch. "Look kid everyone wants to believe their chosen.." Eda put up quotations with her fingers as she spoke. "But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, We'd die waiting! And that's why you need to choose yourself.."   Luz smiled weakly as you listened in on the conversation watching the sky. "So does that mean you'll give us a magic staff of our own?"   Eda Looked at you and then back at Luz. "Not yet...but someday..." 
You rested your head on Luz's shoulder letting out a sigh of relief as Luz blushed giggling.
Hey my lovelies! I'm so glad to be finally publishing this! This took me a while to write because of my lack of motivation but I got it done. Remember that you are Beautiful/Hansome/Stunning/Gorgeous!✨🌈🍒

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