🥀🦋🪞~ Yesterday's Lie ~🪞🦋🥀

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A visit back home........


"So, according to Phillips instructions, the hardest part to making a portal was finding someone who knew how to build it." Luz says. You, Luz, King, and Eda were currently outside, standing in front of the makeshift portal you had built. "But a lot of the ingredients are pretty easy to find. Your crazy apocalypse supplies finally came in handy Eda." Luz jokes. Eda clicks her tongue, throwing up a finger gun.
"Don't forget this." King hands you the glove with the titan's blood on it, "Titan's blood. I can't believe something like this with so much power could have been in the key this whole time." You say. "It's okay, if Belos is still trying to get to the human realm, he'll have to beat us to it." Luz smiles as she tears the thumb off of the glove, taping it to the door. "Are you sure this isn't gonna like, blow our faces off?" Eda asks. "Nope!" Luz says. "Welp, here goes something." Eda starts peddling, powering up the wires as a yellow glow moves along. Finally, it made it to the torn thumb and the door transformed into a portal door. Except it looked way different from the normal door.

"It worked...!" You whispered to yourself. "Did it?" King says, "That looks real different from the old door." Eda passes you and Luz your cloaks. "Yeah but this could be our only chance to go back and see our parents." You both tie the ropes around your waists, making sure it was tight enough. "If it looks like it's closing, pull." Luz says. "Kids, as impressive as this is, I don't want you getting hurt." Eda says.
You smirk, "Don't worry Eda, once we've seen that everyone is okay, we'll be right back." You assure the poor old witch.

"Just be careful. The Human Realm's filled with some real weirdos." Eda winks. You nod as Luz gives everyone a big hug.
"Don't forget to mention me!" King says. "Okay.." Luz takes hold of your hand, jumping into the portal.

You awake in a cold sweat. You cough as you feel a hand pat your back. "Y/N! It's okay. Breath." Luz rubs your back, trying to make sure you don't pass out. You gasp, finally checking your surroundings. "Did we do something wrong?" Luz asks. "No. Maybe. Umm...we might've just...used the wrong bathtub?" You shrugged, having no other reasonable explanation. "Eda, King, Hooty! Can anyone hear me!?" Luz shouted. Just then, a square cube rose from beneath the water. "Huh?" You took a glance at Luz before walking towards it.
You put your hands on it, only for a bright light to shine on your eyes.

"Hm?" You were...inside the owl house? That's strange. "Wait. Am I...in the reflection?" You tapped on the window, before a gust of wind blew the window open. But, unexpectedly, it seemed you really were inside of the reflection. "Do you think they're safe?" King asked Eda.
"They've made it this far. We just have to trust them." Eda replied. You were then sent back to the dark, and wet abyss.

"Y/N! What happened?" Luz asked. "I saw Eda, King, and Hooty." You shrugged. "Hey...what a minute! Maybe we could see Willow, or Gus.
Or maybe even Ami-" Luz lightly shook you, "Come one Y/N....We're on a mission!" She says. You nodded, rubbing your temples.
"Right, right, okay. So what next?" You ask. She smiles. "Camila! Camila Noceda of the human realm?" Luz called out. "So..we're..gonna see..our parents again?" You frown. "Yeah! Wait..what's wrong?" Luz asks. "Nothing serious. It's just gonna be weird seeing the, after all of..this. I mean, their kid's been sucked into a strange realm for, what, months now?!" You fling your arms in the air, frustrated.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry, we're doing this together!" Luz holds your hand for comfort. That's when you finally notice the square, floating high in the air. "Oh. How wonderful." You mutter. "Got you! Ice platform!" Luz tries to use her ice glyph, but apparently you can't use magic here. "Fine then, let's do this the hard way." You and Luz climb on top of another cube, but the room seemed to shift, making you fall. Luckily, in your favor, the cube you needed was right in front of you now. "Mom!" You were transported to Luz's home.
"It's my house." Luz says. You see Ms.Noceda, dancing and humming to the music that was playing. "Mom!" Luz called out for her mom, but she couldn't hear over the music that was playing. "Mo-" Luz was cut off by something, or rather, someone.

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