🌸🌙⛈~ Escaping Expulsion ~ ⛈🌙🌸

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Moop Mep Bep Meep Moof :P

"Light in the darkness!, a glittering bridge of ice, the mightiest tree in the forest! You can make all these and more...with glyph magic!" Luz announces. Welcome to day three of Luz's magic boot camp!" Luz says. "Hey...where's.." Just as she was about to speak, you ran out from inside the house. "I'm here! Sorry I'm..uh..late! Hoody was giving me a....'Little talk' ." You made air quotes with your fingers and glared at the bird tube. "What? Umm..anyways. We've covered every glyph I've learned up till now. So today, we'll learn something new!" Luz says.
"Are we about to encounter a never before seen glyph?" Lilith asks, seeming very excited. "Actually, no. These glyphs either were found from nature or came from some other witch's spell." You say. "Yeah, we don't know where to find more." Luz says. Lilith and Edna give each other a look. "In any case, today we're learning how to alter glyphs to do specific things!" Luz smiles, turning the board. "Uh, miss teacher! Did I do it right?" Lilith asks. She held up a piece of paper with multiple glyphs ties together with a line. "Yeah! That's great! How's it going Eda?" You look at her desk and notice she's drew two glyphs one on top of the other on her desk. "I don't think that's such a..." Edna cuts Luz off, tapping the desk. "DOUBLE GLYPH COMBO GO!" Eda says. The glyphs flicker until it blows up and starts to emit black smoke.
"Oh dang. I was hoping of more of an ice blast situation." Eda frowns down at the desk, putting her hands on her hips.
"I know you're feeling down because of your...powers being..out of commission..but for now how about you just try and get the basics down before jumping right ahead?" You smile. "Ugh, you're as boring as lilly." Eda scoffs. "Toot-Toot! The hexside train is a coming!" Hoots says as he scoops you and Luz up.  He picks Luz up by the shirt while you hang onto his long neck. "Uh..King! Your in charge while we're gone! Edna, Lilith. Play nice!" You say. "Haha! Power!" King cheers.

At Hexside, it was pretty nerve wracking walking into school again. Once Willow and Gus saw you though, they rushed towards you.
"LUZ! Y/N!" They called. You ran towards the two and they engulfed you in a hug. Although, Gus sounded way  too different.
"Woah, Gus! What happened to you?" You ask. "Witch puberty." Gus stated. "We can't thank you guys enough for helping us at the conformatorium." Luz smiles. "It's cool, I just hope it helps Edna learn my name. She keeps calling me goops." Gus says. "Hey hoops!" Another students calls out. "It's already spreading.." Gus slumps, looking terrified. Willow puts a hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Hey Luz, Y/N." Amity says, walking over. "Ams!" You wave your hand at her. "I'm celebration of your return, i have brung you a homemade fairy pie." Amity says as she holds up a pie. "Oh wow! that sounds so..." You stare at the pie, hearing the screams of the still alive fairies. "Good....?" You grimace at the cries of the fairies but take it anyway. "The ingredients are..very fresh." Amity shrugs and looks away, hiding a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. "You know, after everything that's happened, I'm just happy to return to some sort of normalcy." Luz says. She spoke way too soon. The speakers turned on. You listened and heard Principal Bump arguing with someone.
"You can't just barge in here!" He yells. "Yes we can! We are the parent creature association!" A woman's voice could be heard.

"Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Augustus Porter, And Y/N L/N, report to Principal Bump's office NOW!" The woman says.

"And you too Amity."

"Mom?!" Amity shouts.

In Principal Bump's office. You, Luz, Gus, Willow, and Amity sat in front of The principal and Amity's parents.
"The abomination situation, the destruction of detention, the rampage of Grom! These are but of a few incidents that have endangered hexside students! Including our daughter..." Amity's mother says. "So, The P.C.A has decided...AHEM." She clears her throat, looking at her husband. "Oh, right! Ahem...These four are bad influences and must be executed." Her father says. You all gasp. "WHAT?!" You shout.
"Ahem...I mean expelled." Her father corrects himself. "What?!" You all say in sync. Amity glares at her mother as she speaks to her through her necklace.

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