✨I Was A Teenage Abomination✨

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"Well guys..did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this!" Eda said putting her arms in the air as you allow looked at the disgusting gross garbage pile. "........Gross.." You said disturbed by what you were seeing and...ew.....definitely the smell....gross...ew. "I....dont...like...this.." Luz said shaking her head slowly as you nodded agreeing with her silently. "Yes it doesn't get more exciting then the trash lug.....it makes a home a life from what others have thrown by the wayside. Until....BLAM! It's gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate."
Eda said holding up a pick axe and putting it in front of The poor girl's face. "Please don't make me.." Luz said staring at the tool. "Aw come on Luz,it's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass." King said sarcastically as Eda was about to hit the monsters mouth with her pick axe. "Ah nuts to you both." Eda swung it and hit the mouth as Luz begun. "So,Eda-" The witch hit the monster again as Luz cringed in disgust. "What if we tried some new lesson for me and our apprenticeship?...like-" Eda hit the monster again making you and Luz cringe again at the sight, before Luz continued again. "Like read ancient scrolls.....or mix together potions...or-" "Urrr that sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff." Eda said interrupting The girl. "Wait....is there a magic school here?" Luz said walking over to Eda as you followed interested and excited at the same time. "Like winding towers,cute uniforms,dark plots that threaten your life,Kind of magic school?" Luz said as you put a hand on her shoulder waiting for your mentor's answer. And Yes I said mentor. A few hours ago Luz had begged you to stay and Learn how to be a witch with her but only if you wanted to of course. When you had agreed she was practicing glowing with joy. But. Back to the prevent :). "Mm-hmm....what's worse,they force you to learn magic the 'Proper way'. But magic isn't proper! It's wild and unpredictable! And that's why it's so beautiful....I didn't finish school and look at me! Who wouldn't envy where I am right now?" Eda said as you inhaled and opened your mouth before closing it. "Uh.....hey here's a lesson! A great witch is resourceful." She said grabbing you and Luz's hands. "Like this." She put your hands into the green vomit looking 'water' and moved them around until you both pulled them out revealing a....slime ball? "Oh....hey....greasy slime ball...." Luz said as you giggled uncomfortably looking to the side. "Use your slime ball wisely....young witches .....back at it!" Eda let go of you and Luz's hands as she asked away. "We'll hit the stink nodes first!" Luz then spoke walking back. "Actually if it's okay I think we're just gonna head home....look at pictures of animals that are still.....alive." Luz said as she tickled King. "Love you King!....you little beach peach!" Luz smiled at you as you smiled back. She felt butterflies in her stomach hearing you then laugh as you ran off. "Hey wait for me Y/N!" "Your just to slow Luz! I'm super fast!" She caught up to you giggling as her smile turned into a frown. "Ugh....if Magic's all about digging for slime balls....maybe I don't have the stomach for it...." You frowned at she looked at you. "It's fine...Eda's Probably right though...I mean she isn't called the most powerful witch in the boiling isles for nothing...right?" You nudged her playfully as you both heard a voice calling out as you gasped. "You can do it! You can!" Luz walked off. "Mysterious voice of encouragement?" "Luz wait! We don't know what-"
You followed Luz through the bushes as She moved them revealing a....Wait....isn't that the same uniform Amity was wearing?
Luz gasped and smiled. "No! Little witch girl..." "You can do it! Even if you get a bad grade it's not a reflection of you as a witch! and my parents are right! There are better opportunities on this track.....now get to school! Oh no!....oh little friend! I'm sorry!" The young witch then did a...wait...is that some sort of green light? Wait a minute...did she just heal that flower? This magic stuff sure is confusing..but WOW....THIS IS AWESOME. Just then a barrel rolled in as a girl on a cart....*GASP*............
"AMITY?!" You whisper/yelled as Luz covered your mouth confused. "Do you know that girl Y/N?!" You nodded as she nodded back understandingly looking back to the two witches. "Willow,wow your so unnoticeable I almost rolled into ya." You widened your eyes as the girl named willow stood up. "Hi,amity..." "Shouldn't you get to class early to...prep your-" Willows barrel then started to shake as they both looked back. It fell over as purple goop fell out. "Oh willow....you don't have anything to show, do you?" Amity said shaking her head with a sad look on her face obviously making fun of willow. "Witch drama!" Luz said as you sighed. "This is why people call you half a witch willow...oh! Looks like someone wants to say something to you!"
Amity took off the top of her barrel. "Abomination,rise!" A purple goopy monster then came out and got closer to willow as it drew a star on her head. "Your....a....star...." "Aw....it's like mine!....but much smaller and meaningless!" Amity smiled fixing her top student pin. "As top student it's my duty to tell you to keep at it! Even you could get a passing grade someday!" Amity then pointed to her..."Abomination". "Abomination,cower!" It went back into the barrel as Amity put the top back on. "See ya in class superstar!" Amity said as she walked away. Luz stuck her tongue up at Amity as you were speechless. "Oh....see you in class superstar! I hate when she does that! I hate making abominations! I hate getting bad grades! Oh I can't stand this anymore!" Suddenly Willows eyes turned green as vines flew out of the ground. It picked you up as It picked Luz up next. It Then dropped you both as You let put an "oof". As You and Luz stared at the girl she turned back looking at you both.
⛅️With Eda And King⛅️
"Not a bad haul. That over-duct was loaded." "Ah apprentices gain garbage eggs! Fair trade." King said sarcastically as Eda turned around. "Pfft I didn't lose anything! If you don't teach Them you will! And that's when I come in! Make them my apprentices!" King said pointing his thumb at himself. "Hah! And what would you teach? How to get stuck in the arm of a sweater?" Eda said smirking at King. "HEY THAT ONLY HAPPENED ONCE! I'd teach them about demons,how to identify them,talk to them,raise an army with them,and tear apart the world!" Edna then turned around and leaned on her staff. "After they tear you out of the sweater arm right?" "You think your so smart! Well,why don't we make a little bet? Where I can prove that I'd make a better teacher!" Eda then pulled out a book from her hair. "Okay,I'm obligated to remind you that I only use our bets to utterly humiliate you....and that you've never won." She said as she knelt down showing him the book.
"I like those odds!" Eda then picked up an orange looking ball and held it up. "So how's this,teach this trash slug to be your loyal soldier in one day,PROVE that you can be a better teacher then me and Y/N and Luz are all yours." King looked at the slug then back at Eda. "BUT,if you don't...I change your name from King to....Mr.wiggles..." King pointed at Eda and looked to the side. "Well when YOU lose you'll have to......wear a shame hat! And sleep in a shack! And never come into the owl house again! Hah!" "Deal!" King slapped the book with his little hand as his print was on the paper. Edna threw the orange ball on Kings head as it broke revealing the tiny trash slug. Edna walked away confidently as King watched. "Haha!" She said.
🌥With You And Luz⛅️
"Oh no no no no...I'm so sorry!" Willow helped you and Luz put of the vines hold as you both smiled at her. "It's okay....the thorns only went through a few layers of skin..." Luz said as Willow got closer to you two looking at your ears. "So....circly.."
Luz squealed as she covered her ears. Willow gasped and grabbed your face. "Your a human! This is astounding! Two humans on the boiling isles! How'd you get here?! Why are you doing here?!" Just then you all heard a bell as You saw Willow's facial expression change. "U-uh..I'm sorry I can't stay...I have to go disappoint my teacher...It was nice to meet you humans..."
You held a hand out as you turned you head to the left a bit. "I'm Luz and this is Y/N! Your willow right? What you did with that flower and that plant?! It was!.....wow!" Willow smiled but it quickly faded making you bite your lip worried. "Thanks but...I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic...my parents put me in the abomination track at school." Luz jumped up and held Willow squealing. "Like...magic school?" Willow nodded as Luz continued. "THATS SOOO COOL! I'm so jealous! We have a teacher but her lessons are a bit...untraditional...I bet she wouldn't even let us enroll. But I wish we could spend one day there..." Willow then spoke chiming in. "I wish I could get a passing grade for once....the people would stop calling me half a witch willow." Willow kicked the abomination goop as Luz interrupted. "Hey wait, I know how we can both get what we want!"
She then picked up the goop and got it on her hands. "Make us your abominations! We'll get you a good grade and you can get both of us into magic school!" Luz said pulling you into a side hug getting the purple stuff onto your clothes as you smiled awkwardly. "It's fiendishly clever!" Luz wiggled an eyebrow as you shrugged . "What?!" Willow said as Luz replied. "I saw that girl's thing! It's just chunks of stuff that talks weird. We're chunks of stuff and we talk weird!" Luz said as Willow blushed. "That's true..." Willow giggled as she continued. "Okay!,it's a deal! Luz....Y/N..." You,Luz,and Willow shook each other's hand. "This is a great plan." The purple goop spread as it stuck. "Oops...abomination goop.." Luz tried to pull her hand away from Willow's as you tried to pull Her hand away as well. "Great plan....." Luz said. "Luz...this isn't a very good idea...what if we get caught?" You said. "It'll be ok! Just trust me!" Luz said as you sighed giving up.
🥭At Hexside🥭
"Welcome to Hexside school of magic and demonics." Willow said rolling you and Luz along. "Remember to stay hidden okay?" She said as she saw Luz poking her head out. Willow tickled the locker as the mouth opened revealing some books. Willow grabbed her magic 101 book as a boy walked up to her. "Willow,you would not believe humans!" "Humans?! Pfff! I haven't seen any! What?!" Willow said as the boy looked up at her. "Did you know that humans sew barbed wire to their kids teeth?! But why?! Maybe...to make them magnetic.." the boy said as Luz jumped in. "Actually it's for storing treats!" She said as you kicked her lightly, giving the 'Why in Anime's name would you do that?' Look as she shrugged. "Okay Augustus....I'm gonna tell you something...but you have to be cool!" Willow said as the boy apparently named Augustus spoke. "I can be spool- uh-uh I-I mean cool!" "Okay...Abomination.." Luz nodded at you as she put you on her shoulders. "..Rise!" You both rose out of the pot as you were both covered in goop. "Ta-da! We're abominations!" "Luz,that's not how an abomination acts!" Willow said putting her hands on her hips as you sighed. "I..no..no...it couldn't be..." Augustus touched his pointy ears looking at you and Luz's Circular one's. "He's the president of the human appreciation society. Most witches wouldn't even able to recognise a human right away,but Augustus is an expert." "Where are your gills?!" Augustus said looking at you both up and down.
"I know an Augustus back in the human world,we called him Gus." "Gus...nickname?! Human nickname?! Gus! Call me it. Wow! Gus! This is the best day of my life.." He said as the bell rung. "I've got to get to spelling class. See you guys at lunch!"
Gus grabbed his stuff and left as you waved before giggling to yourself. "All right....into the darkness you go!" Willow said as Luz hissed as you quickly did the same going back into the pot. "That Gus kid seems cool. I'm surprised they even have spelling class here." You whispered as You caught Luz watching you almost like she was in a daze. "O-Oh y-yeah! He's seems so cool!"
She whispered back as you shrugged not paying any attention to it. You played with the goo thinking about when you would return home....or maybe.....This could be your new home?.......
🦋With Eda And King🦋
"Aw who's a good prince junior? Who's a good guy?" King said to the slug as Eda jumped in. "Hey mr.wiggles! Your not gonna teach it anything doing that." She said holding her mug. "It's called positive reinforcement Eda, and it works wonders." King said as the slug ate the treat out of his hand and grew bigger. "Haha see! Now watch this! Prince junior attack Eda! Knock over her drink! Mess up her hair!" Nothing worked as Eda sat there unfazed. "Oh no please stop." She said. "Well I haven't seen your students in forever! For all we know their not even loyal to you anymore!" The slug ate another treat put of Kings hand as it ate.
"Haha you wish.....but yeah,where are they?" Eda looked away wondering as she moved her thumb up and down. "Hmmm..."
🎒Back At Hexside🎒
"Hmmm......to many toenails in unexpected places. Fail! Pathetic!" The teacher said. "The biggest abominations are all of you!"
He pointed to the class as you listened inside the pot sweating. "I hope he doesn't figured out we're humans..." You whispered to Luz as she put a hand on your shoulder. "It's ok Y/N....Remember....Willow said most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away! We'll be ok!" Luz whispered back smiling as you smiled back. "If the next abomination is a failure,everyone gets extra homework for a month!" The teacher said as everyone groaned. "And the next one to come up is..-" The teacher was cut off as Amity stood up. "Excuse me sir! But I am ready to present my abomination. Rise!" Amity's abomination rose out of the pot as it posed. The teacher laughed. "I've always saved the best for last Amity, you'll have to wait your turn. How about.........." You crossed your fingers as Luz did the same. "Willow..." Willow covered her face with her hood as everyone whispered about her. "That half a witch....great homework for a month..." Luz and you peeked out of the pot as you looked around a bit and then looked back to willow. "Don't listen to them willow....we can do this." Luz gave her a thumbs up as she smiled. You gave an extra thumbs up just for good luck as you both went back inside. Willow rolled the cart to the front of the room. "Uhhh...abominations....rise!" As you rose on Luz's shoulders you made a zombie-like groan and stuck your tongue out. As Luz jumped down. "Ta-daaaa!" Willow smiled and pointed to the ground. "Abominations...bow!" Luz bent her knees and leaned forward as you leaned your body forward as well. "Blahhhhh..." "Very impressive! But do they speak?" The teacher said as you let out a low "oof". "Uh...We may be your abominations...but your our a-mom-ination!" You said as Luz walked over to willow as you took Willow's hands in yours smiling. Everyone Awwed as you saw Amity's jaw practically on the floor. The teacher laughed making you grin ear to ear. "A-mom-ination! Splendid wordplay! A+!" He wrote an A+ on your forehead as you squealed a bit making Luz giggle. He then wrote an A+ on Luz's forehead making her happy. The bell rung as you kinda felt bad seeing Amity upset like that. I mean she was the first person to help you in this weird magical witch....demon...world. So...she was kinda like your friend...in another realm.
"Wonderful work today Willow! Looks like we have a new top student!" He said as Amity stopped dead in her tracks. The teacher grabbed her badge as she tried to reach out for it. "B-But!" She said as he put the badge on Willow's chest. "Uh- thank you sir." She said as he nodded walking away. "Hey!" Amity said as Willow pointed to herself. "Last time I saw you your abomination was mush! What did you do?" She said as Willow smiled nervously. "I uh...took your pep talk to heart...Amity."
"I bet you did...I've got my eye one you...that badge is mine.." Amity said as she walked off backwards,not taking her eyes off willow. "Uh-oh....I think Amity is on to us..." willow said to you both. You internally screamed knowing something  like this would happen as Luz shrugged. "I knew just something would go wrong!" You whispered as your back hit the wall of the pot startling willow as she shushed you. "Sorry Willow!" You whispered.
💛At The Owl House💛
Eda opened the door making hooty hit his beak. "OW!" He said looking at Eda. "Have you seen Luz and Y/N?" She said putting a hand on her hip. "I heard their tiny mouse feet walking close by or that might of been some mice....anyway someone started moving in that direction." Hooty smiled as he moved his tiny face. "Hoot Hoot Hoot Hoo Hoot" Eda had a confused look on her face as hooty continued to hoot. "Are you trying to point or?-" "LOOK AT THE WEATHER VANE!" Hooty interrupted as Eda back away slowly looking up. "But the only way that way is the- *GASP* No..." Eda ran towards Hexside as she yelled
worried. "No no no no no no no no no!" She looked through the first window as she saw a teacher teaching some tiny kids.
"No! Blind obedience!" She said moving to the next window. She then saw another teacher teaching some older kids.
"No! Pointless busy work!" She moved to the next window seeing you and Luz writing with willow. "NOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYY SCHOOOOOOLLLLL!!!" She yelled as you looked up from your paper and at the window seeing Nothing as you shrugged. "Must be hearing things...whatever..this world is weird anyways..." You mumbled continuing to write as Luz smiled confused but continued with her writing as well.
💚At Lunchtime💚
You and Luz were sitting in the pot as you were talking with willow and Gus. "Hey do humans eat pb and j's?" Gus asked as he held up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "OhmygoshIhaven'teatenrealfoodinsolongpleasegivemesome!" Luz said as Gus broke apart the sandwich and gave you and Luz some as you both went back in pot as you ate. "ITS SOOOO GOOOD!" You whispered nodding to yourself. "I don't know Gus....if Amity saw that-" Willow was interrupted as someone jumped on the table. "I SAW THAT! ABOMINATIONS.DONT.EAT!" Amity looked into the pot as everyone stared. "I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME! WHAT ARE YOU?! WHO ARE YOU?! I.WANT.ANSWERS!" She shook Luz as the teacher called out. "Amity Blight!" He said as she turned. "Huh...?" The abomination carried his tiny body as they came closer.
"I suspected a twinge of jealousy but this.......this is just sad...." He said as she shook Luz again. "But I- No! Look at it!" The teacher pointed as he spoke. "Report to principal bumps office!"     "B-But!-"       "NOW!" He slammed his fist on the abomination's arm as Amity ran away. "Amity....." You whispered peeking out of the pot. "I feel bad for her...." You whispered again sighing.
🧡Back At The Owl House🧡
"Roll over! Yes! Neal! Yes yes!" King threw treats at The now humongous slug as he stopped,looking at Eda. "So,did you find your runaway students?" He said to the witch. "By your expression I can tell Luz and Y/N have gone and found themselves someplace else to learn." King extended his arms as his eyes lit up. "Which means I....have won!" He said as the treats from the box flew out as the slug ate them as they were in mid air. "Yes,great,you won! You have a giant soldier thing and I have nothing...congrats!" She yelled frowning at King. "Oh Eda...don't say that...at least you have.....THIS!" King said as he pulled a pointy shame hat from behind his back as he laughed. Eda moaned as she snatched the hat out of his hands walking away.
King continued to laugh as the slug came up behind him. "I am so funny! Ah well prince junior training complete! Go forth! Make the world tremble at your feet!...errr...worm stubs...." The slug didn't move a muscle as it looked down at King. "Uhh....go forth...?"  It still did not move as it continued staring at King. "Oh...heh..right!" He picked up the treats as all that came out was crumbs. The slug came closer behind King as it growled.
💜Bsck To Hexside!💜
"Wooh! I'm sweaty little abomination!" Luz said getting out as you stretched. "You can say that again...My neck is killing me!"
You agreed as Luz looked at you smirking. "But,now we don't have to worry about Amity! High five!" She said as Willow and Gus shared a confused look as Gus shrugged. You high fived Luz as you looked back at the two. "See?" You said. Luz them continued. "Slap my hand. It's a human thing." Luz pointed to her hand as Gus walked up and softly hit Luz's hand as he smiled. He did it again making him smile even more. "Oh...oh my....oh man what a rush!" Gus said as the door opened up revealing Amity and what seemed to be a tall looking guy. "Good afternoon Students.." Your jaw dropped as you whispered to Luz. "Principal bump..." Luz nodded as you both hit the deck. He turned Your head making a crack sound in your neck. You quietly let out a "ow" as he stood back up. "Abominations Rise!" He said as you both stood up. "Abominations....lie.." He said as you searched around seeing a table. You then laid down on it as you saw Luz still standing up. worrying you, thinking that you were meant to literally lie about something. "Uh..Viral fame is a worthy pursuit,your cat would never eat you if it got the chance,chemtrails are-"  Principal bump interrupted her as he smiled. "Oh no abomination...How strange for it to get the command wrong....I mean...lie down." He pointed to a table as Luz laid down next to you on the table nervously. "So very life-like....when miss Blight told me about your abominations I had to come by....see what their made of..." He said. "Oh! I-I have their list of ingredients right here-" Bump put his hand in front of Willow as she stopped digging through her pocket looking up. "No....we were hoping....for a closer look...Willow...I'll allow you the first cut..." He gave Willow the dagger as she smiled awkwardly. "Uh..you can't just cut open humans can you?..." she whispered to you as You and and Luz shook your heads.
"Willow,go ahead and make the first incision." Principal bump said as he put a hand on Willow's shoulder. "Wait principal bump! Uhh....high five!" Gus knocked over the other pots filled with abomination goop as it turned into full abominations.
"Run!" Gus yelled as Luz instantly grabbed your hand dashing off the table and put the door. "THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!"
Amity yelled as Bump turned around. "No,the intruders won't get far.." Bump made a spell circle with his finger as he put his hands in the middle creating a wave of green light as the walls were decorating in red lines.(idk what the f0ck it's called so if you watched the episode you know what I'm talking about )  You,Luz,and Willow ran through the halls. "This is all my fault guys! I just wanted to see what a real magic school was like...." Luz said looking down at her hands. "Well how do you like it?" Willow said,smiling. "It's lovely actually...." All three of you giggled. "Okay we should get out of here before-" Willow was cut off as you all heard a noise. "Oh...shit..." You whispered. A red magic seal blocked off all the other halls as you started to sweat.
"I'm to young to die in a weird magic cool witch world!" You said as Willow continued her sentence. "...Bump seals us in...."
❤️Back To The Owl House....Again❤️
Eda was sitting in the shed wearing her shame hat as King came in. "Help me help me help me!" King jumped into Eda's arms as she looked surprised . The slug banged on the door as she smiled. "Trouble with your student?"     "Yes...YES!" King yelled as the slug banged even harder on the door. "Are you sure you need my help? Maybe he only wants more of your brilliant lessons." Eda said jokingly as she pointed to her head. The monster then broke into the shed and snatched King out of Eda's hands. "Please help me! You can call me Mr.wiggles!" King said as He was dragged by the big slug. Eda picked up her staff and hit the beast on its head as it let go of King. King then ran behind Eda as he clutched onto her leg. "Okay mr.wiggles...here's what we're gonna do." She said looking at King...I mean....Mr.wiggles........
❤️Back At Hexside❤️
You three ran to the upstairs as you panted running out of breath. You ran to a hall but it was blocked off as you felt someone behind you. You saw principal bump and his abominations as you ran the other way hiding behind a pillar. "Oh this is awful...I don't know what to do! Amity's right! I'm just half a witch Willow!" Willow said as she slid down squatting. "Your full witch Willow! And your great! And someone once told me...great witches are resourceful..." Luz said as she pulled the slime ball out of her pocket. "That's it!" Willow said taking the slime ball out of Luz's hand. "You mean that greasy slime ball?" Luz said.
"Luz! It's a seed! Thank goodness you guys had it on you!" Willow said smiling as you look down at you feet smiling aswell. Luz then looked to the side as she did the same. "Yeah...thank goodness someone told us to hold on to it..." Just the you both watched as Willow put the seed in her lap and make a green spell circle in the air as green sprinkles rained on it. "Whoah....cool.." You whispered watching the witch as she blushed. "Thank you!" She whispered/yelled back. "Please....grow!" Vines came out of the tiny seed as it spread everywhere taking out the abominations as you and Luz ducked almost getting hit by a vine. It then made its way over to principal bump knocking him into the roof. He then gasped looking at the whole scene.
You stood back up walking over to the railing putting your hands on it as Luz watched you while she felt her cheeks heat up as they turned a deep red. She squealed noticing the hue on her cheeks as she covered them scared you might notice.
"Remarkable..." Bump said as he got rid of the seal. "Theres the exit!"    "Come on Y/N!" You we're about to run as Luz picked you up in a hurry. You yelled feeling your heart faster and faster. "L-LUZ I COULD OF!-" Just then Amity was in front of you all. "NOT SO FAST! I'm not letting you get away so easily....I.WANT.MY.BADGE!" She yelled. "ABOMINATIONS.....SEIZE!" The abominations then slowly walked towards you,Luz,and Willow as Luz turned around seeing one behind you as you punched it. "HAH! YES!" Luz put you down as you smiled. You all ran as Amity relaxed her face for just a moment. "Y/N?..."
She then shook her head and went back to her angry expression. She then put her hands out and summoned another abomination. You were so close to the exit as an abomination came up in front of you. "Aw come...ONNNN!!!" You said grunting. Willow drew a green spell circle summoning some vines stopping the abomination. "Get out of here!" Willow said as she struggled with the spell. "But! Are you sure?!" You said looking at the abomination then back at Willow. "I may get detention...but you'll get dissected! SO GO!" Willow yelled as the vines picked you and Luz up moving you up and towards the door. As you were dropped outside the door closed. "Willow!!" You and Luz said in unison as you banged on the door.
"We can't save you right now...but I know someone who can!" Luz said as she ran off as you followed. "Hurry Y/N!" She yelled to you. "I'm going as fast I can Luz! I'm out of breath over here!" You yelled back as you panted.
🧡At The Owl House....I KNOW...AGAIN!🧡
Eda continued fighting the monster as smacked it right in its face with her staff. "Pour the salt NOW!" Eda yelled to King as he moved the barrel of salt directly above the monster. "Baby boy!" King said as he looked at the slug giving hime a sad look before opening its mouth and roaring. "I have no son! Eat salt!" King yelled as he knocked over the barrel which poured the salt into the slug's mouth making it roar and move around until it suddenly shrunk into a tiny little worm-like creature. "Yes! I did it! I'm amazing! WAHHH!" King slipped and fell off the roof as Eda caught him. "Haha! You helped to...you are a good teacher!"
He said. "Ah I wish Y/N and Luz thought that to...." She said as You and Luz ran to her. "EEEEEEDDDAAAAA!" You and Luz jumped up and hugged her squishing King in the process. "Hey hey hey hey what is this?! Ah I never understand when you do this!" Eda said as you pulled away smiling. "Your lesson actually worked Eda! That slime ball...well...seed! Actually saved our booty's!" You gasped as Luz stared at Eda. "Our new friends are in danger!" She yelled as you heard Willow calling out to you both. "Luz! Y/N!" The young witch said running towards you guys. Gus and Willow hugged you both as all four of you smiled.
"Gus! Willow! What's up!" You yelled smiling wide. "You wont believe it guys! Everything is perfect now!" Willow said. "It's true I don't believe it!" Luz said as you nudged her playfully. "Principal bump was so impressed by my plant work he's switching me to the plant magic track!" Willow said,snapping her fingers, twirling as her uniform changed from purplish pink to green. You laughed as You and Luz cheered. "Yes! That's amazing Willow!" You yelled Grinning as she blushed. "Aww shucks Y/N..I mean...I'm not that good..."  Willow mumbled as she blushed. "Oh...what about Amity?" Luz asked looking to Gus.
"Last we saw she was asking bump if today could count as extra credit." Gus said as you snickered a bit. "Well I can't wait to see you in action next time we sneak in.." Luz said as she put her hands together. "Uh...about that..your kinda sorta....banned..."
Gus pulled out a wanted poster of Luz. "That's my girls!" Eda said putting her hands up. "But we could come here...and teach you what we learned." Willow said putting a hand on Luz's shoulder. "Aww...that would be nice..." she said. "But..I have a pretty good teacher already.." She continued as Eda smiled. "Yeah that's right! These are my students! Back off academy twerps!" Everyone laughed as Luz hugged you. Your stomach was doing cartwheels as this happened making you nervous.
"Aww..baby's first wanted poster....good job kids. Looks like I taught you something after all." Eda said as she patted you and Luz's heads. "We did great Luz! You did really good being an abomination!"  You whispered to her as she blushed staring into your eyes in amazement. "Thanks! You were...awesome to..."  she cackled making you do the same. "Uh you high five with your hands...not your head." Gus said looking at the three of you.  ROLL THE CREDITS PEOPLE!
Thank you so much guys for your patience! I finally am able to publish this chapter :D! I can't wait to write the others! And I shouldn't be saying this but except LOADS of adorable Luz x Reader moments in this book.
:) Remeber Your Beautiful/Handsome/Stunning/Gorgeous!✨🌈💎  I love you❤️
Word count: 5,756 :)

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