🩸⛓~ Young Blood, Old Souls ~⛓🩸

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The final episode for season one!

King read off the book of the boiling Isles, telling the story of how emperor Belos came to power. When he finished his story, you took a look at the book from where you were standing. "I wonder if catching Eda was all a part of his big plan. what do you think guys? Luz? Y/N?" King asks. You and Luz looked at the note Eda left with the cloaks. "To young witches, from their proud mentor, Eda" the small tag read.
"I don't care what Belos is up to..." Luz begins as she holds out her cloak. "Because today we're saving Eda!" Luz says, her cape blowing in the nonexistent wind. You and Luz walked into the closet full of weapons as King followed. "Guys, what are you doing?" King asks. The worry in his voice could be heard. "Look, King, Eda git captured by Lilith in order to save us. No we have to return the favor. We're going to that dumb castle, and save Eda from her dumb sister." You say, grabbing a machete from the wall. "And now she's the owl beast and is being taken before the emperor! I don't know what he's planning to do with Eda, but we're going to rescue her." Luz says as she grabs a sharp dagger. "Haven't you been listening to me?! He's the emperor! He's the most powerful witch alive!" King walks closer now. He clutches onto his book, worried. You kneel down in front of him and put your hands on his tiny shoulders. "King, listen. Eda's been captured and it's all because of our stupid mistake! Saving her is the only way we can...." You pause, feeling a tingling sensation in your eyes. "Make up for it." Luz finishes for you. You wipe your eyes before more tears can fall. "But she's in her owl beast form! How will she recognize you?" King asks. "I don't know..but we'll have to try anyway." Luz says. "Well then..I'm coming too." King says. "King..?" You say. It comes out like a question though. "Me and Eda don't always see eye to eye, but I do consider her family. I want her back as much as you do." King says.
"Well then we've got no time to lose!" (Hehehe.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"Luz")

You, Luz, and King snuck around town. Your arrived near a stand with a crystal ball that showed Perry Porter, Gus's dad, talking about Eda the owl lady. Kikimora was on there too. Nasty Rat. "Please tell me that's not as bad as it sounds." Luz says. "Petrifaction is only done to the worst criminals. And once the spell is complete, it can't be reversed." King replies as he sits upon Luz's shoulder. The crystal ball then switched over to Lilith. "Ugh, that witch. She cursed Eda! She did this to her own sister! She is so....evil!" You clench your fists.
"If I ever see her again..." Luz grabs the crystal ball and throws it to the ground. It shatters into a million pieces. You hold her hand.
"It's fine. Soon we'll have Eda again and everything will be okay." You say. Luz takes a deep breath. "We'll have to think about saving Eda first!" King buds in. "You're right, but how will we make it to the conformatorium in time?" Luz asks. You hear a whistle and the three of you snap your heads around to see the conformatorium guard walking about. "We'll have to do something diabolical, so criminally insane, they'll have to send us to the conformatorium!" King says. The three of you then make a plan to be sent to the conformatorium.

"HEY!" You shout. The guard turns his head to see the three of you stepping on grass next to a sign that says: "DO NOT STEP ON GRASS."
"Whaaaaa?" The three of you say in sync.

Your now in the back of the guard's vehicle, being driven to the conformatorium. "Yep, perfect plan." Luz says as you lay back, relaxing.

In the back of the vehicle, you spot statues of other criminals turned to stone. The workers then place a nameplate for Eda in the middle of two other criminals. "There's not gonna be a new statue going up today. Right Guys?, Guys?" King repeats. You and Luz are too focused on the poster of Lilith though. As the vehicle parks up, you hear a voice. "Sir, the owl Lady's human students have been apprehended." The guard driving the vehicle says. "Very good." A deep voice is heard, "Ah, Luz and Y/N...the...humans. How I've waited to see you again. Now I'll have my revenge and you'll have front row seats to Eda's demise." The deep voiced man opens the doors only to find roots coming right for him. You and the two others jump out and start attacking the guards. Luz uses an ice glyph and attacks another guard. You walk over to the head of the conformatorium and try to be as menacing as possible. "Where. Is. Eda?" You demand.
"She's in the holding cell in the dungeon!" He replies. "Draw me a map!" You hold out a pen and paper to him.

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