💀🌓~ Edge Of The World ~🌓💀

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(Exits quickly after residing in tumblr for months on end)


It has been AWFUL ever since the 'Invasion of Emperor Belos' mind' incident.

You and Luz were a bit on edge to say the least. After what happened, you guys were still trying to comprehend the sudden waves of emotions you'd gained from Belos' (Ugly nasty Philip -_-) mind.

Eda, King, and Hooty sat down on the couch, staring down at the many drawings you and Luz drew to basically map out the story of what went down inside of Belos' mind. You and Luz sat across from them, silently waiting for the moment that they would give their thoughts about this whole ordeal.

Eda looked at the two of you and then took a deep breath. "This is just a lot to take in." Eda says, seeing the looks on your faces.

"We don't have time to take anything in. We have to stop Belos!" Luz stood up, hugging herself for comfort, "I was a part of his plan...I-I fell for everything!" Luz started to tear up, the hurt and anger could be heard in her voice. You tried to console her as you stood up and laid your hand on her back. She gave you a thankful look and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to return the favor.

"King, Hooty, you know what to do." Eda said. King and Hooty immediately came in and held you and Luz in an embrace.

Eda then stood up, "Well, one thing's for sure. People can tell when you've been inside their head. It's only a matter of time before Belos sends his scouts over here." Eda frowned, crossing her arms as she stared at you and Luz. "You two need to hide." Eda states.

"What? I am not hiding!" Luz said, "I'm gonna stop Belos from completing the draining spell!" Luz then looked down at her hands. "I just need to figure out how." Luz sighed. You stared at her, feeling just a tiny bit hurt. Luz kept talking about how 'she' was gonna stop this.
Did she think she was all alone in this? (Lmao me slightly hinting towards potential angst)

"Edalyn!" Lilith suddenly burst through the doorway, "LULU!" Hooty hooted a little too hard, almost completely crushing you and Luz in the process, as he was still holding the both of you.

"I came as fast as I could. Owlbert filled me in on the Draining Spell. Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what the Day of Unity was about this whole time." Lilith says, a sad look on her face. Lilith continued to talk down on herself, which Edalyn obviously stopped. "Hey, no pity parties in this house. Besides, these two are upset enough as it is." Eda whispered the last part, just as you and Luz turned around, your eyes welling with tears.

"You're right. I'll do anything to help." Lilith said.

"Lulu! I am so happy to see you, I could— I could—" Hooty then Barfed out a pile of junk, which made everyone cringe. "Hooty, why are you like this?" You facepalmed.

"He's also been eating our mail. Look!" King held up a black envelope with the words 'To King' written in gold on the front.

King opened the envelope and inside was a letter, but also a strange pointy stone looking object.

" "Dear King Clawthorne, if you wish to know who you truly are, come to this location and our warrior clan." " King read, "I think they might be my family! And maybe they're an answer to all our problems." King held the letter up.

"That's great and all but...how is that supposed to help us stop ol' creepy dude Belos?" You asked, walking over to King with the rest of the gang.

"They're a clan of warriors! How else do you defeat a tyrant with their own army? By making an army of your own!" King raised his voice, holding his fist in the air.

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