☁️🌙🥀~ Reaching Out~🥀🌙☁️

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I'm skipping Any sport in a storm, Don't hate
me plz 😩👌

You sat on the couch, scrolling on your phone, while you waited for Luz  and the others to wake up. Suddenly, there was a huge thump, and Luz came rushing into the living room. "Uhh..." you narrowed your eyes. "Good morning Mi reina!" (Mi reina = My Queen) Luz sped through her words, getting out her board, and continuing her studies. You smiled at the nickname, but it only lasted a split second before your concern returned.

King and Eda walked in, their faces filled with worry. "Uh, feeling ok, Luz?" King asks.

"I FEEL GREAT. Today's gonna be a productive day full of problem solving! Look!" Luz showed everyone the long scroll she had written what seemed like a list. You sat up, standing where Eda and king were to get a better look. Eda read, " 'Successfully build a portal to the Human Realm, Learn every glyph combination, figure out what Belos is planning and show him what for.' ?" Eda read.

"Look! I've already learned a new combo." Luz holds up a glyph, and then picks up francois. "Excuse me, Francois." Luz uses the glyph on Francois, which makes him float for short second.  "I call it, the safety hover!" Luz says.

"Ooh! That'll work great when birds try to fly away with me." King said. "And, I'm already on my way to building a second door." Luz points to the makeshift portal door on the other side of the room. It fell, Hooty going down with it.

"Buuut look at this!" Luz pulls out a purple scroll. "Did you steal my penstagram?" Eda asks. "I borrowed it because I've got a castle insider getting info on Belos." Luz starts typing on the scroll. "Willow gave me Hunter's Contact."

While Luz starts doing who knows what on the scroll, the cogs in your brain started working....slowly...and surely...it finally clicked.

"You're avoiding something." Eda says. You laugh. "Awww, you stole my line." You joke.  Eda smirks.

"I am not!" Luz claims. "Maybe I am." She slouches, hugging herself. "Okay, I definitely am." She admits. Luz sits down on the coffe table, and Eda gives her her old Grudgby jacket, putting it over her shoulders. "Every year, me and Mom have this little ritual we do. It's nothing big. I just miss her. That's all." Luz smiles. Your heart dropped. That's why! You remember how Luz had told you about her father. You didn't bother saying anything, not wanting to pry too much.

"What you need is a healthy distraction from your problems. Like breakfast!" King jumps up.

"Yeah. Okay." Luz puts a hand on King's shoulder. "I could go for a griffin egg!" Luz gives King a big hug. "Well, let us know if you need anything." Eda says.
"I'll meet you guys in the kitchen." Luz giggles.

You start to walk with them, but you decided to stay. You sat on the table beside Luz. "Luz, I-"

"LUZ, Y/N." Amity's voice appeared out of nowhere as she walked towards the doorway. "I have a problem, and it could distract us all day!" She hits her palm on the door, her face looking serious.

You were about to decline but Luz was too quick. "Tell me all about it and don't spare a single detail!" Luz said.


"I don't even want to join a coven anymore! And this thing is so embarrassing I even tried disguising it." Amity explained, gesturing towards the creepy abomination her dad had sent with her.

"I think Eda has that exact same outfit." You say. Amity hunched over, letting out a sigh.
"The bonesborough brawl is the one cool thing my dad did before joining the Abomination coven. It would've been nice to share something with him." Amity looked so hurt, and you couldn't say no to that face. Neither could Luz you assumed. "Well hey, we're here to help!" Luz begins, "You ditch the tryouts and enter the brawl!" Luz says.

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