💥☁️~Something Ventured, Someone Framed~☁️💥

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Hey peeps! So I decided to skip the episode "Once upon a swap" because I just feel like it doesn't hold much importance right now. If I change my mind I'll right a chapter for it but for now I'm just gonna stick with this.
Also, I might skip a few scenes with Eda and Bumpy Boy just because I mainly just wanna focus on one POV.

~ At Hexside ~
"What if I brought in some experts?" Gus said as he looked back to the H.A.S members. Gus had been showing off the human items to his members but thanks to mattholomule, the other members were starting to think Gus's human items were fake. "Yeah right, who can you find that's a bigger human expert than us?" Mattholomule said. "How about....a real human!" Gus declared. "Yeah uh-huh. And you've never brought your friends here, why?" Mattholomule asked, crossing his arms. "Well, their both busy! They've got jobs!" Gus explained.
"But, I'll bring them in tomorrow! They'll prove I'm right!" "Ugh, sure you will Augustus." Gus's smile dropped. "Sure you will.."

Back at the owl house,

Gus had asked you and Luz to go to school with him. "Gus, we'd loved to come but we got banned by principal Bump, remember?" You said, gesturing to the banned poster of you and Luz. "Bump nothing, bump did you a favor. There ain't nothing for you at that dweebus factory. No offense dweebus." Eda said. "That's okay, I come from a long line of dweebuses." Gus closes his eyes and puts his hand over his heart, not taking any offense. "Well I would love to go someday! Better than unpacking boxes in the Ed's coven!" Luz says, standing up.
"Oh, you think you're clever huh?" Eda puts her hands on her hips as she stands. "OOH! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" King punches the air.
"Can it King! First off, it's the bad gild coven, and second off, I guess you don't want in on the t-shirt order huh?" Eda holds up a picture of her t-shirt as you mentally face palm. "I don't care about t-shirts Eda! I want to learn magic, And they teach that at hexside!" Luz yelled, waving her arms at Gus. "I mean, yeah, welll...UGHHH..I don't wanna hear another word about hexside! Unless it's hexside is on fire and
'Let's grab front row seats!'" Eda slams the door as she leaves the house. "That owl lady has some serious issues." You say, putting the box of junk down. "Aww, look what you did. I'm gonna go rub it in!" King leaves after Eda as you sigh and rub your temples. "Not a dull moment with King." You laugh and stand up next to Luz. As the door closes, Luz let's put a sigh and flops on the couch. You're brows furrowed and you cross your arms. "Umm...guys...about the ban...I uh..used my presedential authority to pull some strings! You've been given a full pardon!" Gus says, smiling. "WHAT?! Gus that's huge! Wow! Are you serious!?" You ask, putting your hands on his shoulder, practically shaking him. "Yep! I got the ban lifted...totally.....definitely..." He stumbles a bit on his words. "YES! Of course we'll be there tomorrow! Gus this'll be great! I get to see the school and save the president!" Luz jumps on the couch as she squeals and pulls you up into a hug.
"We're gonna be at hexside! We're gonna be at hexside! We're gonna be at hexside!" Luz chants as she squeezes you. "Yep...But...Luz..I can't breath..." She gasps and let's you go, realizing how close you guys were. "Oh..sorry!...hehe..." A blush appears on her face as she plays with her hair. "Great! So umm...I'll see you guys tomorrow! Yes! Ya did it Gus! Ya did it Gus, your the smartest, your the best!" Gus dances as he cheers himself on. But Hooty.... "Sweet moves little dude!" Hooty says, startling Gus. "AH! I always forget your there!"
"I forget I'm here too, boop!" Gus stares at Hooty, unimpressed. "This is gonna work out after all!"

Back at hexside.....

"This isn't gonna work out at all!" Willow says, frowning. "Uhh....I feel like I took care of any potential problems.." Gus scratches the back of his head, thinking. "You lied to our best friends and told them you got the bans lifted! That seems like a potential problem to me!" Willow argues. "You don't understand! The members were going mad! They were bloodthirsty, they were touching objects! I had no choice!" Gus yells. "Really? What about the wanted posters around school?" Willow asks. "What wanted posters?" Gus says, showing all the posters he's collected in his bag. "I also got this, to keep them undercover." Gus explains, taking out two hexside uniform hoods.
"Undercover from what?" Luz's voice suddenly appears, as Gus immediately shoves the hoods onto both of your heads.
"Behold your new cowl!" Gus says, as you struggle to fix your hood. "Woah! I love it!" Luz says as Gus turns her hood around.
"On the boiling Isles, new things smell...really old." You joked, sniffing the cowl. "Yep! Put it on! Hide your ears! I wanna keep you guys under wraps until the big reveal." Gus explains. Willow glares at him, knowing what he's up to. "Oh! A showman! I totally get it! You bring the razzle, we bring the dazzle." Luz does jazz hands as she sprinkles confetti everywhere. "Do you always have confetti on you or..." a sudden sound breaks out and you see that it's Gus's watch. "That's my alarm! Uh, we better get going, see you after school Willow!" Gus grabs Luz's hand as you follow after them. "Bye Willow!" You wave to her as she scowls towards Gus.
"Oh Gus, I hope you know what your doing.." Willow said,

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