🦉✨🍋Hooty's Moving Hassle🍋✨🦉

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Hey! I'm back you guys! I also decided to post a new chapter for this book for you all! I hope you enjoy, even if it's terrible. 😫🖐✨ Enjoy my little Simps and Simpets!

(If I decide to post the next chapter tomorrow, I pre-wrote the chapters, that's why their gonna be posted so early.)

Eda tossed the playing cards in her hands from one to the other. She arched her eyebrow as she smirked.  You and Luz watched as she played against owlbert. They narrowed their eyes at each other, concentrating on the game. "Watch closely guys, hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the boiling isles, any proper witch knows how to play." Eda says.  "Oh boy, cards! The paper rectangle that old people think are fun!" Luz said. You giggled and nudged her lightly with your elbow, oblivious to her slightly red face from your touch. Eda placed down a black card with a red demon looking thing on it. All the cards start to electrify, making owlbert scared to the point he falls backwards.
All the cards start to come alive and they start to snarl at each other. Owlbert's cards start backing Eda's cards towards the ledge.
"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out, the wild card!" Eda says, taking out a card with a castle.
She holds it in her hands and it suddenly glows green. Owlberts cards all disintegrate and he hoots in dissatisfaction. "WOAH YEAH! GO EDAAA!!!" You yell, jumping out of your seat. You give Eda a big high five as she throws her arms up. "WOOO! I win! In your adorable owl face! Ah, I love the feeling of victory. It feels....fluffy..?" Eda looks down at her right arm and you gasp. "Uhhh...yeah...your looking a little.." You motion towards Eda's arms, trying to tell her without actually telling her.  "Your little thing...It's happening again!" You say.
"What's happening again?" Eda asks. You slap your forehead and groan in disbelief. "Your curse is returning!" King exclaims.
Eda yelps as she finally takes notice of her feathered arms. You all start to surround Eda's chest full of her elixirs but when she opens it up, there's not a lick of elixir left. "Oh boy..this is terrible..I'm out of elixir.." Eda picks up an empty bottle and turns it upside down.
"Yep uh...last time I checked..when you had no elixir left, you turned into this thing." You say, taking your phone out and showing Eda a picture you took of her. "I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce." Eda says, fluffing out her hair. "Eda!" Luz exclaims.
You look at the photo another time and frown. "Your right, your right. We need to head to the market." Eda hits her fist against her palm.
"Cool! Witchy Market-y stuff!" You yell, quickly standing up to go get your stuff ready. "Yeah! Market!" Luz runs after you.
"I'm gonna steal everything that's not nailed down!" King yells. "Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of hexx's hold'em?" Eda asks,patting her side but is surprised when she sees that her cards are nowhere to be found. "Hey! Where are my cards?!" Eda frowns.
You stiffle a laugh as you hold the cards behind your back. Owlbert flys over and you turn around to whisper to him. "Take these and go ahead of us, Eda's gonna have to follow us at that point." You whisper and hand the cards to owlbert. Eda sees owlbert fly away with her cards as she chases after him. "Owlbert you sore loser! Give me back my cards!" Eda demands. Luz sighs and looks out of the corner of her eyes to see you, smiling. "That lady has some serious addiction issues." You say.  Luz laughs and takes hold of your hand. "Tell me about it! Let's go before she does something she'll...regret." Luz jokes.

🍓✨~ At The Market ~✨🍓
Eda knocked on Morton, A.K.A mr.elixir's window gate. (I have no idea what that things called) "Hey open up Morton!" Eda yells.
"Uh..uh..just a minute!" He calls out. "Is there anything better than people watching in the demon realm?" Luz says while You,Luz,and King watch as the people of the town go about their daily lives. Some people get in a cracked egg and close it and roll away just as that tiny nosed girl runs up. "Wait! Aww..." She slouches. "The curse of tiny legs..." Luz said as she crosses her arms and shakes her head. "I know the pain.." King says.  Suddenly some big guy leads a couple of other people who are moving a ginormous red monster on a wooden cart. 
"Woah, that is one ominous parade." Luz points out to Eda. "That's no parade. Those are demon hunters." Eda explains as the monster tried to snap at the big green guy wearing an eyepatch.  "Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts."
The green guys draws a green spell circle in the air that electrifies and puts the beast to sleep. The guy turns to you guys which sends a chill down your spine. "Mhm...ugly sketchy lookin' dude...got it." You mumble.  "Which I'm about to become IF YOU DON'T OPEN UP MORTON!!!" Eda yells as she bangs on the metal barrier. "Sorry Eda. I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason, I don't feel great.." Morton says as he holds his stomach. "Obviously, your drinking poison.." You whispered to yourself. "I'm all out of my juice pal." Eda said, handing him the bottle.  "Oh gee, let me see what I can do." Morton starts to dig through all his potions, making a bunch of noise.
You, getting bored obviously, turn around to go and see if there was anything interesting going on. When the monster was moved away you could see Willow and Gus approaching. They looked...sad.  "Luz! Look! Hey Willow! Sup Gustifer!" You called out.
"Heya friends! Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?" Luz asked, squinting her eyes to inspect the two witches.  "Them." Willow says, gesturing behind them. You scanned over the four girls. Skara, Cat, Boscha, Ami- WHAT. You gasped, seeing Amity.
"Amity is having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me." Willow says, looking at the ground. "And she keeps posting it on her penstagram account." Gus adds, Drawing a spell circle in the air, summoning his purple scroll: 'It's Conjuring Night! No dorks allowed!'
Amity's post read as the picture of her and her friends made you wanna puke. "Way to be real as-" Luz put her finger to your mouth, stopping you from finishing your sentence. "What a jerk!" Luz said, folding her arms. You scoffed and narrowed your eyes.
"Yeah, that's a real nice way to put it." You huff. "What the heck is a moonlight conjuring?" You asked. Luz nodded, also wanting to know what the hype was all about. "You spend the night at someone's house. Telling stories, playing games," Willow explains.
"That's...literally the definition of a slumber party. Cool." You say. Luz squeals. "Exactly! We have those in the human world!" She smiles.
"Then you bring something to life with moon magic!" Willow finishes. You raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry what?" Your face drops.
Luz keeps her smile. "Like a weird slumber party!" She says. "Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and-"
Luz cuts Willow off. "I'm three people!" Luz exclaims. She then looks at you and shakes her head. "I meant we're three people!" Luz wraps her arm around your shoulder. "And we're way better than them!" Just then, Boscha,Amity, Cat, and Skara come walking by.
Boscha's high pitched,annoying laugh makes you want to strangle her. (She's so rude like shut up. If you like Boscha then...oh well.)
"Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring Willow, Only real witches allowed." Boscha says as she turns to Amity.
"Ugh, leave her alone. It's not her fault she was born without talent." Amity says. The four of them walk off as you practically feel the steam coming out of your ears. Willow starts to get angry and vines start to emerge from the ground. "Nope!" You say as you slap one of the pointy vines back down. "Don't waist your time getting thorny over them. Cause we are gonna have our own moonlight conjuring." Luz smiles.
"Are you serious? This is on my bucket list." Gus says pulling out a piece of paper. "After owning a real human bucket." Gus checks off the little square near moonlight conjuring as you quickly read through his list. "That's a really weird thing to want but I appreciate your enthusiasm." Luz says. "We'll go tell Eda! Wait here!" You say, motioning for Luz to follow you. "I've got bad news and good news." Morton starts, "bad news is I'm all out till next week. Good news is feathers are a good look for you." Morton hides behind his counter as Eda scowls down at him. "Morton!" Eda yells as a new feather grows by her forehead. "Well gee E, why'd you wait to re-up till now?!" Morton complains. "I've been very busy!" Eda says. "Yeah, busy playing hexx's hold'em. She's obsessed with it!" King buds in.
"I am not Obsessed!" Eda defends herself. "Your playing it right now!" King argues. Eda was indeed playing against Morton.
"Am I winning?" Eda smiles. "You know I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody. But if you need your elixir you could try your luck later this evening." Morton says. "In the night market?" Eda whispers. "There's a guy with a stand, goes by grim hammer...if anyone has what you need...it's him." "EDA!!" You yell. "Hey Eda! So basically Gus,Willow,Luz, and I are gonna do a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Amity so can we-" "Not tonight, I'm going out. I need you to watch the house. I've many precious objects in there." Eda explains, walking over to King. "Like meeee!" He says, getting picked up by Eda. "You're coming with me. I need an extra pair of eyes to look out for pickpockets.
And an extra pair of hands in case I wanna pickpocket." Eda smirks. "Pickpocket!" Eda and King say in unison. "Then, maybe they could come to the house and,-" "Nope! Besides, conjurings are dumb! Sitting in a circle holding hands? Pfft! It's like magic for babies." Eda walks off as you groan and tug on your sleeve, annoyed. "Guys! What did Eda say?" Willow asks as her and Gus run over.
"So...guys.." Luz begins. "Oh look! The moon is rising into place." Gus says as you all look up towards the sky. "The celestial powers only align once a year." Gus adds. "Oh I can't believe I have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you Luz!" Willow exclaims, making you and Luz feel even worse. "Did Eda say it was okay?" Willow asks. You take a small step forward, getting closer to the two witches.
"Actually, Eda said we couldn't-" Luz puts her arms in front of you,pushing you back a little. "YES! I mean...yes she said yes. We can do it at the owl house! As long as we don't make a mess, touch anything and never bring up that we did it." Luz laughs, awkwardly as Willow and Gus cheer. Luz turns to look at you but all you could do was shrug.

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