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Hiya everyone! I really hope you enjoy this! Mwah!


Eda dusted off the table while Luz stood in front of King,he sat on said table. You stood next to her holding the left side of the book. Luz's heart beat faster but she kept her cool. Having you so close was definitely nerve racking.  "Emboldened by the dishonour Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton candy skies and shouted: 'I challenge you to a witches duel!' "  Luz says as you giggle.   "And look,I drew a flip book! Pew pew pew pew!"  She continues.  "Show me the picture."  King said.  "What?" Luz sounded genuinely curious but let out a faint laugh as she talked.
"Show me the picture!"  King repeated. Luz and you turned the book around. "I'm surprised your so interested in this book King."  You said.  "I'm full of many surprises Y/N."  He put a hand on his chest,closing his eyes before opening them and pointing to Luz's small flip book drawing. "Hah! I can draw better than that!"  He said.  "You know they once called me the  King of artists." He finished as he turned around,stood up straight,and put a hand up to the sky. You put a hand on your hip,letting go of the book as Luz held it. "Pfft! I thought you were the King of demons...King..."  You teased.  "Are you just making this up now?"  Luz budded in.  "Doesn't matter. What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me."  King said as he wiggled his fingers,squinting.  "Well we can offer you more of this tantalising book!...right Luz?" You say as you nudge her arm making her snap out of her trance. "Huh?! Oh! Yeah! Definitely! Such a good book!"  She blurted.  You looked at her suspiciously but let it go.  "Ugh! Please stop reading that! It's flowery language is an insult to witches and driving away all our serious customers!" Eda said as she swatted the duster around in your faces making you squint,trying to move away from it.  "Um...Eda..." Luz said as you all looked forward. There were absolutely no other stalls and DEFINITELY no "Serious customers".   "Yeah...this place is pretty empty..."  You mumbled to yourself.  "What customers.." Luz says.   "There aren't even any other stands around." She turned her head to Eda.  "What's going on?" She asked.  "This is a bad omen...there must be something horrible happening today..." Eda says as something..unexpected happened.  "Luz! Y/N! Something amazing is happening today!" Gus yelled as him and Willow ran up.  "Hey dudes! What's up?"  You said.  Gus waved at you as Willow did the same.  "Gus! Willow! Hey!" Luz held her hand up as she spoke,smiling at the two.  "It's the annual Covention! Student witches get to see all the types of covens before their placed in one."  Willow explains.  "There's even a mystery guest this year!" She points at the words at the bottom of the poster she held.   "A job fair for witches! Eda can we go?" Luz says as she leans her head on Eda's arm.   "Absolutely not!" She said as she had her arms crossed.  Luz slides down onto the floor as she whines.
"Edaaaaa! Come on duder! So not cool!"  You say as she sighs. "I never joined a coven for a reason! Sure it's like a fun club for witches,but your also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system!" Eda slams her fist on the table as Willow and Gus stare at her for a moment. "Ah but no judgement...in any case I haven't been to one since we were girls." Eda says crossing her arms again as your eyes widen and you smile. "We?" Luz started as she came back up from off the ground.
"I-uh-uh..." Eda stumbles. "Who's we? You have a mysterious past! Now we gotta go!" Luz said as she pointed to Eda then retracted her hand back. "No." She said which made you smirk. "Okay, then there's only one way to settle this like civilised witches...and humans..." You snap your fingers as King pulls out the haunting Good Witch Azura book and starts reading.
"You shall not shan't dot it! No more harm! Azura callith out," King read. "So flowery...so awful.." Eda said as her eyes looked horrified. King continued to Read as Eda grabbed her portal door and opened it up walking into it as Luz picked King up and threw him into the door just before it closed. It then opened back up again not even a second later as you laughed.
"Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything to stop this!" She yelled.

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