💔⭐️💧~ Follies At The Coven Day Parade~💧⭐️💔

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⚠️(If you haven't watched the episode I DO NOT suggest reading this chapter) ⚠️


"Hola, Mama! I know you don't want me staying in the demon realm...but I'm recording this because I think we can find a middle ground!"
Luz smiles. She then puts her free hand up, trying to be dramatic. "This is a world full of magic and beauty! Just look!" She turns the camera to the window, showing what seems to be Hooty. Just..without skin....just....bone....DID HE JUST SHED HIS SKIN?!

"ARGHHH! AHHHH!" Luz screams.

She's now walking through the town, still trying to record something special in the demon realm. "Well, you should know...I'm even learning magic! And as a human, it impresses pretty much everyone." Just as Luz says that, Boscha walks up beside her, the ball of light in Luz's hand blinding Boscha. "UGH, AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Boscha stumbles back, her hands on her face. "HUMAN! IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN I WILL SET YOUR EYES ON FIRE!!" Boscha says as she makes a spell circle of fire and sets it off towards Luz.

Luz starts another recording, a small piece of her hair still on fire. She puts in out with her hand, chuckling awkwardly.
"Sure, the demon realm can be a little..erugh....but there's no safer place than Hexside school of magic and demonics." Luz flips the camera, focusing on Principal Bump. "Hm?" Bump hums, he realizes he's on camera and fixes his posture, "Ahem! Why, yes. The well-being of our students is our top priority. Which is why we send all our troublemakers to our new and improved detention pit."

The camera flips, showing a student being dragged towards the huge detention doors. "PLEASE NOOOO!" The student screams.

"Help me....."

The doors shut as the detention guard turns around, growling.

The camera turns back to Prinicpal Bump, "And...that's enough of that..." Luz puts her hand over the camera, ending the recording.

"You know, I think he does it 'cause he's sad." Gus says. "He's just evil and shy." Luz, Gus, and Willow sat down on the steps of the entrance of the school. "It happens." Gus finishes. "I heard there's just a mirror underneath. The real emperor was society all along." Willow whispered the last part, squinting her eyes. "Maybe he's so handsome, people have a hard time focusing on what he says. I get it. I can relate." Gus says. Gus looks up at Luz, who's rewatching the recording she made on her phone. "Luz!" Gus snaps Luz out of her zone, making her jump back, hiding her phone. "You've seen Belos up close. What's he like under..." Gus makes his face more serious, lowering his tone and slowly sliding his hand down his face. "All that..." Gus asks. "Oh! I never really got a good look." Luz admits, putting her finger on her chin. "I heard he's scarred from wild magic!" Amity's voice buds in, sending Luz falling onto her side. You peek out from behind Amity, smiling.

"O-Oh....Amity, Y/N!" Luz greets the two. "Hola, batata!" You say. "Did...you just call me a sweet potato?" Luz asks as Amity helps her up.
"Yes! Sorry...is it too cheesy?" Your eyebrows furrow. "No! No! It's..actually pretty sweet." Luz jokes. You roll your eyes playfully, getting the joke. "Ha! Yeah. Y/N's been trying to help me figure out this human language book from Gus." Amity says, taking out the recipe book from her bag. "Awww, Y/N! Your the sweet potato." Luz intertwines her fingers together, extending her arms out. She puts her head on your shoulder as you feel blush form on your cheeks. "Hey, did that titan blood ever come in handy?" Amity asks. Luz's eyes widen. So did yours. "Did you finish building the door?" Willow asks. "Did you visit your mom." Gus asks. "Does she know about high fives too?"

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