🔥🍄📖Lost In Language📖🍄🔥

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Hi y'all! Another Update for this book! Yay! I hope you guys enjoy! 🍓

You had just been given a job at the local library from malphus because of a certain someone who decided to put in a good word for you if you know what I mean...😏 That meant that it was just Luz, Eda, and King at home. Well, also Hooty." "Azura!" Heckaty began, "our paths have crossed only in battle, but today I stand before you seeking an ally." " Luz read, mimicking the voice of heckaty. She sighed,closing the book. "Luz, your getting all swoony again." King points out. "I can't help it! Azura is able to befriend everyone! Even her biggest rival! I wish I had that kind of power.." Luz said. "Rivals are meant to annihilated not befriended. Now keep reading, I've been sucked into your awful fandom." King said as he wagged his tail. "Okay, suddenly the door swung open!" Luz read when suddenly, the door to the owl house swung open. "Ding Dong Ding! Hoot-Hoot!" It was Hooty. Great.
"The book has come to life! Burn it!" King yelled. Luz stepped outside to see what all the noise was about. "Hm?" Luz hummed.
"Eda you got a package." Luz said as she placed a basket on the table inside the kitchen. "It looks like a gift basket."
"Ah, being the most powerful witch on the boiling Isles has its perks." Eda says as King slides a little of the cloth off to reveal...A BABY?!
Mmh..fresh meat." King said as he rubbed his hands together. "Nope! Not eating that!" Luz said as she walked away.
"Witches eating babies is so 1693. What is this?" Eda says. "There's a note." King grabs the tag off of the basket and reads.
"Take care of my child til morning. Yi Yi?" King read. "Nope! Babies are awful not happening." Eda crosses her arms, not wanting to take care of some gross stranger's kid. "You will be handsomely rewarded, xoxoxoxo bat queen." King finishes.
"Bat queen?! Reward?" Eda smiles as King holds up some shiny gold coins. "Who's the bat queen?" Luz asks as she walks back in.
"She's the wealthiest demon on the boiling isles. Get in with her and your set for life!" Eda explains. So, we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid? Pfft, easy." Eda says as she flips the coin in her hand. "Our greatest adventure yet! Learning about love and life through a child's eyes." Luz said as her eyes light up. "Not you, you have to return the books I checked out from the library." Eda draws a spell circle in the air and summons her library books for Luz. "I don't want her to get a cut of the loot." Eda whispers to King.
"Good thinking!" King whispers back. "Now let's take a look at this little darling." Eda removes the sheet to reveal a very loud and cranky baby bat. "Welp! I better get to the library! Gotta go! Bye!" Luz shuts the door and struggles as she carries all the books.
"Okay..you got this Luz Noceda. Ugh, I can't believe-" Luz stops in her tracks as her face turns RED. "Wait! What am I thinking?! This is perfect! The library means I get to see Y/N!" Luz shouts. "Oops, hehe!...maybe that was a little too loud..."

✨📖🌈 ~ At The Library ~ 🌈📖✨
As Luz Arrived at the library she stared in awe of the big building. "Woah," Luz said. As she entered her books were surrounded by a greenish aura as the librarian scanned all of her books. "Late,Late,Coffee grass and blood stains. These are Eda's aren't they?" The librarian said as he frowned. "Heh...that was a crazy night.." luz hesitated before giving him an awkward smile. "I'll put them on her tab....by the way we're closing early for the whaling star meteor shower." The Librarian said as he gestured towards the poster. "Ooh what's that?" Luz asked. "Your in a library, read a book." He replied. "I am in a library, I will read a book!" Luz said as she ran towards the demon decimal systems.The sign read "do not feed" as Luz crouched by one of the demon faces. Luz smiled mischievously as she fed the demon a gumball candy. Luz then hopped onto one of the floating books as she started yelling. The students shushed her and went back to their reading.
"This place is amazing!" Luz said. "What do you think your doing?!" A voice yelled out. Luz let out a yelp. "You've been caught! Quick! Pretend to be a book!" Luz realised that no one was actually talking to heard when she heard the giggles of children. " "We're your friends, and we wanna help!" said the tin boy with a Yelp. Otobin smiled and paced the floor "I've never had real friends before." " You read as Luz watched from afar. "Y/N reading to kids? Wow, that's awesome!" Luz said as a smile plastered itself onto her face.
" "Then we'll be your first!" The chicken witch clucked." You continued reading, not noticing Luz creeping into the room.
"Otobin couldn't believe his luck. So bookmaker otobin surrounded by friends, bound a book of friendship, and that's the end." You closed the book as the kids got up and started clapping. "Thank you Y/N!" One of them cheered. "Y/N looks so happy....and pretty.." Luz gasped as she put her hands together. "Maybe I can ask her out! I MEAN ASK HER ABOUT PHILIP!! That's definitely what I was gonna say!!! HeHe...OH!" A blush spread across Luz's face as she sighed. Luz quickly ducked down as she saw you approaching. "Thank you so much!" The kids giggled and laughed as they ran out of the kids corner. One kid stayed as he hugged your leg. "Goodbye miss Y/N. Thank you." Braxis said in his deep voice. Like always. "Aww, thank you braxis, have a wonderful day. See you next time!" You waved to him as he left the kids corner. "Nice kid," You whispered to yourself as you felt someone watching you. You took a quick glance to your left before full on turning.
"OH MY GOSH! L-LUZ?! WHAT THE HECK?!" You let out a low Yelp as you gripped onto the book. Luz leaned against the book case, trying to act cool in front of her (AHEM....FUTURE WIFE/HUSBAND/SPOUSE....FUTURE LOVER...FUTURE...) crush. "Y/N, heyyyy,....oops! Reading to kids! That's so hot.....I MEAN CAUSE YOU KNOW IT MUST GET WARM IN HERE AM I RIGHT?!" Luz began to feel her face heat up as she began to sweat. You rose an eyebrow, confused and also still shocked by Luz's sudden appearance. "Yeah....I actually got the job because of Amity. She kinda put in a good word for me to Malphus so..he hired me."
You said as you gestured towards your Staff card. You felt butterflies in your stomach and you started to turn away from Luz to hide your nervous expression. Luz gave an awkward as she played with her fingers. You started walking back over to the reading area to grab your B/C (Bag Color and/or pattern! Whatever you want your bag to look like is fine!) bag. "I-I could help with the kids! We could even take turns reading! And do cool voices! You know I do the best mon-ster voice." Luz said, trying to help you out in any way she can. You laughed, picking up your bag. "Well, I could use a little help around here, I mean, you could come in when I'm on duty with the kids. Luz's eyes light up. "YES! I mean, yes! That's great!" Luz says as she grabs hold of your hand, but let's go of it after a few moments. "Uh...so about Amity-"
"Luz?!" A voice calls out. Amity. "Oh! Amity! Hey.." Luz says but Amity completely ignores Luz, she instead walks straight towards you.
"Malphus says he wants to talk to you. It's important." Amity says as she crosses her arms. "Oh! Malphus? Okay?....B-Bye Luz!" You wave goodbye as Luz sighs. "So...Amity..hi." Luz greets her. "What are you even doing here human?!" "Look Amity, why don't we just forget about what happened and...make up?" Luz smiles as Amity's eyes widen. "Make up?! You think that's how it works! Whenever Your around I'm always getting into trouble so just..leave!" Amity yells. "Okay! Okay! Im..I'm sorry.." Luz walks away leaving Amity alone.
"Ugh, so much for befriending rivals.." Luz slouches as she presses her fist to her forehead. "You gonna let her get to you like that?" A males voice said as Luz looks up. Two older kids with green hair and the same color eyes as Amity. "Who are you?" Luz asks.
"Well wisher's on a mission." The boy says. "A noble quest." The girl adds. "Watch this, hey mittens! Mom says stop forgetting your lunch!"
The boy says as he holds up a bunny bag. "And stop being a jerk to your friend." The guy frowns as Amity snatches the bag out of his hand.
"She is not my friend." Amity assures the two. Luz slouches and looks at the ground as the older girl put her hands on her shoulders.
"Yeah makes sense,she seems too cool for you." The girl says. "I am..?" Luz whispers. "You can leave now, all of you!" Amity orders.
"So your the human we've heard so much about.." The older boy said. "I'm emira, and this is edric. We're Amity's older siblings. We heard how you embarrassed her at school and at the witch covention last week. No wonder she hates you." Emira says as she crossed her arms.
"I know but I didn't mean any of it! I thought we were as cool as cucumbers but turns out we're as sour as pickles." Luz said as she frowned.
"Don't waist your time with mittens. We're much cooler! Follow us!" Emira says as she takes Luz's hand.
They start with messing with the librarian from earlier and that three eyed worker as well. They also erase the non from the fiction so that the three eyed guy has a really hard time. They finally make the library decimal demons shoot out loads of paper before Amity catches them and gets them kicked out. "Your pretty fun human." Emira says as she gives Edric a knowing look. "Hey, so we're coming back tonight. There's a certain book we forgot to....checkout." Emira and Edric are now inches away from Luz's face. "And Bonus rumour has it the whaling star is supposed to unlock some rare magical event. You in?" Edric asks. "Friend?..."
"Sure..." Luz hesitates. "Great, meet back here at midnight. See you Luz!" Edric said as Luz grins. "This is great! First I befriend the siblings, the I befriend the Amity!" Luz squeals as Amity watches her from afar. Amity groans and her face gets red before taking a deep breath and putting a hand on her chest. "Woo..almost passed out there.." Amity says.

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