✨Witches Before Wizards✨

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As Luz rolled around she had dreams of the day before when she arrived. She then woke up sweating as she looked around the room. "IT WASN'T A DREAM!" She said putting her hands up in the air before getting up and opening the window.
"Good morning terrifying fantasy world!" A monster then came out of the water and said good morning as luz jumped back a little. Luz then picked up King and held him up. "Good morning you little cutie pie."  She kisses him multiple times as he tried to hold her back. "I AM NOT YOUR CUTIE PIE!"    "Yes you are!~" Luz put him down as he let out a sigh of defeat. "I know..."
She walked to the bathroom as owls flew out as she ducked. "Eee!"  Walking back into the bathroom hooty waited before yelling. "Hi Luz!"   "AHHHHHHHHH!" Luz screamed as she chopped hooty's head with her hand. "AHHH! I'm just wishing you a good morning! Geez! Hoot! Ow!" Hooty's got back to his spot on the door as Luz shouted. to him. "Sorry Hooty!"
She then turned to pick up her good witch Azura book and looked in the mirror. "This is it ol' girl...your first day on the boiling isles...As a witch apprentice!"  She punched the air as she smiled. Luz then went to the closet and opened the door covering her eyes. "Please have witchy clothes..Please have witchy clothes..please have witchy clothes..please have witchy clothes.." Luz took her hand off her eyes and smiled stomping the ground with her feet quietly. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She took some clothes and put it on as she wrote her name on a name tag and put it on her chest. She then went to wait at the bottom of the stairs for Eda as she squealed with the biggest grin on her face. Eda finally got to the stairs and yawned looking at luz. "Good morning Eda the owl lady! I am ready for my first day of witch apprenticeship!" Eda took spiders out her hair as she took some more out her ear. "Who are you again?" Luz frowned as her name tag fell off. "Huh?.." Eda walked into the kitchen slouching as Luz followed her pointing a finger to herself. "Remember me?...Luz?- A h!" Luz was hit on the head by a floating cup. "We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together?" Eda went into the fridge as Luz stared at her still shocked as she continued. "Yesterday?.."   "Kid,lay off the details...I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet."     "You mean apple....juice?"   "No."   Eda walked over and sat on the table as she drank her apple blood. "Teach me some spells! We do I get a magic staff?! Was I supposed to bring my own runes?" Luz gasped and clung on to Eda. "Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?!" Eda pushed Luz away just a bit as she widened her eyes. "Woah woah woah...slow down kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also your wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen." She pointed to Luz as the girl blew air towards the cone as dirt flew off of it making king laugh. Eda then sipped her drink getting a bit of apple blood on her lips. "But a magic staff Huh? You really want one?"  Luz cupped her cheeks and her eyes lit up. "More than anything.." Eda put her arm putting the other on her hip. "Magic staff come to me!" Commotion could be heard as there was glass breaking,banging against objects no one could quite make out but soon enough the staff could be seen as it smacked Eda right on the head. Hard. "A H! Eeesh.."  The witch spun the staff around and stopped to speak. "It's early...Now witches are awarded their staffs from school,with me as your teacher you'll be taking a different approach." Eda dropped some potions down on the ground in a big sack as she smiled. "You'll have to work for it." Luz slung the bag around her back as they walked off to the door. "I run a few businesses. On weekends I offer rare human treasures that Albert drags over from your side of the realm.."  She picked up a toy sword as she pressed the red button in the middle activating it. 'I shall smite my enemies! Ages six to eleven.' Eda three the sword as she smoke again. "But on most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions." Luz picked up one of these said potions. She looked at the name and read it out loud. "Snake oil."    "No one,wants an unoiled snake! Follow me."  Eda .gestured for Luz to follow her as they went out to a balcony. "Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there. Bonesboro...You'll have to be careful...I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you along with it. You wanted a dangerous magical quest?, Sister you've got one." Luz looked at Eda Saluting. "I won't let you down Ms.Eda!" The sack dropped along with the potions inside as Eda and Luz stared and heard the items hit the hard ground. "I'm sure."
With You❤️
"Okay...Im in a strange new world and I am slightly horrified...#1: gotta find Luz....#2: gotta get out of this creepy witch place...#3: gotta get back to a...normal....life..."  You cringed at the whole getting back to a "Normal life" You actually kinda liked this world...Maybe you were supposed to come here? I mean there's people with no eyes and mouths for faces and big creepy monsters and witches but...It's actually exciting. "Ugh...Wait a minute where's my phone!?" You checked under every nook and cranny but there was no phone. "I'm literally gonna die....oh my god where is it?!" You finally found it sitting on the floor under your bed,how it got there? No one knows but at least you found it. "Okay..You little grinch...now at least I can text my mom..." You bit the inside of your cheek thinking of what to say. You typed and deleted your messages at least 50 times before she sent you a message. 'How's summer camp going for you and Luz? 🥰' You started to sweat a bit but calmed down as you saw she sent another message. 'Did you do anything fun? 💙' You finally started typing again as you smiled proud of your answer. 'Yeah! Me and Luz are having such a great time here! I think this might actually be fun😄' You got up and walked through your "New home" at least it was for now. You had really spiced up the place after choosing to stay in it your first day in this weird magical world. It wasn't much of course but enough so that it was like your old home back in the human realm. "I miss Home...I miss food...and video games...and music..." You had been suffering the last few days because of the food here. It was mostly some really weird stuff and you weren't about to even try that. "Maybe I could find some more of those eggs...they do taste real good." You at least found something you could and would eat here. Your stomach was practically screaming bloody murder at this point so you walked outside to look for some more of those stankin' good eggs. "Hmmm....Maybe some of the...ahem...people...sell it in town?" As You walked you could've sworn there was someone following you but you just ignored it. "Oh there's the roads!- and...creepy...people.." You ran and saw someone selling...those eggs! But wait...you didn't have the currency you needed here! Aww man! "Maybe I could just steal one!" Throwing a rock the person selling the eggs was distracted and followed the noise. "Nailed that shit!" You carefully grabbed one and ran off with it laughing nervously. "THAT LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED!" You yelled at people stared at you confused as they continued on with their day. "I ACTUALLY JUST DID THAT! I ACTUALLY JUST DID THAT!" You stood there squealing a bit but sweating at the same time. "I ACTUALLY JUST DID THAT!-" Before you could finish your sentence a familiar voice spoke as you turned around. " "Where's my quest granting wizard?" You gasped and looked behind you as you her. It was definitely Luz. Same hair.Same voice. Same good witch azura book in hand. Same outfit. Same everything. It was Luz. "L-L-Luz?" You stuttered walking up to her but was cut off by someone jumping on you knocking you to the floor in a humongous and I mean humongous hug. "AH!"
Cliffhanger! Ah? Ah? Ok I'll stop I swear lol. Nah I never stop but in all seriousness sorry if this is a bit fast im just super excited to write more for this book. There will be a part 2 for this chapter since I'm very lazy and to tired rn to finish this so..Lmao. Don't forget your Beautiful/Handsome/Stunning/Gorgeous✨🌈💫

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