🪞🪨🌙~ Through The Looking Glass Ruins ~🌙🪨🪞

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"Willow's tough as nails, I'm sure you'll be feeling better tomorrow." Those were the words. Those dreadful words. Why Luz? Why did you have to jinx it. Recently, Gus had accidentally gotten Willow attacked by some fairies. And, now Gus feels guilty for getting Willow hurt.

Let's just say, Gus was not feeling better the next day. Gus sat in his room on the floor, alone. But, his crystal a ball began to ring. A           pre-recorded message, read by King, Played before Willow appeared on the crystal ball. "Hey Gus, thanks for sending me all those
"Get Well Soon" Illusions. But, uh..." An illusion latched onto Willow's face. "Willow! How are you feeling? Do you have a fever?" The illusion said. "Willow! Do you want me to sing for you?" The second illusions asks. "Is this helping?" The third illusion said.
"Can you take them back?" Willow asks. The message ends as Gus conjures the Illusions up and blows them away. Then, a sudden knock on the door could be heard.  Gus went downstairs and answered the door.  "Gustopher! Gusteban. Augustabeth!" Luz tried different names on Gus to try and woo him. She leans on the doorframe, smiling at Gus. "Any of those working for ya?" She asks.

Gus deadpans, staring at the desperate girl. "You need my library card to visit Y/N, don't you?" Gus says. She chuckles, keeping eye contact with the young witch. "I haven't been doing a good job of hiding that, have I?" Luz asks. Gus silently shakes his head no. "Well I was also hoping to do a little bit of....research! Come on!" Luz pulls On Gus' collar, dragging him out of the house.

"So, Eda's Mom told me I'm not the first human to have lived in bonesborough. If that's true, there might be some info on how they got here in the library!" Luz smacks her fist down onto her hand. "Yeah, okay. Looking through old newspapers is about all I'm good for anyway." Gus says, nonchalantly. Luz raises an eyebrow at him, confused. "Spill it Gustonimo, are you okay?" Luz asks. "I-I've just been thinking, what if it's time for me to explore different types of magic?" Gus says. "I'm all for trying new things, but what's wrong with illusions?"
"Illusions are just so...you know-" A sudden growling escaped from what sounds like a monster. Luz and Gus looked down and saw the monster from the knee! It ran straight for a tiny child but luckily, some other kids stepped in and helped save the boy.
Gus's eyes light up as the two boys and the girl use their magic and work together as a group to take down the monster.
"Stay safe out there!" The girl waves to the son and father. "Wow!,Just wow!" Gus stops them in their tracks. "Plants, Abomination, Construction. You guys took down that slitherbeast like it was nothing!" Gus says. "Nah, it wasn't that easy." The purple haired girl says.
The boy with the tanned skin puts his hand on her shoulder and rocks her back and forth. "Yeah, looked like you had a real hard time out there." He jokes. "You're Glandus students, right? I go to Hexside. Name's Gus." Gus introduces himself. "Nice to meet ya! This is angmar, gavin," Gavin shoots finger guns. "Hey!" He says. "And I'm-"

"BRIAAAAAAAAA!" A boy calls. Mattholomule runs over, panting. "I would've helped but, like, there was this other baby in danger. You probably couldn't see." Mattholomule says. "Mattholomule?" Gus asks. "Augustus?! Back off, twerp. This operation is Glandus kids only!" Matt says, pointing his finger at Gus. "Hey, Matty, it's all cool. Did you get the map?" Bria asks. "Yes! And I only had to endure 35 boogies from my older brother." Mattholomule hands Bria the map. "Nice work!" Bria compliments Matt. "Well uh-  I can see you guys are busy..so I-" Bria reaches out her hand, stopping Gus. "Wait! Have you ever heard of the galderstones?" Bria asks, turning the map around to show Gus. "They're powerful relics. Many witches and demons have sought them." Gavin says. "But they've all returned empty handed, haunted by its guardian. Until us!" Says Angmar. We heard some coven scouts talking about them. But it'll be rough going. You said you were a hexside student right? We could use the extra strength." Bria says. Gus smiles and scratches the back of his head. "That sounds great but..I-I can't. I promised a friend I'd help her with something today." Gus says. Just then, Luz appeared in the middle of them, panting. Everyone gasped as they step back. "Gus, you ran away so fast but, I didn't wanna interrupt, so..." Luz catches her breath, putting a hand on her chest.
"I think you should!" Luz suggests. "Well, he can't. Gus is just an illusionist. He'll only hold us back." Mattholomule says. Bria frowns.
Luz scoffs, putting her arm around Gus's shoulder. "Shows what you know. Gus here is a regular super witch!" Luz says. Gus blushes from the sudden compliment. "Luz!" He exclaims. He and her turn around. "I see what you're doing, and it's really sweet, but I don't actually know any spells besides illusions!" Gus whispers. "No problem." Luz pulls out a bunch of glyphs and hands them to Gus.
"Come on, man. You know I'm all about proving jerks wrong." She winks at Gus, trying to give him some encouragement. "All right. I'm in, where do we find these Galderstones?" He asks. "We're journeying to...."

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