🪐🌟~ Wing It Like Witches ~ 🌟🪐

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Grudgby Season. The time of year when fans go crazy.

Willow was currently handing out plants that looked liked the students' face. "No way! Do me! Do me!" Willow smiled and made the students' face out of a plant. "Welcome to the world little buddy. You're the coolest Willow!" He says. "Aw, shucks." Willow blushes, feeling flattered. "Yeah! Willow rules!" Another student cheers. "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad." Boscha says, walking past Willow with her little crew. "Oh please!" Amity walks over to Boscha, following alongside her. "I used to be like you Boscha. Obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up, when will you?" Amity leaves as the other students waiting near Willow start to giggle.
"Oh this will not fly." Boscha scowls, feeling her anger rise.

Eda flies you and Luz to school. You stare in awe at the cool fireworks and Banner. "Our first grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!" Luz says, throwing her arms up in the air. A ghost throws down his Pom poms and fly's away, feeling offended. "Grudgby season is the best. You know I used to play back in my gory days." Eda smiles, rembering the times when she was young. "Glory days." You corrected. "Meh, that too. I was unstoppable on the field. I had the best moves and...the best cheats." Eda raises her eyebrows, putting her hand under her chin. "Cheating isn't something to brag about. How did you know you were any good of all you did was cheat your way to victory?" Luz says. "Pleh! What do humans know with your goody-goody attitudes. If cheaters never prosper, why was I the star player?" Eda puts her hand on her chest proudly. "Cant argue with the walls. Bye King!" You sit King down on Eda's staff, waving goodbye to the two.

In History class, Everyone was practically asleep. Your eyes were droopy and you couldn't possibly stay awake any longer.
"I can't wait for Grudgby season to start! I've studied up on all sorts of magical sports like this." Luz shows Willow and Gus the good witch
Azura two DVD. "Good witch Azura two, the field of deadly fates. A classic Underdog tale." Luz says. Willow looks at the back of the DVD package. "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbits championship, but will she risk it all by taking a chance on the thorn vault?" Willow reads. You sit up, hearing the name Azura. "Oh! Good witch Azura two! Luz, remember when we watched it at my house?" You say.
"Oh yeah! We stayed up all night after we finished the movie just talking about it." Luz chuckles. "Ooh! A shiny cookie!" Gus almost eats it but You stop him just in time. "No! Not food." You say. "The council headquarters was built and paid for by....anyone? Willow?" The teacher calls on Willow. She stands up. Everyone stares at her, waiting for her to answer. "Uh...the pixie dust taxes?" Willow says.
"Wooo yeah! Go Willow!" The same student from before cheers. The teacher shuts the door. "Impressive miss park!" The teacher says.
"Okay Willow, I see you've gotten a big confidence boost! It seems like literally everyone at hexside has caught Willow fever!" You say.
"Yeah..ever since I've patched things up with Amity I've been feeling more confident." Willow smiles, looking at her hair clip.
"I guess it shows." Willow smiles, looking up at her hair clip. But, a colourful aura surrounds it before it floats over to Boscha's hand.
"Aw, Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute." Boscha says. You narrow your eyes, shooting daggers at Boscha. "Hey. So you think you're cool just because you make lame jokes about Willow?! Get a life!" You say. "Yeah! And I agree, Willow is cute! But give that back!"
Luz adds. She tries to grab the hair clip but Boscha moves her hand away. "It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now. Ever since Grom, she's gone soft." (Cause she's gay) "but don't worry. I'm still here to show you who's boss." Boscha puts the clip in her hair.
Gus sneaks behind her and snatches it, bringing it back to Willow. "Here Willow." Gus places it in Willow's hair. "Oh, the friends wanna get in on this one too Huh?" Boscha frowns, lifting Willow's bag up with magic and pouring out all of the contents. The teacher turns his head, mistaking your complaints for laughter. "Is that laughter?! Hey, Hey! Learnings not supposed to be fun!" The teacher exclaims.
"We're not having any fun! Boscha's picking on us!!" You say. Boscha bats her eyes in an innocent way, smiling. "My apologies sir. I was practicing my aim for grudgby." Boscha picks up her eraser and chucks it at Willow's head. "Boscha! How could you throw things at them?.." The teacher picks up the chalk and draws a circle on his chest. "....When you could throw things at me!" The teacher continues to dance around. "Is this guy stupid?..." You whisper. "Nah, he's just hypnotized by the evil spell Boscha's put on him." Luz whispers back.
You giggle, giving her a gentle nudge. "Aw, thanks.." Boscha takes the gum out of her mouth. "But I already have the perfect targets." Boscha  flicks the gum into Willow's hair. "Don't worry. It's  not like she can follow us around all day, right?" Luz smiles.

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