🌨🍓 ~ The First Day ~ 🍓🌨

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"Im not ready for this Eda..maybe we should go back." Luz said, holding up  a light glyph. "Nah kid, you got this. Just do what we practiced!" Eda assures. "But..what if I mess up? Or..what If I do something wrong? What if I die?!" Luz says. You put your arm around Luz's shoulder. "Luz, calm down. Nobody is dying." You say. "Exactly! I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a rite of passage." Eda puts her finger under her chin, smirking. "Granted, I was a little more skilled. "Eda! Your not exactly helping right now." You say, deadpanning. "Right, right. Sorry, sorry! Now get pumped!" Eda says. "Pumped!" Luz repeats, "Get ready!" Eda smiles as Luz pulls up her hood and holds onto your hand. "Ready!" You say. "Now,go!" Eda pushes you both out. "From the humblest of beginnings. A hero will rise." Luz says in a deep voice, stepping onto the stage with her dark cloak. "We, have traveled from another realm and trained by a powerful witch to master dark and forbidden magic." You say, continuing on Luz's sentence. "I am...Luz Noceda!" Luz says, in a slight accent as she tears off her cloak. "And I'm Y/N L/N!" You smile. "Aheheh...Confetti!" Luz throws confetti around, hoping to impress principal bump. "Right. The human that wants to be a witch. Against my better judgement, I've allowed you to take this exam into hexside. But can you even do magic with all your...human parts." Bump says. "Indeed we can!" You grin, taking out a few pages with glyphs from Luz's Fanny pack. "It's said that human can't do magic. But, we've discovered a lost technique that changes everything. Just watch!" You tap the light glyph first, creating a small ball of light. Then, Luz hits the ice glyph which makes an ice tower. Luz does jazz hands, smiling.
"Spells cast with paper? I've never heard of such a thing. But is it enough to pass the exam?" Bump puts a finger up to his chin, thinking.
"Uh...." Luz starts to get nervous. "Improvise!" Eda whisper/yells from the right stage wing. "Uh...I can do other things...what about...this!" Luz flips her eyelids, making beeping sounds. Bump is definitely not impressed. Luz gets an eyelash in her eye as she stumbles and slips on the melted ice. "Luz! Wait! Hold on I'm-" You try to run over to her but you instead slip and fall off of the stage. "Ow..." you accidentally hit the ice glyph, causing you to be lifted up. You looked Bump right in the eyes, smiling. "We failed...didn't we..?" You say.
"Believe it or not I've seen worse." Bump says as you fall back onto the floor. You let out a sigh of relief. "Welcome Luz and Y/N to hexside, school of magic and demonics." Bump smiles, letting a pamphlet lightly fall onto your head.

You were currently flying to hexside on Eda's staff. You and Luz wore gray uniforms, signifying you had not yet picked a track.
"Mm..we gotta go back. This was a mistake." Luz says, worriedly. "I'm gonna mess things up, and everyone will see and..." Eda interrupts Luz, trying to calm her down. "Right, you gotta calm down. What are you nervous about?  You've been to school before." Eda says.
"That's why I'm nervous! Back at our human school. Me and Y/N always had each other's backs. But, this is gonna be totally different!
I didn't really make a good first impression either....this is a chance to be seen as something other than a screw up." Luz explains.
Eda gives you "The look" and you take it as a sign to take over. "Hey Luz, it's gonna be fine. I think...but even if anything happens, at least we'll be together, right?" You smile, taking hold of her hand. "If you want my advice, punch the first kid you see, to establish dominance."
Eda says. "Awww...Eda...we are not punching a kid on our first day. Nope, not happening." You say. You soon land, and you get your backpacks. "Last chance to back out, and earn a new bad girl coven badge." Eda holds up a quitter badge as you raise an eyebrow. "Quitting, it's like trying. But easier."       "No. Just no Eda. But, thanks for the offer." You laugh, shaking your head as you and Luz start to run off.
"Hold up!" Eda shouts. She twists off her hand and throws it at Luz's head. "Just try not to be too much of a goody Luz shoes. You've got this." Eda says, putting her hand back on. "Thanks, Eda. In fact, I've written a heartfelt sonnet to commemorate this occasion." Luz takes out two sock puppets as Eda fly's away. "Whoops! A gust of wind just got me! See you after school! Byyye!" Eda waves as she leaves.
"Your gonna do great, kid." Luz says, imitating Eda. "Thanks puppet Eda." Luz smiles. You and Luz then walk towards the school, where all the students surround the entrance. Amity walks over, waving to you guys, Her abomination following close behind her.
"Hey Luz, Y/N. Congrats on getting in. And not being in the baby class." Amity jokes. "Thanks Amity! Up top!" Luz says as Amity high fives her hand but her abomination hits Luz in the face, causing the purple goop to spread. "Okay, Luz. Are ya ready?" You smile.
"Yep! Wow, our first day at hexside, A chance to discover our true magical potential! And maybe even meet a hot, yet vulnerable upperclassmen." Luz smirks, saying the last part in a lower voice. You rolled your eyes, amused at Luz's quirky antics.
"Dream on!" King yells, appearing out of Luz's backpack. "Wait, what? King!" Your eyes widen. King smiles as he hoops Luz's nose.
"Why are you in my bag?" Luz asks. "You're a free ride to the best buffet in town! Nyah! The trash cans here are filled with half eaten gold." King says as he hops into the garbage can, pulling out a half eaten donut.  "Okay...but! If anyone asks you. You. Do. Not. Know. Us.
Okay?" You say. "Have a wonderful school day people I don't know!" King says to you and Luz, but, a random student mistakes King for talking to him. "I really needed to hear that." The student says. Okay.....

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