Chapter 2: The Meeting

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I started to run so I wouldn't miss Jack. I turned the corner and I see him standing next to the subway stairs. His sandy brown hair shining in the sun and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes-wait what...where did that come from?

Nevermind. Anyway he turned to me and made a motion with his hands for me to join him. "Sup blondie!" He said with a smirk.

"Hey Jack!" I said smiling.

"You ready to go?"

"Actually I have a better idea. I think we should go to school."


"I don't know I just....have a feeing." He looked a little taken aback. But finally agrees. So we walked down the stairs to the subway and caught the first sub, and we were on our way.


Finally we got off the sub. It was torture. We just HAD to stand between the little kid who likes to climb people and the guys who like to cut their hair right over you.

As Jack and I were rubbing that guys hair off our backs a abnormally tall man bumped into me and then mumbled something into Jack's ear then walked away. I looked at Jack with wide eyes and I guess the look I was giving him was pretty bad because he started to stutter and say that it was nothing and it was no big deal, but I knew something was up. I'll ask him about it later.

I looked down at my watch and cussed 5 minutes till school started. "Jack come on we are going to be late!" And we ran.

Just as we got to the top of the stairs of Yellow Stone Middle School the bell went off. I was about to run in and make up a lame excuse for being late for class but stopped in my tracks. I felt someone....watching me. I spun around and expected to see someone but there was nobody there. I felt so sure that someone was there but I didn't have the time to think about it because Jack pulled me into my first class: English.

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