Chapter 5: Forget the War Im Out

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"It's a- it's a-," I stuttered.

"It's a vampire!" Jack finished.

"Honestly! Would someone please call us by our real names for once?!" Kelly said rolling her eyes obviously annoyed. "It's Empousai!" I got the feeling she went through this a lot. I finally gathered the courage to actually look her over. She had long fangs just like all vampires (oh I'm sorry Empousai) have but instead of normal legs one leg was a goatish leg and the other just looked like metal. I don't even want to know what that things parents looked like. What? The mom was probably a goat and the dad was a robot. I started to laugh on the inside. I was tempted to burst out laughing and I would've if I wasn't in a life or death situation.

"What do you want from us?" I tried to say with confidence, but I'm afraid it came out as more as a whimper.

"Poor little Samantha Jackson I'd hate to kill someone who doesn't even know who she truly is," she purred. Her eyes set on Jack. She started to stalk toward him. "You know Jack I've never really seen it before but you are actually really cute." She reached out and tried to touch his face but he moved away.

"Oh yeah well I'm just happy you and your friend decided to actually look appealing for once in your life." Jack retorted.

Sure this girl was a complete knockout with her honey blond hair and icy blue eyes (at least she was before when she wasn't this monster) but I wasn't going to let her/it touch him.

"Hey! Get away from him!" I yelled as I gave her a little shove. She snarled then turned to Chelsea.

"Watch closely Chelsea I am going to show you the proper way to kill some demigod scum," She snarled. I turned and grabbing Jack and ran. Where to go? Music room? No. Auditorium? No. The science lab! Perfect! I pulled Jack behind the teachers desk and I stared into his big, frightened brown eyes trying to get him to calm down. That's when I sensed Kelly and her companion (student?) enter the room. I peered over the desk and looked around for something I could use for a weapon. How about chemicals? That's my type of weapon. I saw a bright yellow liquid, bluish liquid, and a white powder. I'll just grab them all. While the monsters backs were toward me I did a ninja roll over to the table with the chemicals grabbed each one and slid it across the floor over to Jack who caught them all. He started to poor all of them into a gross looking mixture and stared at the blue with an I-like-blue look in his eyes. I was about to roll back when I stopped short as I heard Kelly whisper in my ear, "There you are."

"Jack!" I screamed. Thank goodness he got the message because he took the mixture and threw it to me. I caught it out of the air and threw it as hard as I could at the monster. It must have done the trick because it started to vaporize into dust. I almost forgot about the 'student' until I heard Jack gasp. I grabbed a chair and chucked it at the creature that was just about to eat my friend and it knocked the monster out cold.

We stood there in shock and in terror not knowing what to do. When I heard a familiar voice come from the door.

"Well I was sent to come help you two but it looks like you've got it from hear." I turned and to my surprise it was the boy from my dream.

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