Chapter 8: New Beginnings

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I looked at Jack in shock. "Am I seeing things or did you just throw that bolder at a monster and totally save my life?" I cried as I threw my arms around him.

"That's the thing I didn't even touch that bolder. I just didn't want you to die and for some reason I did this pushing movement with my arms and the closest bolder went flying."

I looked over at Percy who was trying to think but I could tell that he doesn't really do that a lot. "Well Jack, it was still pretty amazing, but what do we do now." I looked at Percy.

"Now I take you back to Camp Half Blood and that's where all of us get our answers."

"There's just one problem." I said.

"And what's that." Percy questioned.

"I'm kinda scared of heights."

Percy was silent for a while then said, "Well I guess it makes sense, but would you rather stay down here with them." He gestured to the hellhound dust.

"I guess not....but what do you mean it makes sense?" I replied as I reluctantly hopped on the horse behind Percy who looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. Then with Jack holding up the rear.

Don't worry I won't let you fall....To far from the ground.

I stared in horror at Blackjack, but before I could say anything we shot into the air. I instantly shut my eyes tight and I didn't open them till we landed on solid ground.

I jumped off right away and hugged a tree like it was my life source. I glanced at Percy and Jack who were trying hard not to laugh. "Hey!" I started to laugh as they joined in.

Then I stopped and looked around I don't know what I was expecting but wow. It was amazing. Their were 12 different cabins in a U formation, an arena, and a mess hall. This was with out a doubt the best camp I've been to.

"C'mon you two I better introduce you to Chiron." Percy said with a smile as we followed him.

*After meeting Chiron*

So it turns out Chiron is a half human half horse guy also known as a centaur. I remember it from some story I read.

"Hello my children. I know you may have many questions, and we will try to answer most of them. Firstly lets just start with your names."

"Jack McHarty"

"Samantha Jackson" I replied as everyone looked at Percy who had a priceless shocked look on his face.

"I guess we have more to talk about then I thought." Chiron smiled slyly.

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