Chapter 24: Camp-Halfblood

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Everyone suddenly looked uncomfortable for a few seconds, but quickly shook it off.

"What are we going to do?" Jack asked the gods.

"It is obvious that Gaea wants you for her evil advice I to go back to Camp-Halfblood. You know that camp that you snuck out of." Zeus gave us a scowl."and stay safe. Dismissed."

The gods disappeared right before our eyes, so we took that as our cue to go back down to the lobby.

Once in the elevator Annabeth pressed the lobby button. This time the elevator went slower so we sat there is silence listening to the song "Rocks" by Imagine Dragons.

We reached the bottom it seemed late so we didn't expect anyone to be there except maybe Charon. Unfortunately we forgot about a certain boy.

Ding! The doors slid open and there he stood.

"I'm freaking out and now I'm talking to myself." That's when he spotted us. "You guys have got to explain what happened up there! IM FREAKING OUT!"

"What are you talking about?!" Classic dumb blond trick. I could hear Jack cracking up at Kyle.

"I'm not crazy and don't play dumb with me. I know what I saw."

"He can see through the mist." Annabeth whispered. The mist? I feel like they have mentioned that before....

"Well? Start explaining."

"How did you even stay here while we were up there." I said pointing up. "I'm surprised someone didn't kick you out."

"Oh they tried. I hid in a janitors closet for a while till Raphael-"


"Oh he's the janitor. Anyway I sat in there for a while and he walked in on my. I pulled him in so he couldn't tell on me. He's actually not that bad of a guy. An hour or so passed and the security guards found me. I managed to slip passed them but the tasered me a threw me out. Then-"

"I'm pretty sure he's just making it up now." Jack stated. "And we should really get going. Our parents will be worried."

Kyle got mad at this then said,"My parents live in Missouri I kinda ran away. I met this girl named Abby who thinks I'm cute though so at least that's good...."

We all knew what he was trying to do he wanted to stay with one of us but that's going to be a problem...

That's when I got an idea. "I bet my mom won't mind if you stay with us." I said giving him an innocent smile.

Percy gave me a look, and I quickly shoot one back saying trust me.

Percy finally accepted it and let me continue in tricking the kid.

"Are you two brother and sister." Kyle asked looking between me and Percy.

"Yes, now we really must be going my mom doesn't like it when I'm late."
I ran outside with everyone else on my tail and I called a cab big enough to fit all of us in it.

"Shall we?"

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