Chapter 22: My Real Story

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"I thought I got rid of you when I first took you-" Zeus started but I cut him off.

"Well nice to see you too Uncle." I did a mocking bow at him.

"Yep that's her alright. That's for sure a child of Poseidon."

"Hey!" Percy, Poseidon, and I simultaneously said.

I looked at who I guessed was Poseidon. He did look like Percy in a way with his eyes and hair that looked like he took a walk on the beach. He also looked like me too.

He had my easy going smile and the same nose. He was wearing a Bermuda shorts and T-shirt and his famous Trident sitting next to his chair. As I was examining him he was doing the same to me.

I spotted the faintest smile sneak up on his lips. I smiled brightly back at him.

"I'm sorry! But am I missing something here? Is this just me?" said a women with long black hair who was pretty in a way. And by the way Annabeth looked at her I could tell there was something between them and it wasn't in a good way.

"Yeah ummm I kinda stole her when she was a child." Zeus replied.

"WHAT! What have I told you about steal children." Hera responded.

"That it's wrong."

She turned to us. "Now children why have you come."

We told them that we wanted answer about Jack and I and that we want the truth. Several gods looked uncomfortable around us. There was obviously something they weren't telling us.

"We will tell you the truth if you do something for us." Percy and Annabeth groaned. "Fine. What is it?" Percy responded.

"There have been rumors that Gaea is waking." I felt Jack tense when he said Gaea. I grabbed his hand and he relaxed.

"We need to see if this is true. Infiltrate an army see what they know do whatever you need to do to find it out. I don't care how you do it but get it done." We all nodded to each other.


"In that case lets tell your stories shall we."


"You were a mere infant when I took you from your mother. Once I found out that Percy was a son of Poseidon I didn't let it show for I too had Thalia my first born. I decided to let it slide. That's when you were born. As you can imagine I was pretty furious. There was a storm that night. I showed up at your mothers house that 'smelly Gabe' was with Percy." Percy snickered."I wiped his memory of anything that had to do with you. I ripped you out of your mothers arms an that women did not go down without a fight. I took you to a..mortal..orphanage, knocked on the door, and slipped away. They took you in of course and I thought you would be out of my hair. But here you are. Little did I know that you had a necklace around your neck that had your name on it." He rolled his eyes.

"It's kinda weird because...nevermind."

"What's weird?" I asked quizzically.

He signed. "What's weird is that I have 'checked' on you a couple of times and I have seen Percy there talking to you. He was younger at the time maybe 9 or 10 but he was there."

I stared straight ahead. That's why Percy looked familiar to me. I knew I've seen him before. The real question is why hasn't he told me he knew me?

I looked at Percy just like very one else for answers. He looked more confused then all of us did.

"Why-why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"That's the thing I never came to see you." He answered.

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