Chapter 13: Someones Got Some Explaining to do

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"Ok hold up." Percy said making the time out sign with his hands. "You 2 know each other?"

"Percy honey, no not formally. I know her because... well she's my daughter and your sister." Percy and I looked at her dumbfounded.

"How many children do you have!" Paul said with a look that was half smiling and half confusion.

"I'm guessing we are going to have to have a serious family meeting." I retorted.

"I'd say!" Percy said.

So after putting the couch back where it was we all had a seat and Sally Jackson started to explain. "It started right after you were born." She said looking at me. "One child of Poseidon was dangerous enough but 2? Zeus couldn't stand for that. He took you from me. But I would always remember what you'd look like. Your blond wavy hair and cool blue eyes. I knew I'd find you someday." She said smiling at me.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about this?" Percy asked.

"Well Sam was taken from us when she was 3 and Zeus erased your memory of anything that had to do with her. Then he forbade me of saying anything about this to you or he would take you away from me to."

"Why hasn't Poseidon done anything about this!" I demanded.

"He couldn't intervene, but he still looked over you."


"Ever wonder why no monster has found you till now?"

"I was thinking maybe because I've been moving to and from foster home and in different states so much that maybe they couldn't catch up to me?"

"No Poseidon was watching over you." I didn't know what to say.

"Mom did Chiron iris message you?" Percy asked. She nodded. Everyone was silent for some time.

"Well I think we should get back to camp before anyone notices that we are gone and so we don't attract anymore monsters." Sally/mom nodded. We all stood and Ms. Jackson (I still feel uncomfortable calling her mom) tackled us both in a hug. It felt good get a real and sincere hug from someone who actually cared about me. When we broke apart she had tears in her eyes.

"Can you guys please come visit me again? This time you won't have to save me." She said with a smile.

"Yeah." We both replied.

We both waved and walked out the door. As we did Blackjack swooped down and had white powder all over his muzzle. He's been eating donuts.

"Let's get out of here." Percy said smiling at me. "Shall we?" He said with a fake bow with his hands outstretched.

"We shall." I replied giggling as I curtsied.

We hopped on Blackjack and flew back to camp.

Once landing we took Blackjack back to the stables. Then we snuck back to our cabin while the sun started to peek out over the horizon.

I opened the door and crawled into my bed as Percy did the same. We were both totally unaware of a guy sitting on top of Percy's bunk. I screamed. Percy was on his feet in a matter of seconds sword drawn. Then he sighed.

"Dionysus!" He yelled. He had a big round body with a Hawaiian shirt on and was sipping a diet coke.

"Wait you mean the wine dude." I asked Percy. He snickered.

"Why must all of you call me that!" The wine dude screamed.

"It is pretty catchy." I replied.

"Gaw your just like your brother." He said pointing at Percy. "I could barely stand one of him, but now there are 2!" Percy just rolled his eyes.

"Mr. D its early lets just talk about this in the morning."

"But it is morning and I don't enjoy sleeping anyway." I was so annoyed I threw a pillow at him.

"I just wanna sleep!"

"Fine! But I'll be back here right when either of you open your eyes just so I can hull you back to the Big House." He flashed out.

"Finally time to sleep!" That's when someone blew a horn. Percy looked at me.

"That's breakfast." Mr. D flashed back in.

"Ok let's go!" He said it a little to happily like he couldn't wait to get some kids in trouble.

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