Chapter 15: Breakfast Anyone

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I didn't understand why he is so spooked by this Gaea. I mean how bad can she be?

"And she is scaring you so much because?" I asked

"Pfft I'm not scared."

"Your a really bad liar." I replied with a smirk.

"Fine, but I have a good reason!"

"And I'd love to hear it."

"Well I don't really know her story. That's kinda Annabeth's job."

"Uhh so she's the brains and the looks?" I said with a laugh. As I ran off toward the dining area. Percy stayed back still registering my insult, and once he got it he yelled, "Hey!" he then started to chase me.

He was way more in shape then I was because he beat me to the dining area even though I got a head start on him. Hey it's not my fault he runs away from monsters for a living.

When we walked in I looked for Jack. When I spotted him I had to double check that it was him because he didn't look as upbeat and happy as he usually was. He had bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept well and he looked exhausted.

I was about to walk over I see if he was okay, but Percy stopped me. "We have to sit with our cabins at separate tables." He said


"I'm not sure it's just the way things have always been." So reluctantly I sat down at what I guessed was the Poseidon table.

"Wow I just realized I will actually have someone to sit with for once." Percy said with a smile.

"They made you sit here by yourself?!" I asked surprised.

"Pretty much." Just then food appeared I front of us. I wasn't sure if it was my ADHD just zoning me out and I didn't even notice someone bring it over or what. Yet here it is. Pancakes and bacon. My favorite breakfast (if I was ever aloud to eat in the mornings). I was just about to dig in realizing how hungry I was, but everyone started to get up. I looked at Percy confused.

"We have to give an offering to the gods. They like the way burnt food smells." Then he walked over to get in line like what he just told me wasn't weird at all, so I followed.

I heard some kids say "For Apollo" or "For Hermes" and I was guessing they must be their godly parent so when I walked up to the fire I pushed to juiciest piece of bacon and fluffiest pancake in the fire and said, "For Poseidon." Then I walked back to my seat.

After a while of eating the most delicious food I have ever eaten. I decided to ask Percy for advice about Jack. "So about Jack if he wasn't claimed where does he sleep?"

"My guess is with the Hermes cabin." I looked over his shoulder to where Jack was sitting. All the kids seemed to have the same features. Upturned noses and mischievous faces that said better-hold-on-to-your-wallet.

"Do you mean the kids who look like they all want to take my money."

"Yep that's them."

"I'm kinda worried about Jack." Percy smirked when I said that.

"Why does my little sis have a little crush." He said mockingly.

"No," I said my face turning red. "It's just he looks like he hasn't really been sleeping."

"Well most to all demigods have dreams and they become more and more frequent once they find out who they are, so that's probably why he hasn't been sleeping." He replied shoving a biscuit down his throat.

"I guess." I said not totally convinced.

"Hey cheer up the first activity today is sword fighting, and you've got the best sword fighting teacher around!" He said pointing at his chest.

"Oh really who?" I said stupidly. Even though I knew it was him.


"Your the best sword fighter around?" I said bursting into laughter.

"Is that a challenge I smell?"

"No that's just the sweet scent of your failure you must be smelling because boy you wreak of it." He smiled at this.

"Challenge accepted."

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