Chapter 12: First Mission

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I was so pumped. Ive been dreaming about going on a mission/quest since well a couple of hours ago. But I was still excited. I was so excited I didn't even close my eyes! I was screaming on the inside but I didn't care, I still might have held on to Percy like he was my life source.

I didn't take that long to get to Percy's house. Maybe 10-15 minutes long. When we landed it was eerily quite. Sure it was maybe 3 am in the morning, but considering that we saw a monster you think there would at least be a light on. But nothing not even movement.

I glanced at Percy. He came to the same observation I did and his brow furrowed with worry. He started to walk forward and so did I.

Walking up the steps to the house he pulled out his pen, clicked it, and it turned into a sword. Wow. That's cool. I put my dagger out in front of me.

He grabbed the doorknob and twisted it then the door swung open. He flicked the lights on. There in the middle of the room was Percy's mom and stepfather tied to chairs and gagged.

His mom turned to us eyes wide and she seemed to be looking behind us. My mind registered this to late. I felt the coolness of a blade press against my throat. Percy whirled around eyes wide realizing this was a trap.

"Drop your ssssword ssson of Possseidon." The thing hissed at Percy. He touched something on his sword and it shrunk to normal size. "Tie him up." She (sounded like a she) instructed 2 more of her 'people' to do. They were a sight for sore eyes. They seemed to be half snake. I inspected them as they tied up Percy. Percy was trying to resist but was looking at me with worry and finally gave in.

"You too girl." The creature whispered in my ear. That's when a plan formed in my mind.

"Sure thing." I said smiling sweetly. I turned the blade over so it faced the floor and was aimed at her foot. I let it drop. I guess it struck its target because she wailed and the blade was pulled away from my throat. I turned she was holding her foot and hopping around like an idiot. So I did what any sane person would do. I karate kicked her in the chest.

Hey when you move around as much I do you get bullied a lot so I took some karate lessons. She tumbled down the stair with the dagger still in her foot. When she hit the bottom she was a pile of dust. 1 down 2 to go.

I ran over and grabbed the dagger she dropped and Percy's sword/pen. I started over to Percy but blocking my path was the other 2 monsters. "Let's get this over with." I scowled at them. They seemed to take this as a cue to come at me.

The first one was bigger and very clumsy. He tried to slice through me with a long sword, but I rolled through his legs and came up standing with a dagger in his back. He disintegrated on the spot.

I could here the other goons foot steps coming up behind me. I turned an while I did I kicked my leg up hitting right across the face making him fall right on his sword. This was to easy. Percy's pen must of fallen out of my hand I started to walk over to it but froze when I heard a growl behind me.

Another hellhound.

This one was smaller then the first but that didn't lessen my fears. I turned slowly trying not to make any sudden movements. Percy's pen was right by my foot. I flicked it over with my foot in Percy's direction. It hit his thigh. I knew I could defeat this thing with simple karate skills.

For a second nobody moved.

Several things happened at the same time. I drove for my dagger. The hellhound pounced. Percy's bonds broke. I rolled once my fingers wrapped around the dagger and was on my back with the dagger pointing straight in the air. I hellhound was on top of me seconds later.

Unfortunately for the monster it also landed on my dagger. It stabbed through its heart.

I heard hacking sounds from Percy who was whacking at the creature.

"Percy stop its dead just get this thing off of me." He then rolled the body off of me and it disintegrated. Percy was staring at me in awe.

"How did you- what- oh my gods- how even? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

"What just happened was that I kicked some serious monster butt." I yelled holding up my hand for a hi five. When Percy continued to stare at me in shock I decided to hi five myself.

After a moment of Percy still gawking at me. I motioned to his parents. "Um Percy your parents are kinda in need of our help." That shook him out of the daze.

I ran over to untie his mom and Percy ran over to untie his dad.

When we both got the bonds off. I walked over to Percy. Ms. Jackson liked over at us and started to run to give Percy a hug, but what I don't expect was that she hugged me instead.

"I thought I would never see you again!" She said with glee with Percy looking quizzically over at me. I just shrugged.

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