Chapter 9: Weve Got Some Explaining to do

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"Is there something I should know." Chiron asked looking between Percy and me.

"That's the thing," I replied "I mean it's probably not just some coincidence that we just happen to have the same last name. Plus I saw him in one of my dreams." Then I repeated the dream. Chiron was a very good listener. Percy just kinda nodded a lot.

"Well we will find out soon enough who both of your godly parents are at the campfire." Chiron said at last gesturing to Jack and me.

"Hold up." I said making the stop-right-there sign with my hand. "Godly parent?"

"All I heard was blah blah blah campfire. And where there is a campfire there are marshmallows." Jack said while licking his lips.

"Anyway I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything but I've never known my parents I'm just a foster kid, and no matter how hard I tried I could never find them." Chiron looked deep in thought, and I swear I heard him mumble "maybe they didn't want you to find them." but I wasn't sure so I didn't think that much about it.

"I have a mom and dad. You know sense birth." I gave Jack a glare. "Sorry," he said smiling sheepishly.

"I've got to make a call." Chiron replied. And he cantered off.

"Now will you answer my questions!" I said as I looked at Percy. He nodded and Jack and I started firing questions at him one at a time and here's what we found out: The Greek gods from the legends and myths are real and apparently the almighty mount Olympus was actually at the top of the Empire State Building. Go figure. Anyways this camp was basically a camp for all the gods and goddesses children that they had with mortals and they were called demigods. Percy is one of the mostly powerful ones. He is a son of Posideon and could manipulate any liquid basically. Witch was by the way wicked cool. Not only are the gods real but the monsters were too, so the more powerful you are the 'stinkier' you smell. Hence why Percy said that he smelled. He was trying to tell us that the monsters could sense him. And this is just the basics!

That's when a girl who was about 16 years old (3 years older then me) ran up to us and gave Percy a big hug. This girl was pretty. She had curly blond hair (like mine), startling grey eyes, and a great tan. She eyed me cautiously like I was some kind of threat. "So we have new comers?" She asked Percy.

"Yeah this is Sam and that's Jack."

"It's nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand. She grasped it firmly and said, "Nice to meet you to I'm Annabeth."

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