Chapter 27: The New Camper

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When we walked into camp with the son of Aphrodite everyone was at the campfire. Walking up to them all our friends gave us hugs because of how worried they were.

They all insisted that we tell our story to them. After we told them about the gods most campers looked at me with sympathy and they looked at Jack with complete astonishment and almost horror. Next we introduced Kyle and most girls started to swoon over him. I just rolled my eyes.

Finally we wrapped it up with coming upon the almighty potato goddess. Most giggled and laughed at that part.

In the end when we told everyone that Jack was a child of Aphrodite a bunch of Aphrodite kids tackled him with squeals and hugs.

I smiled big at this. Probably the biggest I've smiled in a while. I finally felt like I had a place here and that I was loved.

After the campfire we all drifted off to our own cabins. Once Chiron found out that Jack was a son of Gaea he ended up letting him sleep in the Big House.

Percy and I changed our clothes and got in bed(this time I decided to sleep on the bottom next to Percy's).



"I heard that you where/are a big hero."

"Yeah." He gave a little laugh. "I've had my adventures."

"Anything that I might have heard about."

"Remember that kid who 'feel' from the St. Louis Arc?"

"Yeah I remember hearing about it on the news...." I looked at him. "That was you!"

He nodded. "I know what you are thinking. How did he survive?!" He said this in a girly voice that needs practice by the way. "Well being the son of Poseidon has its perks. When I hit the water I didn't feel anything."

"Wow anything else?"

"Ummm oh! The Battle of Manhattan!"

"What?! I think I would remember a whole freaking battle!"

"That the thing. Morpheus god of sleep knock out all the mortals."

"How did he knock me then?"

"My guess is that because you didn't know your true identity yet so it made you more vulnerable."

I vaguely remembered waking up on the streets with a bunch of other people wondering what exactly happened...

"I remember now! I was on my way back from getting a brand new phone and when I woke up it was gone."
At this he started to laugh his pants off.

"Nothing it's an inside joke. We better go to sleep now. Big day of hunting down armies and such tomorrow." He said rolling over.

"Um Percy."

"Yeah." He said still rolled over.

"I'm afraid of seeing Gaea again in my dreams." At this he rolled over to face me.

"Sammy...all demigods have dreams. Some are much worse in your case, but that just makes you more stronger willed." I smiled at this brother sister bonding moment. "And hey if you do see her tell her Percy says go to Tartarus."

I giggled. "Will do. Night."

"Night." We both rolled over.

The next thing I knew I felt a cloth go over my mouth and the all to familiar coolness of a blade on my throat. I held my breath. I herd Percy grunt.

Just before I felt like I was going to pass out I inhaled sharply. Spots covered my vision and then it turned to black.

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