Chapter 28: Captured

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A bright light was shining in my face. I opened my eyes. I seemed to be strapped/tied to a chair back to back with Percy. We seemed to be alone in a warehouse I think. It looked to be early morning.

"Percy!" I whispered.

"Uhhh huh."

"Wake up!"

"Five more minutes mom."

"Percy! You kelp for brains. Wake! Up!"

"I'm up I'm up and I'm." He looked around. "captured?"

"Seems like it."

"Look on the bright side." Leave it to Percy to be the optimist."at least we don't have to hunt down Gaea's army because it looks like they found us!"

"I don't mean to pop your bubble or anything but we are prisoners of Gaea!"
I shouted.

'Finally you two are awake....' A voice filled the room. 'I heard you were to hunt down one of my army's and find out what they know.'

"How could you know that!" I retorted.

'I have my sources.'

"A spy or spies...that's how they captured us no monster can get through the boundaries. It was someone who was already in the camp."

'Finally there a smart one in your group.'

Percy seemed to consider this. "Hey I'm smart in my own special ways."

"You are special."

"Your not helping!"

'Lets get straight to business. Join my army.'

"Never!" We both said.

'Then suffer the consequences.'

A mountain of dirt rose from the ground. The dirt then shriveled away revealing a beaten and bloody Annabeth and Jack.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled trying to get to him but was held back because he was chained to ground(what am I chopped liver?)

'Oh yes the lovers. Your weakness of course is that you will do anything for the people you love. Fortunately for me you two share the same weakness.'

'Now! Join! Me!'

"Don't do it Sam its a-" a layer of sand covered his mouth not letting him finish his sentence.

I shared a glance with Percy and I knew he was falling for it.

"If we join you how can we ensure the safety of our friends and family."

The was a hesitation in Gaea's voice. 'Just say the word and I will seal it with I swear on the.... you get what I mean. But do we have a deal?'

Percy and I shared one last glance and I looked over and Annabeth and Jack. They were both vigorously shaking there heads no.

Unfortunately I couldn't live with myself if I was the reason they got hurt or worse..... I nodded to Percy.

"We will join your army," Percy spat.

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