Chapter 23: Confusion

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"Ok now I'm majorly confused." I said.

"Yeah I think we all are." Jack stated.

"But if it wasn't Percy who was it?" Annabeth asked.

"I didn't even know I was a demigod then..." Percy said trailing off.

"Yes, yes we are all confused. Now for Jack." Zeus said not even caring about our predicament.

"You, Jack, are no ordinary demigod." Zeus started.

"I think we all already know that. " Jack said. Zeus was seriously beginning to get annoyed with us. Mostly Jack and I because we weren't really showing him the respect he is used to.

"Anyway." He said between clenched teeth. "I have consulted between all the minor gods and goddesses and they say that you are no son of theirs, so there is only one solution. We think that you are a son of Gaea." He stopped waiting for a reaction from Jack.

He stared blankly at him, and he didn't look that surprised. "And that's bad because?" I glanced at Percy and smiled he smiled back, and I knew exactly what he was thinking because he said in my mind that he was proud of us because we figured it out.

"Because Gaea is very...Um how do I put this evil!"

"How exactly IS she evil?" Jack retorted not exactly calmly.

"She is the mother of the Titans and the Giants a race people/monsters that tried to overthrow us. Kronos, a titan, even ate some of us when we were children." Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera made discussed faces looking uncomfortable.

"Does she by any chance appear in dreams as a sleeping lady?" Jack asked.

"Have you seen her in your dreams, child?" Hera asked.

"Yes." Jack said looking down. I know how he felt when I saw her I could barley keep it together, and that was only one time. If Jack has seen her more then I don't know how he keeps it together.

"I have to." I confessed.

"You did?!" the gods exclaimed.


"What did she ask of you?" I'm guessing was Apollo asked.

"She wanted me to join her, or she would hurt everyone I love."

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