Chapter 14: Caught

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We were walked (more like shoved) out of our cabin just as everyone else was filing out. I blushed we probably didn't look so hot either. Considering we got up at 3 am, flew over to save Percy's mom, fought some monsters, and flew back. I guess we had a pretty good reason.

We walked into the big house were Chiron sat in a wheel chair. I looked questionably at Percy. He smirked,"Its enchanted."

"So who wants to start talking first?" Chiron asked turning around to face us. Me and Percy glanced at each other.

So Percy and I switched off telling our own version of the story. Percy made me sound like a ninja even though I protested saying that it was just karate. I tried to make it sound like nothing but Percy would claim that I was just being modest.

Finally we got to the part told us that we were brother and sister. Real brother and sister.

They both stared at us and we stared back. Until Percy said,"Chiron you knew we were brother and sister didn't you?"

"I had my suspicions." he replied.

"So now what?" I asked.

"We will train you to become a great fighter. Then we will go from there. For now it's time for breakfast so wash up. You guys look like you've been through a tornado," Chiron said with a grin.

So we went back to our cabin and got dressed. I slipped on a Camp Half Blood T-shirt (curtesy of the camp half blood store) and some jean shorts. Finally I wove my hair into a side braid.

I walked out of the bathroom just as Percy was slipping on his shirt. Wow those abs though. He smiled at me and I smiled back then we walked out the door.

We were on our way to the dinning area when I decided to tell Percy something that was bothering me. "Percy?"


"So you know how Jack wasn't claimed by a god or goddess at the campfire?"


"Well I was thinking what if he isn't the son of a god or goddess what if he was the son of someone else?"

"Did you have someone in particular in mind?"

"Well is there some kind of god or goddess that has the ability to... I don't know manipulate the earth or ground?"
He stopped in his tracks.

"There is one goddess." His voice deadly serious.

"Who?" I asked not totally sure if I really wanted to know.


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