Chapter 26: Potato who?

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"Uh um." Was my intelligent answer. But fortunately Annabeth saved me from looking stupid. Correction looking more stupid.

"And you are?" She snapped annoyed with running into yet again another god, goddess, or monster.

"Why I'm the goddess of potatoes of course. My names Qupic. My friends call me Ellie." She said with a smile. "If I had any..." She muttered. Jack snickered. "Oh who am I kidding nobody knows who I am...."

She looked at us expecting us to disagree but no one did we just agreed with her. She turned furious. I tried to speak up to try and calm her down not wanting her to hurt Kyle, but she threw a potato at me before I could get a word out. "Silence!"

That's when I lost it. No 'potato goddess' was going to throw a potato at me and get away with it. "Now listen here you couch potato just let us past none of us crushed your potatoes!"

She smirked at this. "Your 'friend' here is literally wearing the evidence!" She looked toward Kyle. He turned and he had bits of potatoes hanging off his clothes. He gave us a weak smile. "I can smell a potato from a mile away."

"Wow your mother must be so proud." I smirked laying the sarcasm thick. "But can we just go!"


"Ok!" Percy said waving his hands in the air. "Who are you to be threatening us? And who wants to be the goddess of potatoes!"

"Funny you should ask. Before I became a goddess all the younger kids sang a song about me that went like this: 'Jingle bells Ellie smells she's a potato when she was born she was fat an lets just leave it at that!' It was kinda catchy so when I was offered immortality I choose to be the goddess of potatoes." She smiled with a proud look on her face like it was her greatest accomplishment. Yeah because when I grow up I want to be the great God of potatoes.

We all shared some looks of boredom and we all agreed to scram. She we all ran. She didn't even notice that we were gone until she stopped reminiscing about the 'glory days' of her childhood.

When she did notice we were gone she didn't seem to care she just sat down and cradled the poor potatoes that Kyle's butt smashed.

"Glad that's over but I don't think I should eat anymore Idaho potatoes for a while." Kyle said laughing to himself.

We all simultaneously gave him a glare. "What?" He asked. Quick as a cobra Annabeth pulled out her dagger and put it to his throat. "Listen here you need to stop following us if you know what's good for you." His eyes grew wide. "Blink twice if you understand." He blinked twice and Annabeth removed the dagger from his throat.

We went our separate ways but no before I heard a shimmer an I turned around. "You've got to be kidding me." I moaned. There floating above his head was a pink dove and that could only mean one thing. Kyle was a son of Aphrodite.

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