Chapter 20: Sea Travels

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We were riding on the backs of the most beautiful creatures with the water spraying our faces. I never felt more alive.

Jack and I were on the back of Rainbow or at least that's what Percy called it. Annabeth and Percy were riding alongside us on the other two.

Percy leaned over and whispered something into the creatures ear. Then it turned slightly and sped forward. That's when I leaned over into Rainbows ear and said, "Follow Percy."

Annabeth's horse/fish must have gotten the message because he followed my lead.

It wasn't long until we were on solid ground again. Once we were off our horse/fish I turned to Percy. "What now?" Percy opened his mouth to answer but Annabeth beat him to it. "Now we go to the Empire State Building and we talk to the gods." Percy frowned. Probably upset he didn't get to tell us, but he shook it off.

"Well I can't call Blackjack if they find out we are missing they will look to Blackjack, but if he's there they won't know how to find us." Percy stated.

"Let's just keep it simple and call a cab." Jack said. We all agreed with him.

Once we were all piled in the back Annabeth said to the cab driver to drive to the Empire State Building and to make it fast.

"That will cost you some money. You got enough." He replied in a thick accent.

"I've got this." Jack said pulling out a thick wad of cash. We all gapped at him.

"Well all right." And we were off.

"Where did you get that cash!" I asked in astonishment.

"When you stay in the Hermes cabin you pick up some things." He said with a smirk. It wasn't long till we got to our destination. Jack handed the cash to the driver saying,"Keep the cash." He looked pretty smug. He's not really been acting like himself lately. I'm kinda worried. The Jack I know would never steal money from someone. This isn't right.

"Hey Sam you coming!" Percy yelled. I realized I was standing there on the side of the road.

"Oh yeah I'm coming." I said halfheartedly running after Percy. All of us walked up the front desk.

"600th floor please." Percy said to the man at the front desk who was reading a magazine. I'm guessing this is Charon.

"There's no such floor kid." He replied still reading his magazine.

"Listen here mister I didn't come all this way just to be told off by you, so you better pull out your magic button or whatever you do and get me and my friends to the gods!" I screamed.

"Okay okay," he said lazily. "Just be quite." So we stepped into the elevator and we were headed to Olympus.

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