Chapter 17: Truth

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I woke up where I guessed was the infirmary. I had bandages wrapped around my head and I had a big headache.

I glanced at a chair that was sitting right next to my bed and Jack was sitting there passed out. Boys are so cute when they sleep. That's when Percy and Annabeth walked in and they were arguing.

"I told you not to hurt her!" Annabeth yelled.

"I didn't! I never touched her head!" Percy retorted. Jack woke up beside me and once he realized where he was and what was going on he cleared his throat. Percy an Annabeth both turned with guilty faces on.

"Hey Sammy uh how ya feeling." Percy asked.

"I've been better." I replied.

"Look I'm soooo-" he started.

"You don't need to apologize. What you did to me didn't hurt me." Percy looked relieved. I took them the vision I saw of the sleeping lady. Everyone looked confused except for Jack. Which I found very out of the ordinary.

He looked almost spooked. I thought back to when we first got here Jack looked like he hasn't been sleeping and I didn't think that was just some mere coincidence.

"So how long was I out?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Almost a day now." Jack replied. "are you sure you are feeling alright?" I looked at him for a second then said, "Jack I'm fine really!" Just to ease his nerves because on the inside I was freaking out.

I decided to sleep in my cabin that night even though everyone insisted that I should sleep in the infirmary. Honestly them wanting me to sleep in there made me not want to.

Unfortunately right when I shut me eyes that's when the dreams came, and these weren't your everyday rainbows and unicorns dreams.

This was a living nightmare.

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