Chapter 21: Olympus

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Or so I thought.

Before the doors closed a kid about my age slipped in. He had dark brown hair and even darker eyes with a perfect smile to complete the look. He wore jeans and a t-shirt with a hoody over it.

The stranger gave me a smile and turned to press a button. 102. The last floor or so I thought.

I turned and gave the others a look that said uh oh.

Before the doors closed the boy turned and said,"Hey. I'm Kyle."

"Hey yourself. I'm Sam." That's when Jack cut in,"And I'm Jack." He gave Kyle a look that clearly said back off. Kyle isn't getting the memo. He shot me a smirk but that smirk soon faded once the elevator doors shut.

We shot up fast as lightning.

Ding! We were obviously not on the 102th floor.

We stepped out of the elevator and Jack and I gapped at what stood in front of us. Kyle looked like he was mostly going to faint.

"Time for you to go!" Percy said pushing Kyle back in the elevator and pressing the lobby button.

"He is going to want some explaining out of us when we get back down there." Annabeth stated.

"Then we will do the dumb blonde act." I said with a smile. "But for now we need to talk to the gods."

Olympus was a dream. There were minor gods and goddesses everywhere along with some satyr. Everything was beautiful.

We walked up the steps and opened the abnormally big doors and there siting in the 12 Olympian seats were the gods.

Dionysus (mr. D)
And Aphrodite.

They were all here.

"YOU!" Zeus (or should I say lord Zeus) boomed. All eyes turned on me.

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